n.心平气和,三色堇n. 心平气和, [植]三色堇=heart's-ease
动词过去式: hearted | 动词过去分词: hearted | 动词现在分词: hearting | 动词第三人称单数: hearts |
Noun1. a common and long cultivated European herb from which most common garden pansies are derived
2. violet of Pacific coast of North America having white petals tinged with yellow and deep violet
3. common Old World viola with creamy often violet-tinged flowers
4. the absence of mental stress or anxiety
名词 heartsease:
a common and long cultivated European herb from which most common garden pansies are derived
同义词:wild pansy, Johnny-jump-up, love-in-idleness, pink of my John, Viola tricolor
violet of Pacific coast of North America having white petals tinged with yellow and deep violet
同义词:two-eyed violet, Viola ocellata
common Old World viola with creamy often violet-tinged flowers
同义词:field pansy, Viola arvensis
the absence of mental stress or anxiety
同义词:peace, peacefulness, peace of mind, repose, serenity, ataraxis
heartsease[ 'hɑ:ts,i:z ]n.a common and long cultivated European herb from which most common garden pansies are derived
同义词:wild pansyJohnny-jump-uplove-in-idlenesspink of my JohnViola tricolor
violet of Pacific coast of North America having white petals tinged with yellow and deep violet同义词:two-eyed violetViola ocellata
common Old World viola with creamy often violet-tinged flowers同义词:field pansyViola arvensis
the absence of mental stress or anxiety同义词:peacepeacefulnesspeace of mindreposeserenityataraxis
Heartsease is my favorite flower.
The real benefaction is wishing heartsease, searching slowly,holding calmly, delaying without regretly.
The flower named Pansy or Heartsease is wanted and any information about it is precious to me and sincere thanks to everyone who pays attention to this note!
In such a shabby place Yuan Xian didn't think it was hard.He could play music in heartsease without revealing any feeling of fidget.
Heartsease and Heartthrob--A Comparative Study of Prose Style of the Zhous
heartsease is my favorite flower