hagride是什么意思   hagride怎么读

英式:['hægraɪd]    美式:['hægraɪd]


vt. (梦魇、 恐惧心理等)困扰, 折磨






"'Yeah, that's a goblin,' said Hagrid quietly.


"' Yeah, that's a goblin,' said Hagrid quietly.


'Welcome,' said Hagrid, 'to Diagon Alley.


Harry had not seen Malfoy look so gleeful since Umbridge had turned up to inspect Hagrid.


Hagrid's wand was( and what's left of it still is) made of oak( PS5).


No, don`t you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you.


However, Hagrid is on strict orders from Dumbledore to bring Harry to his Aunt and Uncle’s house on Privet Drive.


He manages only a quick hello before he has to rush off to wrangle a posse of animals, or something of that nature, for a pivotal scene at Hagrid's hut.


Later books do not portray Hagrid as being as clumsy as he is in this first book.


But perhaps Hagrid's slips were accidents.


In a nice bit of foreshadowing, Harry noticed them in the clearing where Hagrid first taught the fifth years about thestrals (OP21).


We are not told where Hagrid went with Harry for all this time.Surely Hagrid hasn't been just flying around Britain for a whole day, waiting to meet Dumbledore on Privet Drive.


Harry watched from a window as a gigantic and handsome olive-skinned, black-haired woman descended the carriage steps and threw herself into the waiting Hagrid's arms.


Harry first begins taking against Draco because Draco is making fun of Hagrid, Harry's first friend.


RON:No, don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was finding for you.


’" In the hospital at the end of the book, Hagrid visited Harry and was quite remorseful over his slips (PS17).


during Hagrid's disastrous experiment to determine whether Blast-Ended Skrewts hibernated (they do not), Lavender, far from fleeing with the Slytherins, stayed to help and got burned (GF22).


Yew trees grow in parts of the Forbidden Forest.In a nice bit of foreshadowing, Harry noticed them in the clearing where Hagrid first taught the fifth years about thestrals (OP).


Hagrid was not allowed to do magic before his name was cleared, although it seems that his broken wand was somehow imbedded in his pink umbrella and he did cast a spell or two.


On this trip, Hagrid got stuck in the ticket barrier and drew attention from the Muggles for knitting a huge yellow something or other, crammed into a seat much too small for him.


Keeper of the Keys and Grounds Hagrid 's title, along with Gamekeeper.


8.She disapproves of "letting her hair down," although she did wear a top hat at the Christmas party of 1991 and even giggled and blushed when a rather tipsy Hagrid kissed her on the cheek (SS12).


For Hagrid, keeping dangerous creatures is all about overcoming something that could kill him.


Is this your toad?” said Hagrid, who was checking the boats as people climbed out of them.“Trevor!”cried Neville blissfully, holding out his hands.


Consider her description of Hagrid when he bursts into the Hut-on-the-Rock. He's large, hairy, and has beetle-bright eyes. He has a large overcoat and a pink umbrella.


As we are to learn nearly four years later, Mr.Ollivander sent an owl to Dumbledore, notifying him of the purchase of this second Fawkes-feather wand, as soon as Harry and Hagrid left.


We know that because the newspaper article telling about the break-in at Gringotts gives July 31 as the date and Harry exclaims that he and Hagrid were at the bank that very day (SS8).


We also know that Norbert, a Norwegian Ridgeback, was sent there as a baby when Hagrid realized he could no longer handle raising him (PS14).


The motorbike zoomed forward; Harry glimpsed hooded Death Eaters scattering as Hagrid blasted through their circle.


But even more, Harry has gained the affection and trust of Centaurs (Firenze), giants (Grawp) and half-giants (Hagrid and, probably, Madame Maxime), a phoenix, Thestrals, and a werewolf.


Finally, Hagrid used a spell of some kind to propel the rowboat through the water back to the mainland when he rescued Harry from the Hut on the Rock.


Then they clambered up a passageway in the rock after Hagrid's lamp, coming out at last onto smooth, damp grass right in the shadow of the castle.


Tom: Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?


Lockhart once gave Hagrid unsolicited advice on how to get kelpies out of a well (CS7).


Hagrid buys ice cream cones for Harry and himself. Perhaps this was at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor (PA3).


Hagrid, have you combed your hair?


Hagrid and Madame Maxime ran into a couple of mad trolls on the Polish border while on their journey to visit the giants (OP20).


Hagrid set up a paddock for hippogriffs in an area like this (PA6) and the dragons which had been brought in for the First Task were chained here (GF19).


Over which British city did the one-year-old Harry Potter fall asleep as Hagrid took him to number four, Privet Drive?


Hagrid placed a full-grown skrewt in the maze for the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament.


Hagrid didn't even tell her who lived in Privet Drive or what their relationship was to all that was going on.


Hagrid's cabin comprised a single room, in one corner of which was an gigantic bed covered in a patchwork quilt.


Hagrid states: "The gold ones are Galleons.Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle, it's easy enough." Therefore 1 Galleon = 17 Sickles = 493 Knuts.


Bonnie: Hagrid, because he's a giant. He looks really mean on the outside, but he's really soft on the inside.


Rubeus Hagrid: Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.


7. Rubeus Hagrid: Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.


HAGRID: No, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.


Hagrid hands Harry an admissions letter to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Some, however, like Snape, Hagrid, and Binns, are among the most skilled in their fields, but have distinct drawbacks when considered as teachers.


Fang:Name of Hagrid's boarhound.


I quite like the scene where we're up in the hills and I was spying on Hagrid when they're about to slice the Hippogriff's head off and Hermione comes up and, err, teaches me a lesson.


presents: To Harry from Hagrid: a roughly cut wooden flute that sounded a bit like an owl. Hagrid had whittled it, himself.


The next evening, she met Dumbledore in Privet Drive and shortly thereafter Hagrid arrived on the flying motorcycle with Harry.


Once Hagrid gets there (on Sirius' motorbike), it is clear from his report that he has not seen Dumbledore since he left to go to Godric’s Hollow.


Rowling does not like cats, an attitude she gave to Hagrid in the books.


Rowling's use of simple, direct adjectives prevents the sort of discordant jerk that would come of describing Hagrid's hut as smelling of old sweat and hippogriff droppings.


In which Hermione starts revising, the teachers pile on extra homework, HRH visit Hagrid, discover he has a dragon's egg, and later watch it hatch.


Be Hagrid, whose mysterious past is finally told? Or could it be the one


Hermione: [after Hagrid gives Ron Scabbers back] I think you owe someone an apology.


This is also our second glimpse of the wizarding government, the first having been Hagrid's and Dumbledore's remarks on and contact with Fudge the previous year.


This intolerance permeates the entire culture and also extends in many cases to a prejudice against "half-breeds," such as the half-giant Hagrid and creatures such as centaurs.


Don't worry, Madame Maxime.Our gamekeeper, Hagrid, is more than capable of seeing to them.


So why don't Hagrid and especially Dumbledore know anything about it when Hagrid appears on Privet Drive that night?


That night,Albus Dumbledore,the head of a wizardry academy called Hogwarts,meets Professor McGonagall,who also teaches at Hogwarts,and a giant named Hagrid outside the Dursley home.


Albus Dumbledore: Hagrid is bringing him.


Argus Filch has an entire file drawer devoted to the rule-breaking of Fred and George, and Hagrid says he's spent half his life chasing the twins out of the Forbidden Forest.


It's difficult to imagine someone as bulky as Hagrid riding a broomstick, and he certainly isn't able to Apparate.


Rubeus Hagrid: A wizard. A good one, I'd wager, once you're trained up.


Rubeus Hagrid: It's an outrage. A scandal!


Rubeus Hagrid: It's changing out there. There's a storm coming, Harry, just like the last time.


Rubeus Hagrid: Dry up, Dersley, you great prune.


When and where did McGonagall find out from Hagrid that Dumbledore would be on Privet Drive that next night?


Dragons can't be domesticated, no matter what Hagrid thinks.


Hagrid simply looked at him,the little of his face that could be seen completely blank,uncomprehending.
