n. 眼中钉
n. something very ugly and offensive
public eyesore 公众眼中钉
I wouldn't fire that eyesore at my worst enemy.
That thing's an eyesore. I need more wine.
解開了一大謎題 我真得多喝點
That thing out there, that's just a damn eyesore.
Not only does it seem unsafe, but it's become quite an eyesore.
不仅看起来很不安全 而且变得非常扎眼
I know it's a gift from the boss and all, but, really, that tie is an eyesore.
我知道它是老板他们送你的礼物 但说真的 那领带实在难看
And you are destined for holey pockets rags for clothes and the company of this flying eyesore.
而你就注定背着个破洞的包 穿得破破烂烂 还有这会飞的丑鸟
But just outside our beautiful city lies one of the world's greatest eyesores.
不过 就在我们美丽的城市之外 坐落着世界上让人看了最恶心的东西
They're gonna build that ing thing, and they'll be here for three months max, and we'll be stuck looking at that eyesore for the rest of the year.
就算他们建了那个鬼东西 也不会在那住上超过三个月 而我们却得无时无刻忍受 看着那烦人的玩意儿
She said the giant pile of parts out back is a public eyesore and a safety hazard, and demands the store be condemned.
她说后面那一大堆零件 影响市容 还有安全隐患 并要求这家商店关门
I would just like to submit to you that, although I agree that mangy hound is a bit of an eyesore doesn't ell very good either but he's got as much right to be in here as you do.
我只是想跟你说 虽然我同意 那只癞皮狗有点碍眼 而且也不好闻 但它跟你一样有权留在这里