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v.跛行,蹒跚,一瘸一拐地走( hobble的过去式和过去分词 ); 捆缚(马等)之两腿(以防走失)
v.蹒跚, 跛行 n.蹒跚
v.跛行,蹒跚,一瘸一拐地走( hobble的过去式和过去分词 );捆缚(马等)之两腿(以防走失);



动词 hobble:

walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury

同义词:limp, gimp, hobble, hitch

hamper the action or progress of


strap the foreleg and hind leg together on each side (of a horse) in order to keep the legs on the same side moving in unison

同义词:hopple, hobble

hobble[ 'hɔbl ]n.a shackle for the ankles or feet


the uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg


v.walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury

"The old woman hobbles down to the store every day"


hamper the action or progress of

"The chairman was hobbled by the all-powerful dean"

strap the foreleg and hind leg together on each side (of a horse) in order to keep the legs on the same side moving in unison

"hobble race horses"





"He looked hobbled," Yallop said after the game.

"他看起来难以为继, "哥队的比赛后说.

AIG says the financial crisis has hobbled its efforts to sell assets and repay the government loans.


A-share market while staggering along, hobbled, but the major indices continue to rebound to create a new high.


Simon hobbled closer to investigate, drawing his hand back with a thin wheeze of disgust as he touched the greasy black moss.


"My leg just blew out.I stopped running and could barely walk," she recalls."I hobbled home in pain.


“Tough Juice” has been hobbled of late and might not play in this one.


After a swift struggle of tongues Mr. Holohan hobbled out in haste.


The seven times men's champion battled the pain of tendinitis in his left shin during the Wimbledon fortnight and visibly hobbled his way through several matches.


Presently, they met Firmware, who was dressed in tattered rags, and hobbled along propped on a thorny stick.


A minute or two later, Luke Walton hobbled off the court after tweaking his right ankle in a noncontact injury while trying to defend Sasha Vujacic.


Why do not feel hobbled asthma non-stop?


Unlike the domestic political vagaries that have hobbled the talks in the past, there is nothing transient about the rise of China.


China Mobile is also likely to be hobbled in another way.


The pace of modernization of China Why is difficult to start, molle hobbled?


The rover has been driving backward since 2006, dragging its hobbled right-front wheel.


He hobbled past Norrec, for the first time revealing that his left leg had splints running down each side all the way to the boot.


He wanted to faint from humiliation and pain, but he scrambled to his feet and hobbled off.


Yet all these injuries remind us of something that makes the Rockets' streak seem even more amazing: Houston is hobbled, too.


As though legs bound we hobbled along the way


Everyone knows that Europe is far ahead in mobile phones and outfoxed the US early on by adopting a common GSM standard, while Americans were hobbled by a patchwork of incompatible standards.


Galileo was further hobbled by an erratic tape recorder. After the craft began orbiting Jupiter in 1995, repeated zappings from the planet's intense radiation belts damaged other instruments.


But he was noticeably limping by the fourth quarter and finally hobbled off the court in the final minute, with the outcome decided.


But instead of riding the PS3 as a Trojan horse, Blu-ray has instead hobbled it by increasing its price and delaying its introduction.


But England's Group B rivals Sweden suffered a set-back when Freddie Ljungberg hobbled off injured after only 10 minutes of Arsenal's game against Liverpool on Sunday.


But we also may have noticed that even such a book as the Dekooning biography is hobbled by the absence of adequate illustration-a signature or two of plates bound into the middle of the book being considered sufficient.


Don't always say you're hobbled by the board.


Your modeling efforts will always remain hobbled if you don't separate the UP's software engineering wheat from its marketing-rhetoric chaff.


After a false start, Liu Xiang hobbled down the tunnel to leave the stadium in stunned silence.


By 2025, the European Union will be a "hobbled giant" crippled by internal bickering and a eurosceptic citizenry.


" Former Treasury official Carnell once described OFHEO as a watchdog that was "hobbled, muzzled, and underfed.


Medical science has deciphered many of the body's workings, down to the level of the gene, and isn't too far from using stem cells to repair its hobbled organs.


On the fifteenth day I came in sight of the big river again, and hobbled into the Central Station.


U.S. Spooks' Dark View of Europe in 2025 Washington's National Intelligence Council foresees a powerless EU hobbled by internal bickering, a euroskeptic citizenry, and organized crime.


Even America, distracted by the fighting in Iraq, may be inclined to let deadlines slip in search of a quieter life in the remaining two years of Mr Bush's hobbled presidency.


That coalition government was hobbled by policy disagreements and was ineffective in many ways, not least in its failure to contain a fiscal crisis.


He had until now shied away from putting money into Wall Street's big firms, most of which are hobbled by billions of dollars in soured real-estate bets.


He hobbled only to girls.


The emergence of pan-Asian platforms is hobbled by different rules and regulations in the various markets.


On Tuesday, the Fed took more steps to break through a credit clog that has hobbled lending and threatens to plunge the country into a deeper slowdown.


Hey, why take the chance of being hobbled by a sprained ankle while walking the inviting, white Bahamian sands?


Piano music,” said Annie,“ Maybe it's the voice in the riddle! Come on!” Jack threw his sneakers into his backpack and hobbled after Annie.


Internal bickering and a "democracy gap" separating Brussels from European voters will leave the EU "a hobbled giant", unable to translate its economic clout into global influence.


In Cairo, where [pilgrims, traders, and travelers lingered,] camels at Imbaba market are hobbled to prevent straying.


In NWFP this system, perhaps unfairly, has been blamed for ushering in the Taliban, and is now being hobbled.


Ballack hobbled out of his country's recent 3-1 win over Switzerland and the former Bayern Munich man admitted himself he was unsure how long he would be unavailable.


4.Outside, the lopsided moon, the hacked-at trees and the hobbled moon garden shimmered and rustled and fluttered in the night wind, satisfied they worked their powerful enchantment still.


It should find it easier to execute a sustained policy of economic stimulus than will leaders in Western Europe, who are hobbled by the continent's fractured political system.


She howled and hobbled about for a few moments while her mother apologized over the promising sound of sprinkling quarters.


She rose and hobbled to me on her paralytic legs and kissed me.


Walking as if each step were painful, she slowly pushed open the glass door and hobbled down the nearest aisle


Indeed, the entire financial sector was under strain, as banks, savings and loans, and some insurance companies, hobbled by portfolios of poor-quality debt, struggled to remain afloat by getting injections of capital or merging.

实际上整个金融业处境困难。 银行,储贷社和某些保险公司都由于收不回外债而受累无穷,只能通过获取小额资金或合并的办法来勉强维持。

Neither man's remarks might seem exceptional to outsiders, but they are a big advance for a power-sharing administration hobbled by long mistrust.


Though hobbled by strokes and blindness, he now grinned from ear to ear at the prospect of power.


Although the athletes or hobbled, or columns Abduction, or a wheelchair, but they are head-coincidentally, stand toward the direction of a smile.


Silver hobbled, grunting, on his crutch; his nostrils stood out and quivered;


And she is hobbled politically because her centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is in a “grand coalition” with the centre-left Social Democratic Party (SPD).


It was hobbled first by incompetence and internal dissension.


Flamini hobbled off with a hamstring injury during the Champions League Semi-Final second leg.


When you white haired hobbled the time even if you have pride towering may still not be undefeated in the rush of time under the ring!


Our plane hobbled through the cloud cluster.


We were hobbled through the rugged depression.


I hobbled back into No.10 all the time,covered in cuts and grazes from slide tackles on the concrete.


I want to hold your hand, white hair and hobbled by the sunset together with you all.


I walked a little behind him, fascinated by the grotesque way in which he hobbled along.


So when he hobbled on to the podium to collect the Premiership at the end of the 2002 season, Highbury erupted and the entire squad got down on their knees in homage.


So if you see a slightly hobbled, melon-headed man wearing a hat, walking toward you with a stick, just say, “Hi, it’s a great day, isn’t it?


recent federal action undermined the segregationist position; the United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues; the Union action of emancipating Southern slaves.


Japanese government is hobbled with debt.


And last night they vowed to go on and win the tournament for him after he hobbled out of the team's hotel and returned home.


He eventually set off, slowly, “whimpering audibly,” he said, as he hobbled to his connecting gate.


In the end, both sequencing projects hobbled across the finishing line together.


On one side of the village where the river bank breaks off and is steep a hobbled horse is standing at the very edge,motionless as a stone,probably asleep or deep in thought.


The song melody exquisite affection, in the lyrics two person's heaven, have imprisoned the dream, the happy elephant prison, became romantically has hobbled, has become the catena tangled up.


It is in this pessimistic expectations, the heavyweights hobbled trend.


Every afternoon a very old woman hobbled past the ramshackle house, a vast load of firewood on her back.


Every afternoon a very old woman hobbled past the ramshackle house,a vast load of firewood on her back.


Alessandro Birindelli hobbled off in the second half but the injury doesn’t look too serious: “It was just a knock.


But at least the government is not hobbled by the scratchy coalition politics that bedevils all attempts at reform in Germany and Italy.


Romantic if turned has hobbled, I was willing for you to choose return lonelily, tangled up, if turned the catena, abandoned the promise.


One early morning at a busy road, an elderly Chinese man ignored the "No Crossing" sign and hobbled across the road, supporting himself with a walking stick.



This may hobble the bull in the future.

The old man hobbled along (the road) with the aid of his stick.

I hurt my foot,and had to hobble home.