n.感应系数,自感应n.电感, 感应系数,电感器,自感应
动词过去式: inducted | 动词过去分词: inducted | 动词现在分词: inducting | 动词第三人称单数: inducts |
Noun1. (physics) a property of an electric circuit by which an electromotive force is induced in it by a variation of current
2. an electrical device that introduces inductance into a circuit
名词 inductance:
an electrical phenomenon whereby an electromotive force (EMF) is generated in a closed circuit by a change in the flow of current
an electrical device (typically a conducting coil) that introduces inductance into a circuit
inductance[ in'dʌktəns ] electrical phenomenon whereby an electromotive force (EMF) is generated in a closed circuit by a change in the flow of current同义词:induction
an electrical device (typically a conducting coil) that introduces inductance into a circuit同义词:inductor
DC capacitor relies on the pulsation of DC voltage, power, inductance side, and load.
突加负载时直流侧电容是由直流电压波动 、 功率 、 电感及负载决定的.
The leakage inductance of power transformer is one ofthe main interference sources in the circuit.
A matrix of this sort occurs, for example, in electric networks when mutual inductance is present.
例如, 当电网络中有互感时,就会出现这种阵矩.
The shield return should be as short as possible to minimize inductance.
Mainly used as precision article of electronic industry, such as STM inductance etc.
用于电子行业精密五金件, 例如:贴片电感等.
The current waveforms are superimposed on the angular unsaturated phase inductance.
The inductance value can be made larger by adding additional layers for a giving spiral pattern.
The paper analyses the self inductance phenomenon when the circuit is on and off.
Fixed inductance single or multi layer winding on drum core , coat of magnetic shield.
DL固定电感器,在工型铁氧体磁体磁芯上绕单层或多层线, 磁屏蔽外罩.
Besides voltage, resistance and capacitance, an alternating current is also influenced by inductance.
除了电压 、 电阻和电容之外, 交流电还受电感的影响.
The thesis has researched Flexible AC Transmission Systems ( FACTS ) based on active variable inductance.
Responce of circuits with imperfectly coupled inductance for arbitrary signal is evaluated, an example is given.
详细求解了非完全耦合互感电路对任意信号的响应, 给出了响应的一般表示式及其应用实例.
The effects of inductance and capacitance make it necessary to carefully design all AC transmission systems.
Its accuracy can not be affected by coupled inductance, fault resistance, distributed capacitance and asynchronous angle.
该测距方法在原理上不受线间互感 、 过渡电阻 、 分布电容、不同步角的影响.
Features: Small and thin construction, high inductance low leakage inductance and coupling capacitor.
产品特点: 结构小巧, 高电感系数,低漏电感及杂散电容,能表面贴装及编带包装.
A novel coefficient circuit is used in the study on signal detection of small inductance coil.
The average inductance current calculated by input voltage and output voltage to use in PI regulator.
The gap size is the key factor which has significant influence for inductance.
The facility, due to induct its first engine in 2009, will comprise approximately 23,000 sq. meters (250,000 sq. feet).
The task of the scholar is to inspire,to instruct and to induct people through cluing them on the facts which exsit in phoenomenons.
The minimum inductance to guarantee the lowest output ripple voltage is the critical inductance of CISM and IISM.
DGS can change the effective permittivity of material and distributed capacitor and distributed inductance by etching the defected pattern on the ground of microwave circuit.
DGS是通过在微波电路的接地板上蚀刻出蚀刻图案(defected pattern),以改变电路衬底材料的有效介电常数,从而改变介质上的微带线的分布电容和分布电感。
The FMT decade inductance box is composed of one to five step panel(s), meeting various demands.
The FMT series decade inductance box is devised by our factory on the basis of high quality and reasonable price for experiments.
New Member Card can memorize and induct except for the function of current membership card and consuming card.
"The experience of international home proves, what can induct obtain employment most is medium and small businesses.
One is the rise in voltage along the line resulting form the capacitive current of the line flowing through the line inductance.
A flock of players form an organization, induct other player initiate ceaselessly.
As compared with general node approach, presented method needs not use the inverse matrix of inductance.
The TCM can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance.
The TCM and western drugs can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance.
The shield return should be as short as possible to minimize inductance.
In circuit of connect to IGBT, the bus bar is employed, which is important way to reduce pass-voltage and mottle inductance.
The accuracy of global interconnect delay predictions in integrated circuits can be improved by RLC(resistance inductance capacitance) model presented in this paper.
In order to show the improved effective inductance, three DGS circuits are fabricated with identical period and different dimensions.
Besides, in order to efficiently suppress the mode conversion of the differential bend, a bended differential transmission line using a compensated inductance is proposed.
For tuneable loops the inductance can be so high as to limit the useful frequency range and here mobius winding techniques can help out.
Induct and train users on system applications.
The capacitor with adjustable inductance is analyzed here,and the approximate calculating formula is proposed.
Uses:Packing of high tension electrical equipment,expoxy pouring packing material,plastic pacing material,dry type transformer,high tension mutual inductance equipment,insulator.
The production is composed of DTZZIII-C type elevator weight-load indicating controller box and pressure sensor or inductance type displacement sensor.
The unit of inductance in which an induced electromotive force of one volt is produced when the current is varied at the rate of one ampere per second.
A practical inductance detecting system is introduced in this paper. The system can detect static inductance and dynamic inductance. The system is easy and practicable.
It avoids the manipulation of complicated control algorithm due to the saturation of parameters, especially the direct axis inductance Ld.
The experimental result shows that only a capacitor with low inductance is applicable as a snubber for IGBT invertors rated 50kVA.
From magnetic circuit,carving up a traditional magnetic core into array structure,an array decoupling integrated inductance is presented.
Mutual inductance coefficient between transmission lines is an important parameter for the calculation of longitudinal electromotive force and longitudinal voltage.
The effect of source end lead length inductance on the voltage waveforms and spectrums at source and load end.
The effect of decoupling capacitor with lead length inductance on the voltage and current waveforms and spectrums at source and load end.
The effect of source end lead length inductance on the voltage and current waveforms and spectrums at source and load end.
The displacement transducer adopts inductance type; the measuring staff is partial separate from measuring part that can be suitable for poor working condition.
The test of low inductance and dinky and undee factor applies and design.
低 电感和极小波形因数的测试应用而设计的。
Induct the concept of relative status table, fly method table, tactic attribute table as the base of using database technique for Guide calculation.
The factor of the circuit to make it act like that is its inductance.
A matrix of this sort occurs, for example, in electric networks when mutual inductance is present.
For example, the inductance of a via depends on the location of nearby interplane connections.
The emphases is the thoughtway of programming and the nodus is how to induct pupils to break though the conventional thoughtway and to train them with new thoughts.
Prepares to accompany, the printing lyrics, and will accompany induct record the software.
Stabilizer - Transformer Reactance - Reactor Inductance - Regulator AVR - Electromechanic...
By use of MATLAB developing program,it is realized to build model in MATLAB and induct the data into ANSYS to analyse.
利用MATL ab语言进行程序开发,实现了在MATL ab中建立数学模型并将数据导入到ANSYS进行计算分析的方法。
Capacitance and inductance values can be computed using a full-wave solver.
This paper induct the major benefits of using spodumene in sanitaryware glaze.
We earlier considered the benefits of outward and return signal paths being close together so that inductance is minimized.
The addition of inductance to a transmission line to improve its transmission characteristics.
The three other problems are called ground bounce analysis, Ldi/dt from the pin inductance and EM analysis.
But in the singularity circuits that contain pure capacitance loop and pure inductance cutset, the initial value is possible of jumping phenomenon when switching.
Induct, utilize and manage various resources.
Induct To admit as a member; receive.
Therefore, it is important for designing high-performance chip to extract 3-Dfrequency-dependent inductance and resistance fast and accurately.
In a common LTCC filter,vias,an electric connecting,would act as a great inductance and worsen the performance of the model,when the operation frequency was high enough.
On basis of transformer loop equation,a novel principle of transformer protection using equivalent instantaneous leakage inductance is presented.
In bedroom design, white is changeless theme, it does not have chroma tendency, induct numerous color again however, pure in accumulate containing rich.
Critics have expound and evaluated the contemporary phenomenon of literature, and intend to induct the direction of literature invent.
In New Cambridge economic growth model, we induct a new variable, technology labor.
In the square wave current welding,the inductance is very important to influence the fomation of square wave A.
Based on the above, parallel connection circuit including mutual inductance is studied to get the condition for realizing parallel-resonance.
Subsequently, a general calculation of inductance for a coil with a columniform core is presented.
The Field Theory of Network (FTN) had studied series connection circuit including mutual inductance, and got the condition for realizing series-resonance.
Based on coupled field-circuit model, the magnetic field and inductance of air-core reactor are computed by using finite element software.
Based on integrity, we discuss the change of the cluster order after induct adding information and abstract class .
Increasing the effective inductance makes it easy to control the cutoff frequency characteristics of the DGS planar circuits.
Multi-Channel interleaving makes it possible to use small inductance to improve transient reponse of the VRM.
Reduce power delivery inductance by flooding/fingering on a signal plane over the ground plane.
Last but not least, CWP is committed to induct you into the international fraternity of wine lovers.
How to measure the current in a low stray inductance DC bus design?
By reforming management system for regional leaders to induct correctly surprise the action of regional government institution innovation.
The experiment results indicate that the inherent pre pulse of BTL on grounding inductance is too large to create uniform plasma columns.
实验结果表明 ,采用 7kA预脉冲和聚乙烯毛细管时 ,管壁烧蚀量大 ,导致真空紫外波段的积分谱呈连续状 ;
The equivalent circuit model of wire is not just a wire, but circuits of series Resistance R and Inductance L.
In its effect, inductance may be also compared to the inertia of water flowing in a pipe.
To induct into office by a formal ceremony.
Mutual inductance is a common problem in ribbon cables, especially when a single return is common to several signal circuits.
Induct electric power cable, shell up the destine length.
When the AC side is the inductance obstruction load and need reactive power, DC side capacitive play the role of non-functionalbuffering effect.
At present,it is necessary to open up the highway maintenance engineering market and induct the highway maintenance supervision system.
A capacitor is used to eliminate sparking when a circuit containing inductance is suddenly opened.
Having all the weighted inductance value of each filament, we can therefore derive the inductance value of the whole trace.
Minisized coil winding and inductance components.
Microwave measurement shows that the Q factor of the inductor reaches 4.5 at 2. 8 GHz and the inductance is about 5 nH and the resonate frequency is 9GHz.
用作名词(n.)This causes a dramatic increase in resistance and a decrease in inductance.