n. 实质性, 物质性, 实体
[经] 重要性
n. relevance requiring careful consideration
n. the quality of being physical; consisting of matter
名词复数: materialities
disclosure materiality [经] 实质上的资料披露
relative materiality [经] 相对重要性
materiality concept 物质概念
Materiality (auditing) 重要性(审计)
principle of materiality 重要性原则
materiality % 重要性%
materiality auditing 重要性审计
materiality auditing standards 重要性审计准则
materiality definition 重要性定义
materiality scrape 擦伤重要性
materiality assessment 重要性评估
And we are living in a material world, and I am a material girl.
我们生活在一个物质社会 我是个物质的女孩
He said original material. I told him original material.
他说了要原创歌曲 我跟他说了是原创歌曲
Other than the material for the trailer, we also shoot some material for tests.
除了制作预告片需要的素材之外 我们还为测试拍了一些素材
So when we begin to speculate about the future of synthetic materials, perhaps it's not too farfetched to think we could create copper, coltan, gold and silver and bring these materials to market for a much lower cost than they are today, which would, invariably reduce the costs of all technological applications which depend on these materials.
所以当我们开始思考 人造材料的未来时 如果说我们可以制造金 银 铜 钽 并以远低于现今市价的价格 引进市场 进而降低 依赖这些材料的科技产品的价格 也许并不是痴人说梦
Nonorganic material has higher kindling and melting points than organic material does.
无机材料相比有机材料 具有更高引火熔点
There's evidence that suggests we process intellectual material in a different part of the brain than emotional material.
有证据表明 我们的大脑处理理性素材 和感性素材的区域不同
Stuck between two floorboards, and what's really sweet is it looks like there's material underneath it, like skin material.
夹在地板缝里 最棒的是 下面好像有东西 好像是皮肤组织
Graphene is so strong that if you take onebyone metre of material and make a hammock out of graphene, it would sustain a cat, a one kilogram cat, lying on this hammock, despite this material being only one atom thick.
石墨烯强度极高 假设你有一平方米的石墨烯 并用它做一个石墨烯吊床 它能够承受住一只一千克的猫 睡在它上面 尽管该材料只有一层原子那么厚
Anyway, we've done some research, and we have settled upon three of the most common bath materials cast iron with ceramic coating, steel with enamel coating, and perhaps the most common of all bathtub materials, simple fiberglass.
因此 我们做了些调查 并选中了三种 最常用的浴缸材质 陶瓷涂层的铸铁 瓷漆涂层钢 以及最常用的浴缸材料 玻璃纤维
I can narrow that down, uh, we tested the shrapnel recovered from the church, and the metals are found in thousands of materials, but if we narrow the search query to reflect materials found in public works, it narrows us down to a few dozen results.
我可以缩小范围 我们检测了弹片 就是之前在教堂拿回来的那个 发现成千上万种材料中都含有这种金属 但把搜索范围限制在用于公共工程材料中 结果数就缩小至几十个了