a. 原尺寸的
s being of the same size as an original
What am I going to do with a lifesize portrait of a bishop
Felix de Weldon soon made a lifesize copy of the statue.
A figure made of wax, especially a lifesize wax effigy of a famous person.
While we're at it, let's find ourselves a lifesized queen.
首先 让我们来找一位真人大小的女王
And there in the window is a lifesize cardboard cutout of you.
看到在橱窗里 摆着你的等高纸板人像
There is a lifesize firefighter calling your name out on the steps of the courthouse.
外面有个真人大小的消防员 在法院台阶上喊你的名字
One time she spent a significant amount of my college fund on a lifesized ceramic geisha.
有一次她花了我大学基金里的一大笔钱 买了一个真人大小的艺伎玩偶
It's a menacing sight, this grey, ghostly remnant of an army, rows and rows of lifesized terracotta soldiers.
这场景气势汹汹 这灰色鬼魅的军队遗迹 一排排真人大小的兵马俑
Ghosts are real, and they can possess things uh, people, toys, chainsaws, and, apparently, lifesize figurines.
鬼是真的 它们可以附身一些东西 人 玩具 链锯 看来还有真人大小的人偶
The body slammed the beholder with great, meaty, muscular lifesize or larger figures, all deployed by artists who rewrote the rules about decorum or threw them away altogether.
这些真人大小或者更大的健硕人体 冲击着旁观者 它们都是由那些重新定义 甚至直接抛开"得体"二字的艺术家们创作的