n.天竺葵; 老鹳草; [色彩] 鲜红色n.[植]天竺葵, 老鹳草属植物,鲜红色
n.天竺葵;老鹳草;[色彩] 鲜红色;
Noun1. any of numerous plants of the family Geraniaceae
名词 geranium:
any of numerous plants of the family Geraniaceaegeranium[ dʒi'reiniəm ]n.any of numerous plants of the family Geraniaceae
geranium 老鹳草 词源同crane, 鹤,因其籽荚形似鹤嘴而得名。比较corbel.geranium用法和例句:
Extroverted notes of Mediterranean verbena mingle with a rosy base of geranium and lemon tree.
Geranium , Carrot Seeed, Jasmine , Evening Primrose, Grapeseed and so on.
天竺葵 、 葫萝卜籽、葡萄籽 、 茉莉、月见草等.
Any of various plants of the genus Geranium, having divided leaves and pink or purplish flowers.
西部老鹳草, 开粉色小花;草坪和空地上的普通草.
Contain natural extracts oil of frankincense, neroli, geranium that is extracted from the natural resin.
蕴含天然树脂中提取的乳香、花 、 竺葵等精油,渗透力强,能有效调整及丰满乳房组织, 净化胸部淋巴,畅通循环,调节荷尔蒙,活化乳腺,促进乳房增大,坚挺.
Geranium, Rose, Rose Hip, Jojoba and so on.
天竺葵 、 玫瑰 、 玫瑰果 、 荷荷芭油等.
Stick a geranium in your hat and be happy!
Contain Lemon , Lavender, Rose, Sage , Patchouli and Geranium essential oils Wheat germ oil.
眼部调理精油含玫瑰 、 薰衣草 、 茴香、檀香、玫瑰草 、 棒果油等成分.
One night she searched the woods until she found water lilies and crane's bill ( geranium ).
某天夜晚,她到林中不停的寻找,直到找到了荷花及洋葵 ( 天竺葵 ).
Results The gallic acid containing of Geranium wildordii Maxim is 0.012 % , Geranium carolinianum L . is 0.01 %.
Some favoured dahlia, others preferred the bright geranium.
一些人偏爱天竺牡丹; 另一些人则比较喜欢鲜艳的天竺葵.
The geranium is a garden plant with red, pink or white flowers.
天竺葵是种开红 、 粉红或白色花的花园植物.
Objective : To perform the qualitative analysis of, and determine the total tannin content in geranium granules.
目的: 对老鹳草颗粒荆中的有效成分总鞣质进行定性分析及含量测定.
Summer is silk itself , a giant geranium and music from a flute far away!
As to the soil improvement effect, the Longyan + Rose Geranium model obviously excel the two other models.
从对土壤改良效应来看, 龙眼+香叶天竺葵模式明显优于其它2种模式.
Clarifying & whitening essential oil Contain Rose, Geranium, Rosewood, Jojoba oil, Rosehip oil.
含玫瑰 、 天竺葵 、 花梨木 、 菏 荷芭油 、 玫瑰果油等成分.
Rose essence, geranium extract, frankincense, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, CPF, powerful moisturizing factor.
玫瑰精华 、 天竺葵提取物 、 乳香 、 透明质酸 、 维生素E 、 胶原活元素(CPF) 、 强效保湿因子等.
Geranium , Rosemary, Carrot Seed, Evening Primrose , Whwatgerm and so on.
天竺葵 、 迷迭香 、 胡萝卜籽 、 月见草、小麦胚芽油等.
AIM : To observe the morphology of initial artificial enamel lesions treated with Geranium Strictipes.
目的: 观察隔山消水提取物处理早期人工龋后的表面形态.
The lemon geranium sloughs dry brown leaves at the base of its branches.
"Precious Leaves","bloomy, sweet, fresh-for relaxation and vitalisation","Lavender, Balm fir, Geranium, Clary Sage","215.00 "
Geranium collinum
n. 丘陵老鹳草
Geranium erianthum
n. 东北老鹳草
Geranium sinense
n. 中华老鹳草
Geranium ocellatum
n. 二色老鹳草
Geranium delavayi
n. 五叶老鹤草
Geranium maximowiczii
n. 兴安老鹳草
Geranium hispidissimum
n. 刚毛紫地榆
Geranium hayatanum
n. 单花老鹳草
Geranium divaricatum
n. 叉枝老鹳草
Geranium refractum
n. 反瓣老鹳草
Geranium lamberti
n. 吉隆老鹳草
Geranium rotundifolium
n. 圆叶老鹳草
Geranium polyanthes
n. 多花老鹳草
Geranium christensenianum
n. 大姚老鹳草
Geranium himalayense
n. 大花老鹳草
Geranium moupinense
n. 宝兴老鹳草
Geranium platylobum
n. 宽片老鹳草
Geranium platyrenifolium
n. 宽肾叶老鹳草
Geranium nepalense
n. 尼泊尔老鹳草
Geranium orientali-tibeticum
n. 川西老鹳草
Geranium pinetorum
n. 松林老鹳草
Sect. Geranium
n. 林生组
Geranium platyanthum
n. 毛蕊老鹳草
Geranium robertianum
n. 汉荭鱼腥草
Geranium rosthornii
n. 湖北老鹳草
Geranium kariense
n. 滇老鹳草
Geranium franchetii
n. 灰岩紫地榆
Geranium pylzowianum
n. 甘青老鹳草
Geranium albiflorum
n. 白花老鹳草
Geranium rectum
n. 直立老鹳草
Geranium krameri
n. 突节老鹳草
Geranium dahuricum
n. 粗根老鹳草
Geranium strictipes
n. 紫地榆
Geranium refractoides
n. 紫萼老鹳草
Geranium rubifolium
n. 红叶老鹳草
Geranium calanthum
n. 美花老鹳草
Geranium pratense
n. 草地老鹳草
Geranium napuligerum
n. 萝卜根老鹳草
Geranium pseudosibiricum
n. 蓝花老鹳草
Geranium carolinianum
n. 野老鹳草
Geranium bockii
n. 金佛山老鹳草
Geranium donianum
n. 长根老鹳草
Geranium shensianum
n. 陕西老鹳草
Geranium melanandrum
n. 黑药老鹳草
Geranium sibiricum
n. 鼠掌老鹳草
Geranium limprichtii
n. 齿托紫地榆
oil of geranium
[化] 老鹳草油; 香叶天竺葵油; 香叶油
Geranium molle L.
[医] 柔老鹳
Geranium robertianum L.
[医] 汉荭鱼腥草,猫脚印
Geranium nepalense Sweet.
[医] 老鹳草
Geranium L.
[医] 老鹳草属,牛儿[苗]属
Geranium wifordii Maxim.
[医] 老鹳草,小牛儿
Some favored dahlia, others preferred the bright geranium
Some favoured dahlia , others preferred the bright geranium .
Join young lovers Jake and Geranium as they fall in love, even though she's kind of bigger than him.It all happens in historically inaccurate glory on the Thumbtanic.
A luxurious organic lotion fragranced with the warm, sunny scent of rose, geranium and fresh oranges, enriched with the skin conditioning oils of avocado, hemp seed and olive.
A perennial favorite. Extroverted notes of Mediterranean verbena mingle with a rosy base of geranium and lemon tree. Elegantly presented in a glass spray bottled engraved with a verbena leaf.
a fragrant,pale yellow liquid alcohol,C9H17COH,derived chiefly from the oils of geranium and citronella and used in cosmetics and flavorings
The Content Determination of Gallic Acid of Geranium Sibiricum Collected in Three Provinces in Northeast
Keywords Geranium sinense R.Genth Tannin TLC Colorimetric method;
Major ingredients : Helianthus Annuns, Geranium Extract, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Lavenolula AngustifoLia.
Geranium、Piperit Mentha、Lavender、Jojoba、Grapeseed and so on 。
Geranium、Carrot Seeed、Jasmine、Evening Primrose、Grapeseed and so on 。
Sandalwood、Carrot Seed、Geranium、Jojoba、Sweet Almond and soon。
Carrot Seed、Geranium、Frankincense、Jojoba、Rose Hip and so on。
Key ingredients: Sodium lauryl sulfate, suma brazilian ginseng, essential oils of juniper berry, cinnamon, armoise, oakmoss and geranium, hydrolozed wheat protein
Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of five, as in the geranium.
As to the soil improvement effect,the Longyan+Rose Geranium model obviously excel the two other models.
The superior weed species mainly included Viola yedoensis Makino, Geranium wilfordii Maxim, Taraxacum mongolicum Hand Mazz and Trifolium repens Linn.
A flat-topped or rounded flower cluster in which the individual flower stalks arise from about the same point, as in the geranium, milkweed, onion, and chive.
A flat-topped or rounded flower cluster in which the individual flower stalks arise from about the same point,as in the geranium,milkweed,onion,and chive.
Hip Nursing Oil Cypress Geranium Cardamom Prevent hip from crash downing, ream hip the curve is perfect. Moving.
Organicalmond and jojoba oils are combined with softening marsh-mallow and atoning blend of lemon and geranium in this rich cream.
Test Methods for Minority-Carrier Lifetime in Bulk Geranium and Silicon by Measurement of Photoconductivity Decay
Keywords Geranium strictipes Knuth;Exterior characteristics;Microscopic character;TLC;
Among them " civilian is changed " cordate telosma, lavender, geranium and drive midge grass had better sell.
Common wild geranium of eastern North America with deeply parted leaves and rose-purple flowers.
geranium of western North America having pinkish-purple flowers in open clusters.
Geranium of western North America having branched clusters of white or pale pink flowers.
用作名词(n.)The fragrance of perfume geranium suits a kitchen very much, can stomachic.
Some favoured dahlia, others preferred the bright geranium.