adj.(草坪、花园)修剪整齐的n. 修指甲, 修指甲的人 vt. 修指甲, 修剪
动词过去式: manicured | 动词过去分词: manicured | 动词现在分词: manicuring | 动词第三人称单数: manicures |
动词 manicure:
trim carefully and neatly
care for (one's hand) by cutting and shaping the nails, etc.
manicure[ 'mænikjuəd ]n.professional care for the hands and fingernailsv.trim carefully and neatly"manicure fingernails"
care for (one's hand) by cutting and shaping the nails, etc.manicured中文词源:
The last independent MPs vanished from Russia's Duma in December 2007 - after what one western diplomat dubbed a "manicured" election.
for a manicured goatee and a Euro trash ponytail.
The average golfer sees acres of manicured grass and is encouraged to swing without fear.
A massive resort-size swimming pool nests amid boulders and manicured lawns, adjacent to a huge putting green.
He insists that his client shall be shampooed, manicured, massaged, steamed beneath boiling towels, cooled off by electric fans, and, while all this is going on, that he shall have his boots blacked.
His hair was razor cut and arranged as carefully as a movie star's, his face glowed with perfect barbering and his hands were manicured.
他的头发也理得非常讲究,简直像个电影明星; 他的脸闪着刚刚精心刮过的新鲜光芒; 他的手指甲也是刚刚修剪过的。
One of the most eccentric moments in the film occurs when Father Flynn, after admonishing some male students about their dirty fingernails, shows off his long, carefully manicured nails.Mr.
Hello, I want to have my nails manicured.
Manicured nalis, just like the pedicured roll?
A high, neatly manicured hedge. The men's long cloaks flapped around their ankles as.
It is dark, and tranquil, and lit by a single panel wall of glass, barely discernible against a backdrop of manicured ancient garden forms, moss and stone, all floating on watery sound.
A few years back he routinely found bighorn ewes and lambs munching and frolicking on the manicured parkways.
During a day at Versailles,you can sight see its high-ceilinged rooms, imagining yourself as a party guest in the palace, or wander its manicured gardens.
fostered, trimly, neatly, groomed, trimmed, very neat, well-looked-after, well-kept, manicured
A peacock, perhaps competing with the surrounding flora, struts in full regalia amid the roses and manicured hedges of an English garden.
Beside one manicured lawn, there is a neo-gothic church complete with 200ft steeple.
Visitors to Shanghai find free public parks manicured to startling perfection;
在上海浦东新区的国际贸易区和大型酒店服务区,大量现代化的建筑拔地而起,在这里你会觉得 “现代”感十足。
Spend a few days at Berkeley, on the classically manicured slope overlooking San Francisco Bay and the distant Pacific, and soon enough the sound of foreign languages becomes less distinct.
Above ground, scattered across manicured lawns, are about a dozen buildings bristling with antennas and microwave relay systems.
In New York City, no self-respecting woman would be caught dead without perfectly 1)manicured hands.
Perfectly manicured gardens were adorned with plastic swans.
Most people would be mortified by a thought of treading too heavily on their carefully manicured lawns.
She turned slowly. An old, white battered truck sat on her perfectly manicured lawn just behind her. The engine was hot and grumbling.
Her nails were freshly manicured.
"I clean them with a toothbrush when they get dirty and always keep them manicured," she said. Every day she treats them with warm olive oil and nail hardener.
I clean them with a toothbrush when they get dirty andalwayskeep them manicured, she said. Every day she treats themwith warmolive oil and nail hardener.
Built in 1895 by George Washington Vanderbilt, the Biltmore is the largest private residence in the United States and includes more than 75 acres (30 hectares) of manicured gardens.
With buildings squeezed into an infrastructure of manicured gardens, lush lawns, squares, and fountains, Dalian is one of China's most pleasant urban centers.
When I look at the manicured little sausage dogs and chihuahuas and terriers at the end of leashes on the sidewalks of New York and Paris, I feel a slight unease.
I look at her carefully manicured nailsstylish suitthink that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub.
” I lived in a warm, semi-tropical environment and these strange looking things called mushrooms, commonly derided as toadstools, would pop up from freshly manicured lawns.
I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub.
The garden was unlike anything he had ever seen: a little waterfall and stream and small bridge and manicured pebbled paths and rocks and flowers and shrubs.
4.Nails should be kept, clean, well manicured and at a moderate length. Only clear or light nail varnish is permitted.
Manicured to mechanical perfection, the nails polished immaculately, cut short at exactly two millimeters past the tip of the finger.
" Then he gazed out of the window at the manicured lawns of Milanello, edged with distant, snowcapped mountains and sighed: "I shall miss this place.
The architectural design, the magnificent statues, and the manicured gardens are majestic beyond descriptions.
The ones who have it let you know with their brand-new clothes, their expensive appliances, and their manicured lawns.
manicured line
The riverbank where the ferry dropped its ramp was just loose dirt and rocks, and it was obvious that it was constantly being re-built and manicured because of the erosion.
The great Australian back yard is about to be transformed from traditional manicured lawns and rose gardens into sanctuaries for native species.
Eyebrows are usually arched higher than that of straight men, and eyebrow hair is manicured.
4.Most of what constitutes a polished image is in the details: manicured nails, run-free hose, scuff-free shoes, neat hair。
Vows is the place to go for the ones who want to spend less than a manicured arm and a high-heeled ...
" As for other writers, Han flaps a manicured hand: "I don't do this kind of comparison.
The lane was bordered on the left by wild,low-growing brambles,on the right by high,neatly manicured hedge.
The lane was bordered on the left by wild,low-growing brambles,on the right by high,neatly manicured hedge.The men's long cloaks flapped around their ankles as they marched.
After a few days, dieffenbachia actually survived, and, like the original, it is perfectly manicured.
The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high, neatly manicured hedge.The men's long cloaks flapped around their ankles as they marched.
The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high, neatly manicured hedge.
I vividly recall entering their driveway and being overwhelmed by the size of their home, the beauty of the furnishings, the manicured grounds and the pecan orchard.
那画面还能徐徐如生地呈现在我的眼前;当进入他们的私人车道,我被他们房子的规模,那精致美丽的家私, 那修理整齐的草地,那美洲胡桃树果园, 都令我惊叹不已!
用作名词(n.)A manicure is necessary if you'd like to try nail enamel.
Do not manicure nails, pick your teeth, nose, comb hair or chat idly while in the public area.
I want to have a manicure and a pedicure.
This fast drying formula prevents nail polish from fading and cihpping for a longer lasting manicure.
A manicure is necessary if you'd like to try nail enamel.
This fast drying formula prevents nail polish from fading and cihpping for a longer lasting manicure.
Never underestimate a woman with a French manicure and a Harvard law degree.
If too much of the cuticle is cut back during a manicure, the cuticle can be separated from the nail, and infectious agents can get into the exposed area.