[计] 启发式方法, 探试法
[化] 启发式
n a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem
availability heuristics 可得性启发式
admissible heuristics [计]可采纳[允许]的试探
Heuristically speaking, it's not only possible, it's likely.
可以说 不仅是可能 而且是非常可能
The worm identifies its target by looking for a unique set of heuristics.
蠕虫病毒通过寻找 一组独特的探试程序来识别目标
If you want total accuracy, zero variance, then a heuristic approach is never going to work.
如果你希望得到完全的准确 零方差 那启发式探索法根本行不通
Computers like efficiency, so what a computer does is build heuristics, shortcuts to the tasks it performs most often.
计算机喜欢效率 因此计算机要建立策略模式 也就是它最常使用功能的快捷模式
Not to be confused with the utilities menu, which lets you review data logs, adjust various heuristic settings.
别跟应用程序菜单搞混了 这个是用来审查数据日志 调整各种初始设置的
But if you really plan on giving billions of dollars to this stock jockey, ask him this, how he's codified the behavioral heuristics at his firm from stock selection to position sizing to market timing to risk management.
但如果你真的要 把上亿的钱给这个家伙 问问他 他的公司是依据什么来做出决策的 从选股到持仓规模 到市场择时到风险管理