n.大爆发n. 核心爆炸引起的爆炸风暴, 风暴性大火, 大爆发
Noun1. a storm in which violent winds are drawn into the column of hot air rising over a severely bombed area
2. an outburst of controversy;
"the incident triggered a political firestorm"
名词 firestorm:
a storm in which violent winds are drawn into the column of hot air rising over a severely bombed area
an outburst of controversyfirestorm[ 'faiəstɔ:m ]n.a storm in which violent winds are drawn into the column of hot air rising over a severely bombed areaan outburst of controversy
"the incident triggered a political firestorm"
The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.
The book set off a firestorm of reaction.
Hellfire Torch Firestorm proc rate has been reduced to 5 %.
You may touch off a firestorm quite innocently, so be careful then.
你有可能无辜地触发一场风暴火, 所以千万要注意了.
But last week the Obama administration timidly ducked that task, fearing a political firestorm.
但是, 由于唯恐引起政治风暴,奥巴马政府胆怯地绕开了这项任务.
But contraception, induced abortion, sterilization technologies touch off a firestorm of debate about ethics.
然而,避孕 、 人工流产 、 绝育技术的施行却引发了激烈的伦理道德问题论争.
When Ware showed up at school on Monday morning, he arrived to a firestorm.
星期一早晨,当威尔出现在学校时, 他卷入了一场大爆发中.
Is the firestorm over open source likely to abate?
The ruling provoked a firestorm.
No sooner had we arrived than a firestorm broke out in Arkansas involving the football team.
The kinds of approximations needed to, for example , simulate a firestorm, were in the past intractable.
Yun Mei's request has set a firestorm of controversy.
The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.
"Firestorm will be your main ability for killing creeps but it can deal a lot of damage to heroes if you combine it with disables or slows."
The Dresden firestorm of February 1945, and the nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of that year, killed more than the few hundred thousand people known to have died in those bombings.
NASA is seeking to damp a firestorm over its decision to stop astronaut servicing of the Hubble Space Telescope by lining up ideas for robots that could do the job.
A few days after the firestorm broke, I called Eli Segal and pleaded with him to come down to Little Rock to be a mature, settling presence in the headquarters.
"THERE is nothing new to be discovered in physics." So said Lord Kelvin in 1900, shortly before the intellectual firestorm ignited by relativity and quantum mechanics proved him comprehensively wrong.
"The Negro Family: The Case for National Action" leaked to the press and created a firestorm of controversy with its contention that a "tangle of pathology" engulfed black America.
“The firestorm of 2006 was not PCCW's finest hour, but something good came of it,” said one person close to the company.
Derivatives and securitisation, which have been at the heart of the firestorm in finance, have also been hugely beneficial.
But God's answer didn't come through a megawatt speaker system.God's answer was not in the hurricane, the earthquake, or the firestorm.
The fact that the link between anthrax and Iraq may have provided the 'tipping point' in moving media and public opinion to the point where Bush could attack Iraq without a firestorm of protest.
1943 World War II : Kassel: RAF conducts an air raid on the city of 236,000 people, killing 10,000, rendering 150,000 homeless. Second firestorm raid in Germany
He posted his find on the Internet and soon afterward a firestorm erupted as numerous other people duplicated his problem and found additional situations that resulted in wrong answers.
However, humans whom are ascending can assist Earth, thereby altering the requirement of a major hurricane, firestorm or earthquake to shift the vibration in a particular region upward.
But the remarks that have caused this recent firestorm weren't simply controversial.They weren't simply a religious leader's effort to speak out against perceived injustice.
You may touch off a firestorm quite innocently, so be careful then.
Republicans unleashed a firestorm of criticism against Kerry after the Vietnam veteran's remarks on Monday, but Kerry said Tuesday that he made a mistake.
Past Israeli governments were reluctant to target Yassin, fearing a firestorm of revenge attacks.
Kellogg's ( K , Fortune 500 ), which markets its food to families, is the first major brand to drop Phelps, citing the incident, which has erupted into a media firestorm.
A member of India's most prominent political family, the Nehru family, finds himself in an electoral firestorm as he runs for parliament for the main opposition party.
a firestorm of criticism.
Reduced delay of Axis Firestorm barrage by approximately 3 seconds.
Would the government ever again risk bringing a firestorm of critical wrath down on the country that, in the last 20 years, has vaulted into the front row of the world's nations.
the first year of firestorm
The firestorm created by the Chicxulub impact and the subsequent pollution were devastating.
The bonuses have crystallized public anxiety over the economic downturn and frustration at the government bailouts, creating a firestorm for the White House.
Already setting things alight in the Firestorm 10T chassis, the G3.0 is the powerplant of choice for the new generation of RTR Nitro MT2 trucks!
Is the firestorm over open source likely to abate?
" So said Lord Kelvin in 1900, shortly before the intellectual firestorm ignited by relativity and quantum mechanics proved him comprehensively wrong.
The agreement to return the money followed a firestorm of criticism and some arm-twisting from New York's attorney general.
When times are good they will struggle to take the punchbowl away: a central bank that tried to stop subprime lending in 2003 would have faced a political firestorm.
It was clear to both of us that Starr was trying to create a firestorm to force me from office.
No sooner had we arrived than a firestorm broke out in Arkansas involving the football team.
With respect to Latinos, it is the problem of undocumented workers and the political firestorm surrounding immigration.
When Ware showed up at school on Monday morning, he arrived to a firestorm.
The biggest firestorm by far was generated by the teacher-testing program.
One area where the Chinese tread softly is in the U.S.They recall the abortive 2005 bid for Unocal by China National Offshore Oil (CEO), which ignited a firestorm in the U.S.Congress.
There‘s been a firestorm in the financial markets of an economy and the IMF is akin to the fire brigade, they‘re coming along and they diagnose the situation and apply remedies.
There's been a firestorm in the financial markets of an economy and the IMF is akin to the fire brigade , they're coming along and they diagnose the situation and apply remedies.
He managed the firestorm touched off by his intemperate pastor, Jeremiah Wright, with dignity and, eventually, ruthlessness.
Fire Strom Fire Tripper Firestorm
Firestorm: A sudden surge of Flux (or sometimes Elpis), manifesting as a mutagenic field of chaos.
But contraception,induced abortion,steri-lization technologies touch off a firestorm of debate about ethics.
It is mindful of the way cheap money in the 1980s stoked up such a firestorm of investment in the private sector that stock and land prices soared.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration informed a company in Texas of the new requirement but quickly rescinded the advisory in the face of a firestorm of negative publicity.
Kennedy handled the firestorm of outrage with self-defeating smugness.
Yun Mei's request has set off a firestorm of controversy.
The joint venture of Japan's Sony and German-based BMG reacted to a firestorm of protests and the threat of legal action over its use of the so-called XCP copy protection software.
It is communities like Georgetown that are caught in the firestorm surrounding immigration legislation.Mr.
The ruling provoked a firestorm.
This includes: Pitch Pots, Living Firestorm, Living Thunderstorm, Blood Pit, Idol of Set, and Cyclone of Set.
The credit crunch and the financial firestorm have also provided a neat metaphor for the big shift in economic power in the world.
The book set off a firestorm of reaction.
A heroic tale on firefighters, with a touch on the Hong Kong handover at its underlying theme, Lifeline vividly captures the ferociousness of firestorm.
a central bank that tried to stop subprime lending in 2003 would have faced a political firestorm.
Unleash the firestorm.
The firestorm that leveled Hiroshima after the atomic blast.