adj.无变化的,不变的adj.不变的 n.不变量
名词: invariance |
Adjective1. unaffected by a designated operation or transformation
2. persistent in occurrence and unvarying in nature;
"maintained a constant temperature"
"a constant beat"
"principles of unvarying validity"
"a steady breeze"
名词 invariant:
a feature (quantity or property or function) that remains unchanged when a particular transformation is applied to it
形容词 invariant:
unaffected by a designated operation or transformation
persistent in occurrence and unvarying in nature
同义词:changeless, constant, unvarying
invariant[ in'vεəriənt ]n.a feature (quantity or property or function) that remains unchanged when a particular transformation is applied to itadj.unaffected by a designated operation or transformationpersistent in occurrence and unvarying in nature同义词:changelessconstantunvarying
Tracing an invariant optimization point can often alert us to a clean pocket of predictability.
A new rotation invariant matching algorithm which is against illumination variation is proposed.
Experiments show that matching algorithm based on moments invariant is very stable with high accurate rate.
The first invariant of strain is independent of the coordinate system being used.
The laws of physics are invariant under rotations in space about any axis through some origin.
For a system, Hamiltonian is invariant under any translation of spatial coordinates.
对于一体系, 哈密算符在任何空间坐标变换下是不变的.
Method for invariant feature extraction based on shape boundaries are proposed.
This optimization removes invariant subexpressions from the body of a loop.
Such values are read only and invariant.
In other words, The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations.
换言之, 矩阵的厄密性在幺正变换下保持不变.
Then an improved method, namely translation invariant de noising was proposed.
在此基础上,探讨了对传统的阈值方法的改进, 即平移不变小波变换去噪法.
Mylifestyle is, as a first approximation, invariant to my income.
我的生活方式,如前所述, 不会受到收入的影响.
A new measure named invariant linear moment for image matching is introduced andin this paper.
The exist of invariant measure in coupling space of random environments is studied in this paper.
Document preconditions, post conditions , and invariant conditions.
对前置 、 后置 、 不变条件进行文档注释.
This paper is concerned with an analytic invariant curves mapping of the iterative functional equation.
Invariant corner detection is a most important preprocessing step for image shape classification and recognition.
An invariant energy function under the linear variation of scales was obtained by normalizing the parameters.
Converts the value a type of this converter, using the invariant culture.
Then , translation invariant wavelet is introduced to suppress pseudogibbs phenomena at discontinuous points of the signal.
The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License.
"不可变章节"(Invariant Sections)是指定的标题的次要章节,这个标题在文档以本许可证发布的声明中被声明为不可变章节。
The advantage of UTC is that it is universal and invariant; it is not subject to local time zones or daylight saving time (DST).
An invariant quantity, function, configuration, or system.
An algorithm for segmentation of cast shadows was proposed with improved accuracy, combining region with illumination invariant.
In this paper,we prove that if H is a cocomutative finite dimensional weak Hopf alegbra and A is a commutative H-module algebra,A is integral over its invariant AH.
Jiuzhaigou has 108 "haizi" of varying sizes and shapes, but of invariant limpidity to the bottom of the lakes.
An invariant stalk region tethers the VLRs to the cell surface by means of a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol anchor.
Analyses are done to demonstrate the effect of the third invariant of the rates (with respect to a generalized time) of strains on the ductile damage caused by voiding.
The technique of affine invariability is to make the figures,some property invariant after all kinds of affine transformations.
The charaters after affine transformation can also be recognized by a dyadic wavelet affine invariant function.
But diffeomorphism invariant theory leaves some problems to be explained, and the meanings of spacetime and physical theory are still in question.
But these transform not rotationally invariant, so for inclines the identification of the characters will have greater deviation.
Uses the invariant culture information to determine when two characters differ only in capitalization.
Use the invariant culture to store data in a file or memory, or to transmit the data over a communication link.
For example of shape characteristic, we chose eccentricity, compactness, shape invariant quadrature, andFourier descriptors to combine characteristic vector, and carry on the experiment and make better result.
The speed of light is an invariant constant.
Title: Optimal characteristics of a canonical correlation variable under unitarily invariant norm.
Other generalized theories have well-known physical inconsistencies, such as the inability to have unique and invariant numerical predictions.
Optimal characteristics of a canonical correlation variable under unitarily invariant norm.
As the Zernike magnitude moments of a normalized image are RST invariant,the watermark image is embedded into the local area of the original image after reconstruction.
Fractal and wavelet process inherently multiple-scale property and scale invariant that can be competent for roughness features in textural representation of texture image.
This paper analyses the influence of scale factor on moment invariant features in discrete,constructs a new moment invariant with both scale,translation and rotating invariance.
Polikar R,Udpa L,Udpa S S,Taylor T.Frequency invariant classification of ultrasonic weld inspection signals[J].IEEE Trans Ultrasonic,Ferroelect Freq Contr,1998,45(3):614-625.
The algorithm makes uses of the invariant before and after JPEG compression, which the watermark is semi-fragilely embedded in DCT domain and the key is steadily bided in the carrier simultaneously.
In this paper,using KAM theory,we obtain the boundedness of solutions as well as the existence of many invariant tori for jumping nonlinear oscilltions.
An algorithm for a rotation invariant scene matching method based on isotropy of circular and projection feature is proposed.
The solvability conditions of the LQ inverse problem for the multivariable linear time invariant system is studied iwth the polynomial matrix method.
Some problems of quantum mechanics can be solved easily by means of the invariant of differential equation.
It is proved that nonwandering operators keep their property of nonwandering on this small neighborhood by the methods of matrices and invariant set.
A parameter specifies whether the comparison uses the current or invariant culture, honors or ignores case, and uses word or ordinal sort rules.
The cheapest way to get one is to invoke the spectral theorem and to conclude that normal operators always have non-trivial invariant subspaces.
One could consider invariant properties of figures under each of the above types of transformation.
The invariant parts could be moved into a separate table to save space.
Landsberg P T. Is the temperature of a moving body invari cant [J] . Nature, 1966,212:571.
The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy.
Identical in all directions;invariant with respect to direction.
Identical in all directions; invariant with respect to direction.
Some sufficient condition to guarantee the existence of global invariant manifolds consisting zero homotopic closed orbits is gived.
Since scalars are independent of the coordinate system, the dot product of two vectors is called a scalar invariant.
Under the assumption that weak interactions being CPT invariant, we studied the possible CP violation of neutral D meson, suggest that D_L~o, D_s~o may exist.
In addition, a novel attribute, the number of ridges between minutiae and the fiducial point, is introduced and it is invariant to transition, rotation and nonlinear distortion.
Then an improved method, namely translation invariant de noising was proposed.
在此基础上 ,探讨了对传统的阈值方法的改进 ,即平移不变小波变换去噪法。
In anomalous dispersive fiber, fundamental soliton pules have the desirable property i.e. their shape and pulse width are invariant during propagation along the fiber.
Between these two extremes there are the questions for which the answers are invariant under change of dimension, but the techniques are not.
Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.
A new GM(1,1) model is given based on response invariant method.
Based on the general solution of a kind of linear tensorial equations, the invariant representation of the spin of a symmetric tensor is obtained.
Although quantization-based watermarking schemes achieve the channel capacity in terms of additive noise attacks, these schemes are not robust against linear time invariant filtering attacks.
The column ID of a base table should be invariant under views.
If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.
If you require a sort operation that is not specific to a particular culture, specify the invariant culture or use an ordinal sort.
If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant.
If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.
To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
The tentative idea I have is that there are some nodes in time which is fixed by some sort of Mathematic invariant, which is unchangable whatsover.
It looks for properties on the given object and attempts to load their values out of the invariant cultures resource bundle.
The main result isTheorem 4.2 C(ML) = D-(c-1)(n-b1(ML)) (Mc*L ) is a topological invariant of ML, where n is thenumber of components of L, b1 (ML ) is the first Betti number of ML, c*L is the link consisting of c parallel copies of L.
定理4.2 是ML的拓扑不变量,其中n是L的分支数,b_1(M_L)是M_L的一阶Betti数,c~*L是L的c股平行拷贝。
In the experiment, the color, texture and shape features were extracted as sublayer vision features and described with color moments, intergrowth matrix moment statistics, invariant moments.
Various experiments show that the 2 level content representation, i.e. PICM and RICM, and its invariant moments have excellent performance in ICP, and this method meets the fundamental criterion well.
实验结果表明 ,由于该两级内容表征方法及其矩特征的良好性能 ,算法对图像的非内容级图像操作(特别是仿射变换 )具有很强的鲁棒性 ,且能够敏感的检测出对所保护图像的内容篡改
Experimental results prove that extracted features using phase congruency is invariant to image illuminance (or contrast) and noise.
In this paper, based on the invariant subspace theory and adjoint operator concept of linear operator, a new matrix representation method is proposed to calculate the normal forms of n order general nonlinear dynamic systems.
对于 n阶一般的非线性动力系统 ,根据线性算子的不变子空间理论和共轭算子概念 ,提出一种计算其规范形的新的矩阵表示方法。
For a system, Hamiltonian is invariant under any translation of spatial coordinates.
Previous advice to use the invariant culture in a comparison operation that is used to make a security decision has been superseded.
If reciprocity and symmetry exist for passive two port networks of linear time invariant under zero intial condition,the circuit parameters will have some important characters.
The paper contributes to developing non-recursive algorithm using formal method and new strategy of developing loop invariant.
Shadow detection was performed in every block based on the illumination invariant between the shadow region and the corresponding background region.
Document preconditions, postconditions, and invariant conditions.
A support hyperplane method is presented to find the response set defined for a linear time invariant vibration system under the excitations modeled by some convex sets.
Object that performs a case-insensitive string comparison using the word comparison rules of the invariant culture.
Object that performs a case-sensitive string comparison using the word comparison rules of the invariant culture.
Besides having the invariant to the translation,scaling and rotation,the wavelet moment has the multiresolution properties so it is suitable for classing the very similar objects.
The local invariant features have been widely used in the Digital Right Management (DRM) applications and in the image recognition applications.
Local difference transform is invariant against any monotonic transformation of the gray scale.
Histogram of LDP operators is used as gray scale, translation and rotation invariant features for texture classification.
Your application specifies the invariant culture by name using an empty string (") or by its language identifier.
When $V(x)equiv m>0$, Poschel proved that for arbitrarily given positive integer $n$, there are a family of $n$-dimensional elliptic invariant tori.
当$V(x)equiv m>0$时,Poschel证明了对于任意给定正整数$n$,方程存在一族$n$维椭圆不变环。
It is proved the existence of local limit cycle when there exists critical points in every invariant cylinder.
When the radius of the beam waist is twice bigger than that of the pupil, the image quality is almost invariant.
After 4 weeeks in MI model group Bcl-2 mRNA expression were lower, fosinopril enhanced its expression,Bax,P53 mRNA expression were invariant,fosinopril had no effects,Fas mRNA expression were higher, fosinopril inhibited its expression.
And since to establish the invariant you often have to acquire resources, you have the destructor to pull down the operating environment and release any resources required.
用作形容词(adj.)Such values are read only and invariant.
The speed of light is an invariant constant.
The first invariant of strain is independent of the coordinate system being used.