adv. 不可思议地
r. to an inconceivable degree
inconceivably synonyms 不可思议的同义词
inconceivably outdoor 不可思议的室外
inconceivably vast 不可思议的巨大
inconceivably large synonym 不可思议的大同义词
Then it's not inconceivable that he could bring others with him.
那么他能带着其他人进行穿越 也不是那么不可思议
I mean, it's not inconceivable that she killed her own grandchild.
我是说 她杀死 自己的外孙并不是不可能的事
The combination of hubris and idiocy is inconceivable.
It is inconceivable to me and says nothing good about you.
对我而言难以置信 对你也不是好事
That any of us could be capable of such gross negligence was inconceivable.
我们每个人都可能有疏忽 不容置疑的
Besides, not having you around every day it's inconceivable.
再说 如果你不在我身边 我难以想象
The soul is spoken of as invisible, inconceivable, and unchangeable.
人們常說靈魂 無法看見 難以想象 無法改變
Which was also a breakthrough and also thought to be as inconceivable as claytronics.
那也是突破 跟电子黏土一样不可思议
When it comes to your children, there is no action that is inconceivable; there is no decision that is impossible.
一旦事情涉及到你自己的孩子 没有什么事情是你做不出来的 也没有什么决定是你下不了的
Just because something seems inconceivable doesn't mean that it can't be true.
看起来不可思议 不代表就不是真的