n.冷光,发冷光n.发冷光, 冷光,无热光
形容词:luminescent;动词过去式: luminesced | 动词过去分词: luminesced | 动词现在分词: luminescing | 动词第三人称单数: luminesces |
Noun1. light not due to incandescence; occurs at low temperatures
2. light from nonthermal sources
名词 luminescence:
light not due to incandescence; occurs at low temperatures
light from nonthermal sources
luminescence[ ,lju:mi'nesəns ]n.light not due to incandescence; occurs at low temperatureslight from nonthermal sources同义词:glow
Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence.
You see many more stars and objects that are concealed by the earth's luminescence.
The physical properties and the luminescence ( fluorescence and phosphorescence ) of fluorite are discussed in the paper.
论述了萤石的物理性质及其发光性 ( 荧光和磷光 ).
New energy storage luminescence material as an additive , is of broad market prospect in 21 st century.
It also elaborates the different models of porous silicon formation mechanism and luminescence mechanism.
Moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminescence.
The luminescence of Eu 3 + is also observed in TL emission spectrum of CaSO 4: Eu .
同时在CaSO4:Eu的热释 光发光 谱中还观察到了Eu3+的发光.
Color and luminescence of biology is explained of standpoint of Quantum Mechanics.
Luminescence caused by absorption of optical radiation.
The complexes are thermally stable and exhibit luminescence in the solid state.
Meanwhile, luminescence quenching and band narrowing of NX line have been observed under pressure.
同时, 观察到压力下N_ 带发光猝灭及谱带窄化现象.
The luminescence mechanism and luminescence time is also discussed in this paper.
Using this method a human palm ultra weak luminescence photon image is processed.
Finally the model of luminescence decay in this phosphor is proposed according to experimental results.
The night side of the Moon, also, under certain circumstance, shows some luminescence phenomena.
BaF 2 can improved greatly luminescence BaAl _ 12 O _ 19 : Mn phosphor.
One of most efficient Luminescence quenchers is oxygen.
The still sketchy theory of luminescence in solids and liquids cannot be discussed here in detail.
The luminescence is not a patent of the sun, you can give out light too.
发光并非太阳的专利, 你也可以发光.
By using new - fashioned aluminates luminescence material and textile - finish, accumulating luminous fabrics have been developed.
利用新型的铝酸盐系列发光材料,采用纺织品整理方法, 开发了蓄能型夜光织物.
The counts of WBC in peripheral blood of mice exposed to benzene,SOD,GSH Px CAT and WBC phago luminescence were examined 20 days after exposure.
2 0d后 ,对其外周血WBC计数及超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT) ,谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 (GSH Px)及白细胞吞噬发光指标进行检测。
Specific luminescence activity of the labeled antibody is l. SxlO1 cps/mol with an average incorporation ratio of 2.4 mole of DMAE-NHS per mole of antibody.
Ge-SiO_2 nanometer semiconductor particle thin films is applied widely in luminescence, laster, photo-switch, photo-communication etc.
The Super-LumiNova material takes its luminescence from day-light or any artificial source of light.
The luminescence spectra of the doped BGO obtained under Xe lamp excitation with different wavelengths can be explained by an energy transfer process between the Bi~(3+) center rand the doping materials.
XRD and SEM measurements show that the particle size belongs to around 100 nm, and it exhibits strong red luminescence at 612 nm.
XRD和SEM测量表明其颗粒尺寸大约为200 nm,并在612 nm处呈现极强的红光发射。
The absorption spectrum for ZnWO_4~2Oe~(4+) single crystals shows that there is a strong absorption band at 323nm, which improves the effect of luminescence.
ZHOU H, YANG Q J.Ultraweak luminescence in plant seeds of different species.Acta Biochem Biophys Sinica,1996, 12(1):157-160.
[12]周禾,杨起简.不同类型植物种子在萌发期的超弱发光研究.生物物理学报,1996, 12(1):157-160.
SHU Bai-hua,ZHAO Zhi-yao,XU Shun-qing,et al.Study on rapid bloluminescence assay method for datection of bact teria[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,1999,20(1):77-80(in Chinese).
Luminescence process of molecular fluorescence.
A thin white thread appeared over the horizon, in competing luminescence with the bright fingernail clipping of the moon.
However, for safety reasons, the luminescence to the light bulbs.
The full-width at half maximum (FWHM) of the UV luminescence from the ZnO nanowires was found to decrease with better uniformities of wire distribution, alignment, and diameter.
In this paper,the principle and makeup of optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter is described,and a measurement for radiation is carried,some actual problem is discussed.
The pressure field measurement results on the wing surface of airplane model by luminescence pressure sensor (LPS) technique and classic tap technique in high speed wind tunnel are presented.
The concepts of total luminescence spectroscopy (TLS) and spectral fluorescent signature (SFS) technique are introduced.
In this paper,the advantages,structures and luminescence mechanisms of the OLED were introduced,and several parameters to evaluate the OLED were presented.
Based on the quantum confinement_ luminescence center model, t he relation between the inner electric field( IEF) and the photoluminescence( PL) character is calculated.
His flesh had the same sickly luminescence that hers did; a bacterial brightness that was part of Agonistes' handiwork.
The light-storing PP fiber with good luminescence brightness was produced using self-made PP chips.
The rawer the wounds (and there were parts of both their transformed bodies that were designed to never heal) the brighter the luminescence with which they burned.
Takahashi K, Miyahara J. Photostimulated Luminescence (PSL) and Color Center in BaFXEu2+ (X =C1, Br, I ) Phosphor [ J ]. J. Electrochem. Soc:solid-state science and technology, 1985, 132 (6);1429.
Protect the historical and cultural heritage, so that they continue to this modern luminescence, is a symbol of modern civilization.
Pixel: in full picture element; smallest resolved unit of a video image that has specific luminescence and colour.
On the bases of a large number of data obtained from core observatinn, thin section determination,cathodo luminescence, SEM, elec...
The spontaneous luminescence could he measured by means of photon counting and imaging acquisition.
Photoelectronic and photorefractive nonlinear optical crystals, Such as Photorefractive properties, nonlinear optics, Roman spectra and Luminescence spectra.
The transparent glass ceramics with excellent down-conversion and quantum cutting luminescence performances could be used to modify the sun light frequency.
The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electronic microscope (SEM), photoluminescence (PL) and X-ray excited luminescence (XEL) spectra.
Luminescence process of molecular fluorescence phosphorescence.
Western blotting and enhanced chemo- luminescence (ECL) were performed to identify CDK4 protein expression in GES-1 cells treated by bombesin.
Use the optics magnifier and the bland ray of luminescence to observe the skin veins clearly ,it is a useful tools or beautification,tattoo and eyebrow embroidery.
In this paper,it is researched that the surface of up-conversion luminescence was modified with carboxyl groups by surface grafting modification.butanedioic anhydride is used of finishing agent.
The attenuation curves of delayed luminescence under different time intervals are studied and analyzed with ultra-weak bioluminescence technique.
The electroluminescence (EL) device with BL-Z as luminescence layer is made, and the red light is observed.
The luminescence decreases with hours but it is restored as soon as the watch is exposed to bright light.
Luminescence analysis is the abbreviation of molecular spectrum, including molecular fluorescence, phosphorescence and chemiluminescence analysis(including bioluminescence).
Luminescence analysis is the abbreviation of molecular spectrum, including molecuar fluorecence phosphorescence and chemliluminescence analysis (including bioluminescence).
The luminescence is not a patent of the sun, you can give out light too.
The thing of luminescence all is not a gold.
The thing of luminescence is not sure all gold.
Luminescence is caused by chemical, biochemical, or crystallographic changes, the motions of subatomic particles, or radiation-induced excitation of an atomic system.
Capable of, suitable for, or exhibiting luminescence.
Carmelle : I have heard something else about a special luminescence coming from the sky that we should not expose ourselves to because it might be disruptive.
Under the excitation of high-energy electron the porous materials of CdTe and CdSe QDs will emit photons that can be collected to form a cathode luminescence (CL) image.
The luminescence of Eu3 + is also observed in TL emission spectrum of CaSO4:Eu.
同时在CaSO4:Eu 的热释光发光谱中还观察到了Eu3+的发光。
The applications in luminescence,superconduct,chinaware,catalyst,magnetism and electrochemistry were also introduced.
Also live the life, why do some people in there, life is not as dismal luminescence of the moon, fragile as gossamer in the autumn wind, the depression of the faint sound like a sigh?
Electrodynamic_Explanation_of_Ball_Lightning Ball lightning is considered as self-closed alternating displacement current, which produces air luminescence (electroluminescence).
Progress of studies on various multi-color long afterglow luminescence materials was reviewed in this paper.
The watch should therefore be exposed to bright light in order to ensure the luminescence of the dial and hands in the dark, i. E. During the night.
This paper concentrates on research methods and achievements as well as the future of the transition-metal sensitized luminescence of rare-earth compounds.
Solid surface luminescence is a sensitive analytical technique which is very useful for the analysis of trace poisonous organic pollutants in environmental samples.
Blue shift appears on the absorb edgea in the absorption spectrum and also on the exciton band edge emission peaks in the luminescence spectrum.
The still sketchy theory of luminescence in solids and liquids cannot be discussed here in detail.
With good light collection, about 30% of the luminescence quanta may reach the photocathode.
Determination of the luminescence intensity space distribution from a plastic film scintillator is useful for finding optimal position to install a PMT(photo multiplier tube).
It makes face brim with the touch of pearlescent luminescence and brings out a glowing, shimmering expression.
It was suggested not to expose ourselves to a kind of unusual lighting or luminescence.
The luminescence intensity is 6.11x10 cps/mol,which is affected by the composition of trigger and surfactant.
For luminescence counting, order the manual syringe lid and Microliter TM syringe.
The luminescence and form of blend nanofibers were characterized.
Zn2SiO4 has been identified as a very suitable host matrix for many rare earth and transition metal dopant ions for the efficient luminescence.
Little me gently in the night was ablaze with lights, and my finger in the light of faint luminescence rhythm.
The superweak Luminescence of differennt plant (wheat、adzuki bean、mung bean and kentucky bluegrass) during germination have been measured.
The photodiode with the red filter measures the oxygen-dependent? red? light? generated? on? the? luminophor? through? luminescence? (fluorescence) caused after exitation by the blue light.
Employed the low melt point B-Si glass as the matrix, doped the luminescence materials, and prepared the long afterglow luminescence glass.
Using this method a human palm ultraweak luminescence photon image is processed.
LED is a special kind of diodes, learned people certain current, it will be transparent shell of luminescence.
引导是一个特别类型的两极管, 有学问的人特定的涌流, 它意志是透明的贝壳无热光。
Research Progress of Excitonic Luminescence in Zinc Oxide[J].
引用该论文 Tan Tianya,Chen Junjie,Jiang Xue.
Upconvcrsion Luminescence from Er3+Doped ZnS Pumped by a 960 nm Laser Diode[J].
引用该论文 侯延冰,陈晓波,张光寅,徐叙瑢,华玉林,娄志东.
Linear luminescence for thin plastic scintillator under intense soft X-ray irradiation[J].
引用该论文 宁家敏,蒋世伦,徐荣昆,郭存.
Progress and Study on Rare Earth Ions Doped Oxyfluoride Glass Ceramics for Upconversion Luminescence[J].
引用该论文 张军杰,段忠超,何冬兵,戴世勋,胡丽丽.
The Luminescence and Energy Transfer of NPB Doped by 5[J].
引用该论文 张步新,赵伟明,朱文清,蒋雪茵,张志林,许少鸿.
Three-Dimensional Display Based on Upconversion Luminescence[J].
引用该论文 曾伟,周时凤,徐时清,邱建荣.
Green Luminescence Analysis of Ytterbium-doped Double-clad Silica Fiber[J].
引用该论文 杨玲珍,董淑福,郑瑶雷,王屹山,陈国夫.
Effects of Excitation and Bleaching of Ultraviolet During Photostimulated Luminescence of Eu2+: BaFCl Phosphors[J].
引用该论文 王永生,熊光楠,徐叙瑢,张光寅.
Research on Delayed Luminescence of Excoecaria Cochinchinnensis Leaves[J].
引用该论文 王维江,邢达,谭石慈,韩俊英.
Highly Sensitive Electrochmical Luminescence Determination of thiamine.
张成孝, 周国俊, 章竹君相泽益男.
The longer transportation distance of the fluvial deposits facilitates the bleaching and increases the reliability of the luminescence dating method, especially for the young material.
用作名词(n.)The moonlight gave everything a strange luminescence.