形容词: hypertensive |
Noun1. machine-readable text that is not sequential but is organized so that related items of information are connected;
"Let me introduce the word hypertext to mean a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper"--Ted Nelson
名词 hypertext:
machine-readable text that is not sequential but is organized so that related items of information are connected--Ted Nelsonhypertext[ 'haipətekst ]n.machine-readable text that is not sequential but is organized so that related items of information are connected
"Let me introduce the word hypertext to mean a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper"
hypertext 超文本 hyper-,超过的,超级的,text,文本。hypertext用法和例句:
Program that helps in writing hypertext or multimedia applications.
More recent protocols include DNS ( Domain Name System ) and HTTP ( Hypertext Transfer Protocol ).
后来又包括了DNS ( 域名解析 ) 和HTTP ( 超文本传递协议 ).
The wizard is now starting your HyperText Template editor.
You are about to use your HyperText Template editor to edit the appearance of the folder.
This book is, in fact, a very tame hypertext novel.
A link should be a simple hypertext reference that replaces the current page with new content.
The Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTPS ) can provide more secure data transmission.
安全超文本传输协议 ( HTTPS ) 可以提供安全的数据传送.
World wide web ( www ) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface.
全球网 ( WWW ) 是一种网络的超文本协议和用户界面.
Browsera program for retrieving and viewing a hypertext document on the web.
XHTML stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language.
All links must be made into hypertext links and activated.
The power of a hypertext link is that " anything can link to anything. "
超文本的强大之处在于 “ 可以互相连接 ”.
In other words, you can produce a new hypertext system in most popular formats.
在其他的话, 您可以产生一个新的超文本系统,在最流行的格式.
Not surprisingly, hypertext has come under attack from traditional critics.
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
One is hypertext transfer protocol, or HTTP, which establishes specifications for linking documents.
其中之一就是超文本传输协议, 即HTTP, 为文件连接确定了标准.
Hypertext, on the other hand , stimulates another way of thinking: telegraphic, modular, nonlinear, malleable, cooperative.
而超文本激发的是别样的思考方式: 简短的 、 组合式的 、 非线性的 、 可延展的, 合作的思考模式.
This class covers a range of topics including hypertext, interactive cinema, games, installation art, and soundscapes.
本课程覆盖的主题范围包括超文本 、 互动式电影 、 游戏 、 装置艺术与音景.
The search engine assemble a web page that lists the results as hypertext links.
Every Web server on the internet conforms to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ).
因特网上的每个万维网服务器都遵循文本传输协议 ( HTTP ).
This class features hypertext student projects in the projects section.
Browser is a program for retrieving and viewing a hypertext document on the Web.
Wiki is a simple, yet powerful hypertext system.
This paper describes the concepts, system models and composing elements of hypertext systems and hypermedia systems.
本文介绍了超文本系统和超媒体系统的概念 、 系统模型和组成要素.
HTML, which is the acronym for HyperText Markup Language , is frequently used to design websites.
HTML是超文字标记语言的简称, 用以进行网页的编写.
Certainly, Andreessen didn't think up using hypertext to link Internet documents.
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
HTML is the lingua franca for publishing hypertext on the World Wide Web.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a GML that is relatively easy to use.
HTML (hypertext markup language) is a set of codes or "tags" that you can insert into a document.
The HTTP channel specifies that the HyperText Transport Protocol is used for message delivery.
Can Office SharePoint Designer 2007 be used to create standards-based Web sites containing Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) and cascading style sheets?
Office SharePoint Designer 2007是否可用来创建包含可扩展超文本标记语言(XHTML)和级联样式表的基于标准的网站?
PHP (recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor") is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.
PHP(“PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor”,超文本预处理器的字母缩写)是一种被广泛应用的开放源代码的多用途脚本语言,它可嵌入到HTML中,尤其适合web开发。
PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.
PHP,即“PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor”,是一种被广泛使用的开放源代码多用途脚本语言,尤其适用于web开发并可以嵌入到HTML中去。
Shadow of an informand-hypertextual hypertext theory by Stuart Moulthrop.
Stuart Moulthrop 着,非正式的超文本理论。
Web. WWWfWorld Wide Web) or hypertext polling system, is independent of platforms in using since it is based on the international Client/Server standards.
Web也称Www(Word Wide Web)或万维网即超文本查询系统,由于其是基于Client/Sever方式的国际化标准协议,因而使用时与平台无关。
Web content often contains hypertext links that serve as a jumping board to related content.
The language of a hypertext document of the Web is something that contains data and , possibly , links to other document.
The web does contain some hypermedia , but most of what you see will be plain vanilla hypertext: textual material that you can display on your screen.
The web does contain some hypermedia, but most of what you see will be plain vanilla hypertext: textual material that you can display on your screen.
The Web is an attempt to organize all the information on the Internet (plus any local information that you would like to add on your own) as a set of hypertext documents.
It transmits information by POST method in HTTP(HyperText Transport Protocol) in the form of SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) messages via the Internet.
Web服务是用SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)消息的格式以POST方式加载在HTTP(HyperText Transport Protocol)上在Internet进行发送,而一般的缓存软件只对HTTP的GET方式起作用;
Web clippers perform URL rewriting on all hypertext links before returning the Web content to the browser.
WWW is based on a technology called hypertext (or now, hypermedia , because it can handle graphics and sounds in addition to text).
WWW is based on a technology called hypertext (or now, hypermedia, because it can handle graphics and sounds in addition to text).
XHTML stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language.
Provides text writer functionality for devices targeted by the XHTML adapter set, including Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML), XHTML Mobile, and Wireless Markup Language (WML).
Let me introduce the word hypertext to mean a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper--Ted Nelson.
A link should be a simple hypertext reference that replaces the current page with new content.
The following sections explain each type of location-based cache policy for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http and https) resources.
Different WWW servers have implemented hypertext browsing programs differently.
Unlike books and other documents, hypertext does not need to have a linear order from beginning to end.
Deferent from the traditional media,blog is an open dynamic text. Interactivity and hypertext is the dynamic feature of blog.
Deferent from the traditional media, blog is an open dynamic text.Interactivity and hypertext is the dynamic feature of blog.
To put XML into perspective, and to see how it differs from Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), it's easiest to start with an example from HTML.
There ARE facts in the hypertext jumps that are important to the main thread but they are usually not critical to the current chapter.
a hypertext link on the Internet
This article analyzes the mechanism of hypertext organization from the viewpoint of response capability,and provides an explanative model.
From loose-leaf fiction to hypertext fiction, the birth and thriving of electronic literature triggers a dispute revolving around "the end of books.
He created HTML (hypertext markup language) and its rules of usage (HTTP, hypertext transfer protocol) and in 1991 unveiled the World Wide Web, making no money from any of them.
In practice,however,hypertext describes the ability to link related documents together using words and phrases.
But a single author can compile a simple hypertext document which can be read in many different directions and along many paths.
What is a hypertext markup language, you ask?
Use hypertext to connect related topics, link to examples and illustrations, and generally make it possible for users to browse.
For example,HyperText Markup Language(HTML)has been called a frontend for the Internet.
For example, if a non-linear link consists of text and video data, then this is a hypermedia, multimedia and hypertext system.
Like the web site, image data on the Atlas CD-ROM is organized into linked structures via Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and is encoded on the CD-ROM in ISO9660 format.
Lectures and Tutorials in Immunology, Microbiology, and Cytogenetics - includes hypertext, images, and animations.
The Web gives users access to a vast array of documents that are connected to each other by means of hypertext or hyperlinks.
World Wide Web (WWW) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface.
One is hypertext transfer protocol, or HTTP, which establishes specifications for linking documents.
You are about to use your HyperText Template editor to edit the appearance of the folder.
dynamical hypertext markup language
An extension to hypertext to include graphics and audio.
Even if you are not experienced in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), you can find helpful programs which will assist you in your design efforts.
All links must be made into hypertext links and activated.
Hypertext documents of various depths have existed for ten years.
More recent protocols include DNS (Domain Name System) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
An extension of hypertext incorporating crosslinked databases contained not only data in the form of text, but also in the form of music, voice, sound effects, graphics, as well as still and moving visuals.
Because they have been largely walled off from the world of hypertext, print books have remained a kind of game preserve for the endangered species of linear, deep-focus reading.
So they invented a network protocol (analogous to the hypertext transfer protocol on which the Web runs) for autonomous driving.
Based on the literature review of hypertext these study exams the possible typographic applications of Chinese Character.
Every Web server on the internet conforms to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP).
In 1996, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) was introduced. The World Wide Web uses HTTP.
At W3POP we demonstrate server-side scripting by using Active Server Pages (ASP) and PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) .
After a Web service is added to a Web site, the information about that Web service is displayed by using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Within the Web browser control, a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page is loaded that defines the layout and functionality of the user interface.
In the XHTML specification, the language is once again only structural.Tags are used to mark up headings, paragraphs, lists, hypertext links and other structural parts of the document.
After the business registration number is obtained, you can make an application for supply of information on the Business Register by clicking on the appropriate hypertext.
To break the shackle of traditional organization structure,a hypertext organization is put forward.
To break the shackle of traditional organization structure, a hypertext organization is put forward.
In this scenario, a client application communicates with an XML Web service by sending and receiving SOAP messages over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
在此方案中,客户端应用程序通过使用超文本传输协议(HTTP)发送和接收SOAP消息,与XML Web Service进行通信。
The first chapter has NO hypertext links! This is not a mistake. Chapter one serves as an introduction to the story. The first hypertext links are in chapter two.
After computer processing, the hypertext appeared red, and the prayer book text appeared black.
In the world of Hypertext, information is organized in relationship to other information.
在超 级文本世界里,资料是按相互间的联系来排列的。
In the world of hypertext, we use the word hypermedia to refer to documents that might contain a variety of data types and not just plain text.
在超 级文本文件领域内,我们有超级媒体这个词去指那些包含各种各样的数据类型的文献 ,不仅仅是纯文本。
In the world of hypertext, we use the word hypermedia to refer to documents that might contain a variety of data types and not just plain text .
Outlook clients outside the firewall can access a Mailbox server using remote procedure call (RPC) over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Randomly switching in a project between "HTML" and "Hypertext Markup Language" can lead to confusion.
在项目中随意在“HTML”和“HyperText Markup Language”之间切换可能会导致混淆。
The technologies of multimedia and hypertext make it more flexible and attractive.
Matthew Baker - Great! A minimalist button! A true hypertext expression for the postmodern age.
Users who link from the Website to sites provided by other organisations should be aware that the information on those sites has been compiled and issued by those organisations who shall be responsible for the content of the hypertext link.
If you follow a link that leads to a Usenet newsgroup, your browser will present the article using a simple, hypertext format.
如果你跟踪一个链接,引向一个Usenet新闻组,你的浏览器将利用一个简单的超级文本格式呈现出该 词条。
If you follow a link that leads to a Usenet newsgroup, you browser will present the article using a simple, hypertext format.
The paper suggests that multi-tiered, flexible academic organizations be established for the purpose of hypertext structure and clear-cut management layer.
Thus something like word processing, Boolean query, and hypertext are not the complementarities but the components of HCI.
用作名词(n.)Hypermedia is the multimedia display of hypertext.
Hypertext is a key concept for understanding the web.