interdisciplinary是什么意思   interdisciplinary怎么读

英式:[ˌɪntə(:)ˈdɪsɪplɪnərɪ]    美式:[ˌɪntə(:)ˈdɪsɪplɪnərɪ]



adj.各学科间的; 跨学科
adj. 各学科间的, 跨学科的




1. drawing from or characterized by participation of two or more fields of study;

"interdisciplinary studies"

"an interdisciplinary conference"

形容词 interdisciplinary:

drawing from or characterized by participation of two or more fields of studyinterdisciplinaryadj.drawing from or characterized by participation of two or more fields of study

"interdisciplinary studies"; "an interdisciplinary conference"


interdisciplinary 各学科间的 inter-,在内,在中间,相互,discipline,学科。


interdisciplinary research


an interdisciplinary approach


...interdisciplinary courses combining psychology, philosophy and linguistics.


The research direction of Haijun Zhou Group is statistical physics and its interdisciplinary applications.


To introduce ESP into the education for English majors is a promising interdisciplinary education attempt.


Business English major and vocational school has a professional characteristic of the interdisciplinary compounding type.


Recently implicit learning and explicit learning an interdisciplinary research focus for applied linguistics and psycholinguistics abroad.


What about the outcomes for students in interdisciplinary programs?

对于那些参与跨学门研究计划的学生,结果又是如何 呢 ?

Interdisciplinary working project work to inform oneself , exert influence and optimize internal processes and procedure.

协调各个部门的工作, 尽量使公司的内部工作实现最优化.

This dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of literature and performing art.


Inverse problem of partial differential equation is an interdisciplinary and frontier science.


ICM , the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling, is a part of MCM.

交叉学科建模竞赛, 是mcm的一个组成部分.

We encourage interdisciplinary groups of students toto develop novel analysis methodologies to examine recent data.


The interdisciplinary raise is an American University journalistic education important characteristic.


Otherwise, ICAI is a interdisciplinary subject, involving many branches of computer and education.

同时,ICAI又是一个综合交叉学科, 涉及了计算机、教育两大学科的许多分支领域.

This is an interdisciplinary Master's program participated by five departments.


Organic geochemistry of biomarker is a new developing interdisciplinary branch in geological science since 1970's.


This is a tough crew capable of fulfilling interdisciplinary tasks under complicated geological conditions.


Quantum communication is a rising interdisciplinary field which combines classical communication and quantum mechanics.


A relatively new field, environmental science is highly interdisciplinary, integrating natural of the world around us.

一个相对新的领域, 环境的科学高度地跨学科, 整合世界的肉色在我们周围.

Applied Parallel Computing is an advanced interdisciplinary introduction to modern scientific computing on parallel supercomputers.


Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems.


Indeed , this journal aspires to contribute to the interdisciplinary study of communication.


The aim of higher vocational and technical education is to cultivate interdisciplinary talents with applicable abilities.


The economics, history and political science departments organized an interdisciplinary seminar on Southeast Asia.

经济, 历史及政治三个系共同举办了一个东南亚讲演会.


Finally, I will interdisciplinary study.

最后, 我想谈谈跨学科研究的问题.

As different disciplines are more closely related than ever, interdisciplinary subjects have drawn people's attention.

在各种科学互相渗透的今天, 交叉学科被人们所重视.

The author tries to do interdisciplinary research combining study of IPE with study of talent.


We will seed this initiative with resources for new interdisciplinary faculty positions.



The three mechanisms, BHC, BMR and MPB, are interdisciplinary researches which combine the areas of property management, medicine and public hygiene.


Elevation Workshop (ELEV) is an interdisciplinary Architecture and Design Firm.


Yan led an interdisciplinary ASU team to develop a way to use structural DNA nanotechnology to target the chemical messengers of genes, called RNA.


LSRI promotes collaborative and interdisciplinary activities that draw upon a wide range of knowledge and expertise relevant to these challenges.


NDL has an interdisciplinary staff composed of nutritionists, dietitians, food technologists, and computer specialists.


T. gives no undergraduate degree, such as meteorology or psychology, or for advanced study in an interdisciplinary field, such as astrophysics, communication science, or energy.


"I'm taking a break for a little while," says Ervin, who was an estimated one semester shy of earning a degree in interdisciplinary studies."I decided to check myself and realize what I want to do.


"Electromechanical integration", as an intercrossing and interdisciplinary subject which is newly emerging, bears hopeful and far-raging prospect for application.


The Role of Trust in the Evolution from Ape to Man lacks some academic standards of interdisciplinary study.

《信誉 :在从猿到人转变过程中的意义》一文缺乏跨学科研究的学术规范。

A comprehensive interdisciplinary database covering all subject areas. Includes both peer reviewed journals and newspapers. Many full text articles. 1986-present.


A relatively new field, environmental science is highly interdisciplinary, integrating natural of the world around us.


We are an interdisciplinary center for art, media technology and academic research based in Shanghai.


The following superficial, unavoidably incomplete and, in part, arbitrary chronology is meant, above all, to illustrate the interdisciplinary character of sexology.


Either! But interdisciplinary enter oneself for an examination you must consider competitive.


At the same time,Drake (1993) provides three frameworks of CI, including multidisciplinary approach, interdisciplinary approach and real world approach.

与此同时,Drake (1993)提出课程整合的三种构架,即多学科、学科间及真实世界的整合。

To foster interactions between sub-disciplines, one must make the special effort of interdisciplinary retreat-meetings.


Special attention should he devoted to interdisciplinary research of English language professionals and nurture brainpower and academic resources for the interdisciplinary education of English majors.


An interdisciplinary approach is needed to ensure optimal outcomes.


Provide hardware technical guidance to management and interdisciplinary teams exploring product architectural approaches.


Perhaps insights will come from the work's interdisciplinary nature.For example, biological concepts such as plasticity might prove useful.


ICM, the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling, is a part of MCM.


Anthropology documentary is a new and well developing interdisciplinary research which across both the science and arts.


Since our primary objective is to create a forum for interdisciplinary discussion among teachers and scholars, we will consider articles from all academic fields.


Focus on two (out of 7) major managerial challenges of our time and use an interdisciplinary approach to get a better understanding of their complexity.


Analyzing from the approach of procreat of historiography of Education, it is the interdisciplinary of Education and History.


In short, it is significant to research on legal proverbs from interdisciplinary view of jurisprudence, linguistics, cultural science, and historiography.


The graduate major he registered for is interdisciplinary and of great difficulty.


The research in BEC is strategically aimed at realizing the optimal of the science research resources and facilities, developing the new interdisciplinary subject.


So the planning for it involves interdisciplinary issues n demands planners make a mullifunctional planning with overall perspedive.


Ulrika Morth,Soft Law in Governance and Regulation: An Interdisciplinary Analysis, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2004.


As the interdisciplinary study , it can analysis the changes of needs and market meaning of design under the market economy and fully meet the design need of the subdivided market only by guiding the industry design with marketing.

作为交叉学科,只有真正用市场营销学指导工业设计,才能正确理解市场经济下需求的变化和设计的市场意义, 充分满足细分市场的设计要求。

Tribochemistry or Mechanochemistry,as an interdisciplinary subject of mechanology and chemistry,assumes analytical methodology and theoretical system characteristic of its academic branches.


They can have substantive value as legal analysis, and, of course, they can provide interdisciplinary information in the nature of policy statements and statistical data.


Information Resources Management(IRM),with its development of 30 years,has become an interdisciplinary discipline integrating information science,management science and organizational theory.


The curriculum promotes interdisciplinary methods which connect the traditional studies in the field of humanities with information science.


Furthermore, to help promote more meaningful interdisciplinary cooperation, JCS will expand its coverage to fields such as law, economics, management studies etc.


Abstract: The Musicotherapy is a new interdisciplinary subject and it belongs to the branch of traditional psychotherapy.

内容提要: 音乐治疗学是一门新兴的边缘学科,是传统心理治疗的一个分支,具有自己的独特性。

Interdisciplinary working group/project work to inform oneself, exert influence and optimize internal processes and procedure.


Catron Visiting Professor of Art : full-time teaching position with a special focus on developing innovative programming, and interdisciplinary courses and outreach initiatives.

卡特伦客座艺术教授 :全职与发展方案特别注重创新教学的地位,和跨学科课程和宣传活动。

Participate on interdisciplinary team that uses multiple modalities such as individual and group psychotherapy, assertiveness training, music and/or art therapy, and nutritional education.


The interdisciplinary features of bilingual instruction determine the complexity of bilingual teachers professional qualities.


However, sexology is nothing if not an interdisciplinary effort, and it has always combined both the natural and the moral sciences.


HENRY SPILLER, JOHN HALE, JELLE DE BOER and JEFFREY CHANTON have formed an interdisciplinary team to investigate the Delphic oracle. Toxicologist Spiller is director of the Kentucky Regional Poison Center.


HENRY SPILLER, JOHN HALE, JELLE DE BOER and JEFFREY CHANTON have formed an interdisciplinary team to investigate the Delphic oracle.


Otherwise, ICAI is a interdisciplinary subject,involving many branches of computer and education.


In the meantime, JCS always encourages interdisciplinary studies from related fields such as sociology, psychology, economics etc.


To implement bilingual teaching method in the teaching of private international law is demand of training of the legal talents with interdisciplinary.


The interdisciplinary nature of the curriculum and faculty research in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at UCI is ideal for my many-sided approach to studying the nervous system.


This course will cover basic phenomena and theories of vision and hearing from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes psychology, computer science, and neuroscience.


As for further studies, the paper comes to conclusion suggesting to emphasize the interdisciplinary science study of hydrology and climatology in the next IPCC Assessment Report.


As different disciplines are more closely related than ever, interdisciplinary subjects have drawn people's attention.


Can CAS develop R&D managers with the skills and training for managing interdisciplinary teams in an increasingly international environment?


In 1970, an interdisciplinary research program for atmospheric science and fluid mechanics was initiated in the Institute of Physics, and later a similar program for biophysical research in 1975.


Foremost among the techniques used to study dense interstellar region is molecular radio astronomy, a relatively new and rapidly developing interdisciplinary science.


Foremost among the techniques used to study dense interstellar region is molecular radio astronomy, a relatively new and repidly developing interdisciplinary science.


The interdisciplinary training which integrates management and meteorology elements may be more effective for the training of meteorologists and hydrologists in risk and crisis management.


In the last few years trade fair design has developed into an interdisciplinary field for architects, classical trade fair builders, communication and media designers, advertising and event agencies.


Cultivating ecological consciousness among college students is a systematic project which requires that the interdisciplinary boundary should be broken and the course of ecology should be reinforced.


The NICI is a Research Institute for Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Information Technology. It is affiliated with the Radboud University Nijmegen. The NICI conducts interdisciplinary research an.


As a new interdisciplinary idea with broader perspectives,it is quite a challenging subject of study.


Therefore, it will enlarge the horizon of literature and provide a new perspective in the interdisciplinary study of literature, history and philosophy.


It is an interdisciplinary subject between jurisprudence and economics.


Safety science is a rising interdisciplinary subcategory between many science sections, such as mathematics, natural science, system science and philosophy, social science, science of thinking.


Jaworski,Adam (Ed),1997 Silence:Interdisciplinary Perspectives Mouton de Gruyter,Berlin.


A new interdisciplinary subject integrating aesthetics and anthropology, aesthetic anthropology is of great value to the separate development of aesthetics and anthropology.


To introduce ESP into the education for English majors is a promising interdisciplinary education attempt.


It is few to combine Tibetan culture and laws to study. This interdisciplinary study is good for the development of Tibetology study career and subject construction of Tibetology.


However, there were 20.0%students not adapting to the interdisciplinary teaching.


And the development trend of this issue at home and abroad was summarized.It was put forward what researchers and producers of fluorescent brightener should do in this interdisciplinary subject.


Applied Parallel Computing is an advanced interdisciplinary introduction to modern scientific computing on parallel supercomputers.


Hernandez, V.M., &Brendefur, J.L.Developing Authentic, Integrated, Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum: (More Than Just) An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Approach.


JEFFREY CHANTON, JOHN HALE, JELLE DE BOER and HENRY SPILLER have formed an interdisciplinary team to investigate the Delphic oracle.


Research in microstructure-controllable ladderlike polymer is the advanced and interdisciplinary study for polymer science, supramolecular chemistry and material science.


Psycholinguistics is an interdisciplinary course in cognitive science which is associated with linguistics, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, information science, and biology.


Sexology, as an interdisciplinary enterprise , attempts to provide just that.


The fields of interest are research in new and innovative lines which universities are still unable to take over adequately, e. G. Because of costs or its interdisciplinary character.


A path which we will continuously follow for example to do justice especially to the rapid development of interdisciplinary communication.


We hope to conduct chemical biology, medicinal chemistry as well as other highly interdisciplinary research at NIBS.


Can our students prepare interdisciplinary lesson plans that address current and real world issues?


The research direction of Haijun Zhou Group is statistical physics and its interdisciplinary applications.



Interdisciplinary research on climate change in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's science and engineering schools.

As a new interdisciplinary concept, social capital is a unique concept and has its own advantages, and it is possible to promote the harmonious campus construction realistically.

This textbook is an introduction to environmental science ,an interdisciplinary study of humanity's relationships with the earth's living and nonliving things.