kylix是什么意思   kylix怎么读

英式:['kaɪlɪks]    美式:['kaɪlɪks]


n. 基里克斯陶杯(古希腊的一种有双把手的浅酒杯)


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1. a shallow drinking cup with two handles; used in ancient Greece

名词 kylix:

a shallow drinking cup with two handles; used in ancient Greece


kylix[ 'kailiks ]n.a shallow drinking cup with two handles; used in ancient Greece





BTVisualFTP is a visual FTP client component for Borland Delphi (tm) and Kylix (tm) which can be used to create applications with an embedded FTP client window.

(译):BTVisualFTP是一个视觉FTP客户端组件对Borland德尔福( TM )和Kylix (商标) ,它可以用来建立一个嵌入式应用程序FTP客户端窗口。

PGPBlackbox VCL Edition is a comprehensive collection of managed components that add PGP support to your Delphi / Kylix applications.

pgpblackbox的VCL版是一个全面收集管理组件添加PGP的支持,您的德尔福/ Kylix的申请。

SSHBlackbox VCL Edition is a comprehensive collection of native components that add client-side and server-side support for SSH (Secure Shell) to your Delphi / C++Builder / Kylix applications.

sshblackbox的VCL版是一个全面收集本土组件添加客户端和服务器端的支持SSH的(安全壳)到您的德尔福/ C + + Builder中/ Kylix的申请。

Note that you can download the trial edition of Kylix 3 Enterprise from the.

下载Kylix 3 Enterprise的试用版。

Trial version of ODAC is completely functional, but it runs only with Delphi, C++ Builder or Kylix IDE and has trial period limited by two months.


But you should get this name if everything was set up correctly and the connection to the Kylix 3 Web service on Linux can be made.

但是,如果一切都已正确设置,并且可以建立到Linux上Kylix 3 Web服务的连接,那么应该使用该名称。

So far, the client applications have been using the Kylix 3 Web App Debugger version of the SOAP Web service executable on the Linux machine.

到目前为止,客户机应用程序一直是使用Linux机器上SOAP Web服务executable的Kylix 3 Web App Debugger版本。

When you add this dialog to your Kylix application, you can use it by calling the


A graphic tool based on MySQL database system and Kylix graphic tool is introduced. Using this tool, audit information in log files can be scanned quickly and graphic statistic of the result is presented.


As it has for many other programmers, Delphi (and its Linux twin, Kylix) has been my primary interest throughout these years;


Photo Gallery: Underwater Wrecks A gold chalice is flanked by an amphora (left) and a two-handled cup called a kylix (right) amid the wreckage of an ancient merchant vessel in the Mediterranean Sea.

意译:水下沉船残骸图片。一个黄金圣餐杯和旁边是双耳瓶(左)和两个把手杯称为Kylix的 (右)在一个古老的商船残骸在地中海。

A gold chalice is flanked by an amphora (left) and a two-handled cup called a kylix (right) amid the wreckage of an ancient merchant vessel in the Mediterranean Sea.


The ZeosLib is a set of database components for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, MS SQL, Sybase, Oracle and SQLite for Delphi, FreePascal/Lazarus, Kylix and C++ Builder.


VCL edition of PGPBlackbox can be used with Delphi 4-7 and 2005, C++Builder 4-6 and Kylix 2-3.

的VCL版pgpblackbox可用于与Delphi 4月7日和2005年, C + + Builder的4月6日和2月3日Kylix的。

Kylix Libs Packaging - Applications developed with Kylix usually depend on some Kylix libraries. This project aims to create packages of these libraries for different distributions.


This is VCL edition, which can be used with Delphi 4-7 and 2005, C++Builder 4-6 and Kylix 2-3.

这是的VCL版,可用于与Delphi 4月7日和2005年, C + + Builder的4月6日和2月3日Kylix的。