v.熟练控制[操作]( manipulate的第三人称单数 ); (暗中)控制,操纵,影响; 正骨; 治疗脱臼vt.操纵, 操作, 控制, 利用, (巧妙地)处理, 篡改
v.熟练控制[操作]( manipulate的第三人称单数 );(暗中)控制,操纵,影响;正骨;治疗脱臼
动词 manipulate:
influence or control shrewdly or deviously
同义词:manipulate, pull strings, pull wires
hold something in one's hands and move it
fake or falsify
同义词:fudge, manipulate, fake, falsify, cook, wangle, misrepresent
manipulate in a fraudulent manner
同义词:rig, manipulate
control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage
同义词:manipulate, keep in line, control
treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed
manipulate[ mə'nipjuleit ]v.influence or control shrewdly or deviously"He manipulated public opinion in his favor"
同义词:pull stringspull wires
hold something in one's hands and move itfake or falsify同义词:fudgefakefalsifycookwanglemisrepresent
manipulate in a fraudulent manner同义词:rig
control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage"She manipulates her boss"
同义词:keep in linecontrol
treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposedmanipulates中文词源:
An application or service that manipulates RAID such as Array Manager, FAST, or PERC Console has reserved the controller and must be stopped before running this test.
( 使用 RAID (如 Array Manager, FAST, or PERC 控制台)的应用程序或服务程序 已保留了这个控制器,必须在运行测试前停止该程序的使用。
COBF (C-Obfuscator) is a program which manipulates C or C++ sourcefiles in a way that they aren't readable by human beings;
The ioctl function manipulates the underlying device parameters of special files.
The Set-TransportServer cmdlet manipulates the following groups of parameters
Set-TransportServer cmdlet处理下列参数组
"a guileful tournament organizer who manipulates and dehumanizes athletes" (Jeremiah Tax).
“一个控制着运动员并使其非人化的邪恶的比赛组织者” (加莱迈尔·塔克斯)
a guileful tournament organizer who manipulates and dehumanizes athletes
a guileful tournament organizer who manipulates and dehumanizes athletes (Jeremiah Tax).
一个控制着运动员并使其非人化的邪恶的比赛组织者(加莱迈尔 塔克斯)
4 A party that is entrusted by people manipulates the great machine of government.
5HP: one person manipulates,eight hundred ice cream bars one hour, occupy 6.604m2,for sales department.
For one thing, like many countries, China artificially manipulates the value of its currency.
Manipulates only one expression at a time.
a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists
a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists.
a method of treatment that manipulates body structures in the belief that it restores proper nerve functioning
a method of treatment that manipulates body structures in the belief that it restores proper nerve functioning.
1) “Operator” is any individual who manipulates control of a facility.
God handles the chess player, the chess player manipulates the piece, behind God, where god sets the dust also. Time, the fetters of dreamland and agony.
A business worker represents a role or set of roles in the business. A business worker interacts with other workers and manipulates business entities while participating in business use-case realizations.
Five Poisons is the killer who ultimately manipulates our mind.
Antisocial personality disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by chronic behavior that manipulates, exploits, or violates the rights of others.
This paper, from the perspective of poetics of readership and the translator's, explores how poetics manipulates in Zhou Shoujuan's translation.
Mr Geithner also upset the Chinese government by saying that Mr Obama thinks it manipulates its currency.But he was careful to add that America should not start a trade war over this.
He manipulates people and tries to bend them to his will(= make them do what he wants).
As he lies there, grinning and cursing, he manipulates his fingers in that curious, bored way of his, as though to convey the impression that his disgust is too great for words.
Leaves free destiny which manipulates, waiting love, success, tomorrow enterprise once again leap arrival.
As a simple example, consider that your program manipulates polylines.
You are merely a puppet, while he is the person who manipulates the puppet.
Kohei Nawa manipulates the viewers’ preconceptions of three-dimensional vs. two-dimensional space and objects.
The command procedure prompts the system manager for the necessary flags and manipulates the UAF to add an account.
命令过程提示系统管理员必需的标志并操纵 UAF 添加帐户。
Is different with other teacher, he always lets us mount the platform manipulates the instrument personally.
Affective labor, then, is labor that produces or manipulates affects such as a feeling of ease, well-being, satisfaction, excitement, or passion.
Therefore, in an experiment, this study manipulates metaphor and expression styles, and observes how attitude toward advertising (Aad) and advertising persuasiveness change.
Meanwhile, the extent to which learners perceive the form-meaning mappings in the target language manipulates the developmental phase and the variability in learner language.
In the traditional MVC pattern, the Model contains the data and business logic; the View presents the user interface components; and the Controller handles the user input and manipulates the model.
Imagine a fragment of a compiler that manipulates a symbol table.
In the case presented by entrepreneur Song,Mr. Calier manipulates Mr. Xing' s embarrassment over his son' s failure to attend a Chinese college by getting the boy into a college in London and paying his tuition.
Geographic Information System An information system that stores and manipulates data which is referenced to locations on the earth's surface, such as digital maps and sample locations.
A multivariable control system has been developed which manipulates heat addition and inflow so as to control digestion temperature and effluent substrate concentration.
If an application manipulates a document but only performs a simple, single function, such as scanning an image, it isn't a sovereign application and shouldn't exhibit sovereign behavior.
If you are using a filter that manipulates the Request URI, make sure that your goal is defined so that it reflects the changed Request URI field.
If there is an election to be jobbed, it is S. Behrman who manipulates it.
Where the Fool relied on cunning verbal puns, Wang Qingsong manipulates the visual and performative nature of the camera.
Loudi, in the geographical center of Hunan province, manipulates Louxing district, Lianyuan city, Lengshuijiang city, Xinhua County, Shiwuangfeng County, with total area of 8,117 km2.
It manipulates the environment, and it is able to enforce moral duties on those who are inclined to disregard them.
It is propagandistic and manipulates the reader with purple prose.
It executes the decoys, reads them, writes to them, and copies them: it manipulates them in as many ways as possible in an effort to draw out the virus and make it do its worst.
An operation that manipulates a single bit, or tests whether a bit is on or off.
If a program manipulates a large amount of data, it does so in a small number of ways.
Object stores and manipulates the world transformation of a
Hierarchies are one of the programmer’s most durable tools. Much of the data inside applications, along with much of the code that manipulates it, is in hierarchical form.
The mind resists, fights for control, uses, manipulates, attacks, tries to grasp and possess, and so on.
Liuming grows up beside the Zi River, hence he has one kind of special attachment to “the water”, He manipulates the cyanine freely, with water mark gradually, imparts his paintings vast vitality.
It then burrows into the brain of the carrier and manipulates it for the benefit of the parasite.
Manipulates the soft input panel (SIP) on a Pocket PC.
操作Pocket PC上的软输入面板(SIP)。
Manipulates and queries mesh objects and derived mesh objects.
Manipulates arrays of primitive types.
CDocument supports standard operations such as creating a document, loading it, and saving it. The framework manipulates documents using the interface defined by CDocument.
Thus, various elements beyond languages can exert influences upon translation.As a major aspect of social culture, ideology directly or indirectly manipulates translators and translation.
America's bilateral trade deficit with China does not prove that Beijing manipulates its currency, as many congressmen have argued.
Time manipulates your heart, preconceptions torn apart Begin to doubt my state of mind
This study manipulates metaphor and advertiser credibility in an experiment, and observes Attitude toward the Ad (Aad), Attitude toward the Brand (AB) and recommendation intention.
Desktop video: A system that creates and manipulates video image so as to produce in -house presentations rough drafts of commercial video, or training products.
An analog computer manipulates data by analog means.
It is non-truth that manipulates, deceives, denies, seduces, disrupts, confronts, argues, harasses and ultimately wars.
Since then, the Obama administration has begun and -- after an initial stumble over accusations that Beijing manipulates its currency -- the two countries have tried to improve ties.
FAR FROM BEING a minor freeloader, the Wolbachia parasite is widespread in nature and manipulates the reproduction of a variety of host organisms in diverse ways.
You can then write code that accesses and manipulates data from that queue through this new component.
As the outer ego manipulates within the physical environment, so the inner ego or self organizes and manipulates within inner reality.
the View presents the user interface components;and the Controller handles the user input and manipulates the model.
Symbolic.From an external vantage point, the learner manipulates variables to affect the functioning of some population, system, or set of processes.
a therapist who manipulates the skeleton and muscles.
Entanglement, the state in which two quantum systems in indeterminate states aer linked so that measuring or manipulating one system instantanously manipulates the second.
S. trade law requires the report to identify any country that manipulates its exchange rate for purposes of gaining an advantage in international trade.
Translation, as the most obviously recognizable form of rewriting, rewrites and manipulates works of literature to various ideological and poetological ends in a given society in a given way.
With that in mind, Dumbledore manipulates his old colleague into returning to his previous post with promises of more money, a bigger office and the chance to teach the famous Harry Potter.
Ventriloquism is an act of stagecraft in which a person (a ventriloquist) manipulates his or her voice so that it appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere.
A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.
Remember, manipulating light and temperature manipulates your body's clock and gives it a clear mandate to sleep.
The back-end uses XP-ADL (XML-based Power-architecture Description Language) which can describe broad architectures, and manipulates schedule scope of instructions by profiling information,so the generated code quality is greatly improved.
该后端采用能应用到广泛体系结构的基于XML的功耗体系结构描述语言(XML-based Power-architecture Description Language,XP-ADL),使用profile信息控制指令的调度范围,从而改进生成代码的质量.
AKVIS Coloriage manipulates colors of an image: from colorizing old black and white photos from your family archive to replacing colors in your color photos.
用作及物动词(vt.)A clever politician know how to manipulate public opinion.
He is one of those who manipulate the market.
Do you know how to manipulate a computer ?
She uses her charm to manipulate people.
She uses her charm to manipulate people.
A clever politician knows how to manipulate his public opinion.
With special lenses and prisms we can manipulate this light.
An applications program is designed to manipulate data rather than govern the operation of the computer.
The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's accounts.