extruded是什么意思   extruded怎么读

英式:[ɪkst'ru:dɪd]    美式:[ɪkst'ru:dɪd]


v.挤压出( extrude的过去式和过去分词 ); 挤压成; 突出; 伸出

v.挤压出( extrude的过去式和过去分词 );挤压成;突出;伸出



动词 extrude:

form or shape by forcing through an opening

同义词:extrude, squeeze out

extrudev.form or shape by forcing through an opening

"extrude steel"

同义词:squeeze out




CTR was fixed in the capsule in 13 eyes and partly extruded out of the capsule in 2 eyes.


At impact energy of 2.7 J, it is mainly spalling of extruded hardened edge for LCHA, primarily massive fatigue spalling and heavy corrosive wear for HMN and principally massive brittle spalling and heavier corrosive wear for MCA.

2 7J冲击功下,低碳高合金钢主要为挤出硬化棱的剥落,高锰钢主要为块状疲劳剥落和较严重的腐蚀磨损,中碳合金钢主要为块状脆性剥落及严重的腐蚀磨损;

It is spread on end face of extruded shim to make shim separate with discard. 3.


Materials extruded have been plasticized evenly.

5、 配备的强力干燥设备能有效地解决高速生产过程中滴灌管的带水问题。

BIH, and the density and foam structures of the extruded free low foamed HIPS properties, the influence of the crosslink-ing agent and nucleator on HIPS product were discussed.


GLE is a library package of C functions that draw extruded surfaces, including surfaces of revolution, sweeps, tubes, polycones, polycylinders and helicoids.


"Flamingo" is an international brand of construction ceramics owned by Chongqing Fuling Ceramics Group, which includes five diamond series of product on porcelain tile, roofing tile, external tile, crystal glass and extruded tile.


The"pocks"is one of the most important surface defects in extruded aluminium alloy.


A manufactured fiber formed by compound of cellulose, refined from cotton linters and/or wood pulp, and acedic acid that has been extruded through a spinneret and then hardened.


XPS insulation specialized in the use of rigid extruded polystyrene foam plate and the production of the products of machinery and equipment.


To make winter gear that dissipates moisture but holds in heat, manufacturers use specially extruded hollow fibers that retain insulating air.


To decrease bending and twist deformation of non-sym metry extruded sections, a new conception of local extrusion ratio and die band ratio has been set up, and also the formulas for the place of die hole on the ba sis of simulating test.


VPI.Your source for extruded plastic sheet, plastic rollstock and custom plastic extrusion products.


Today large quantities of lead still go into the manufacture of rolled sheet and extruded pipe.


An extruded self adhesive tape for lap seam of EPDM sheet has brominated butyl rubber as main ingredient and appropriate aids.


Polypropylene as a matrix was blended with BaSO 4 developing agent, then extruded and granulated by double|screw extruder, and finally X|ray developing fiber was obtained.


PP and PA6 were blended and extruded with a single screw extruder, PA6 could fibrillated in the matrix.


Black masterbatches with high degree of jetness, stable colour and excellent dispersion.suitable for the coloration of the injected, blown and extruded products of common resins.


The tank shall have extruded magnesium anode rods installed in separate head couplings and extended to within three inches (76mm) of the bottom.


All kinds of reasons of extruded die cracked is analysised when profile is hot extruded,and take the method of preventing and remedying.


Design and manufacture of extruded plastic parts, blow-moulding, all business sectors. Plastics,...


Extruded PVC profiles, textile-reinforced tubes, gardening hoses, irrigation, TRICOT electrical...


Microstructures and mechanical properties of extruded tubes of AZ91+XCa (X=0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 wt. %) alloys were investigated using OM, SEM, XRD and mechanical property test.


Beijing Boke Man extruded products limited liability company is set extruded polystyrene for insulation boards (XPS) production, sales and service in one of the modern enterprise.


Beipeng Extruded Thermal Insulation Boards feature superfine thermal insulating properties. The thermal resistant value our products is significantly better than any other thermal insulating materials.


Beipeng plastic extruded board can be widely used in planting roofing, a brand new environmentally-friendly heat insulation form, and give good use effect.


The results show that the fluidity of extruded state alloy is the lowest.


The reason is that on a number of extruded compound modification oilysludge, just one layer on the heatsealing layer blending, middle-tier also may be in a lower-cost.


Factory nade products of extruded polystyrene foan (XPS).

参考名称: Thernal insulation products for buildings.

The Film blowing machine's feature is used LDPE as materials, after being heated, extruded, drawn an...


Sample with a higher DI value can be extruded easily and corresponded to a small average particle size.However no correlation was observed between pore structure and DI value.


It was concluded that this defect is not surface crack indeed,but cross extruded wrinkle rising from inhomogeneous deformation.


Can be used as polystyrene board (EPS) insulation systems and extruded plate (XPS) insulation system of leveling material.


Because they have been extruded or pored out on the earth's surface, igneous rocks from volcanoes are called extrusive igneous rocks.


With outstanding vapor infiltration and compression resistances, Beipeng plastic extruded board excels in application in refrigeratory buildings.


It is relatively palatable without the sprayed-on fats and other enhancers needed on extruded dry food.


The wave forms of the glass building are highlighted by a series of extruded aluminum brush finish mullions, following the vertical, curvilinear shape on the north and south facades.


Rosette-shaped, extruded aluminum action rails and flanges (grands) provide increased stability and less frequent regulation.


Potato starch is used in extruded cereal and snack food products and in dry mixes for soups and cakes.


The results reveal that the solid solution and aging treatments will lead to a change in both cyclic stress response and cyclic stress-stain behavior of the extruded AM50 alloy.


Subway advertisement has strong pertinency, covers large fields, and has extruded effects of the advertisement.


The try of success of 100% percent of pass of the forming spout and ultra - short spout, extruded nature exfoliate graphite resistor rod was obtained.


Plastic material is extruded through very small holes to form fibres.


Any of various organic compounds produced by polymerization, capable of being molded, extruded, cast into various shapes and films, or drawn into filaments used as textile fibers.


Any of various organic compounds produced by polymerization,capable of being molded,extruded,cast into various shapes and films,or drawn into filaments used as textile fibers.


Application This line is uesd to shrinking、 cooling、 cutting (or winding) and moving the extruded tire-tread or tire-sidewall from extruder.


External wall insulation system with three approaches: extruded polystyrene board, commonly known as XPS boards, or expansion of polystyrene board, commonly known as EPS plate.


The baby extruded his tongue.


Obvious yield phenomenon can be observed at true stress-strain curve of compression of extruded alloy as the result of twinning.


Safety glass shall set into rails in deep into an extruded polyvinyl chloride glazing channels.


The experiments show that the formulas set up in this pa per can lower the deformation of non-symmtry extruded sections efficiently.


For the blueberries, I used a NURBS sphere, converted it to a polygon so I could texture it better, extruded the edges to make the leaves and of course reversed normals.


The vesults of our vesearch on low toxicity UF resin for grade of extruded particleboard( perforated) showed: The formaldehyde emission of extruded particleboard made from low toxicity UF resins could meet E2 standard, and E1 standard.


This paper conducts perimental studies of the six new and energetic catalysts in the screw extruded energetic propellant with low signatrue.


The machine that makes kibble (chip) from solid and cooled extruded powder coating.


Extruded nylon tape with arrowhead type hooks on both sides of a single base.


The non-uniform deforming characteristics of extruded piecework have been exposed.It is compared the extrusion process in one-hole die with in two-hole die.It is found ...


If the extrusion ratio and the extrusion temperature were lower, there were mixed crystal and un-completed recrystallization as strip in the extruded products.


ECDE should be diagnosed when OR>0.58or DTR>0.39,its posterior longitudinal ligament must be incised and extruded disc material should be removed completely.


The product we are thinking about is an extruded PCV product that we can use a die to cut the ends to form the length for the vehicle we want to fit.


Our dry ice production equipment has been specially engineered to produce the highest density extruded dry ice available.


We assemble big diameter axial impellers for industrial application.Generally here in Italy we buy groups of steel rounds and steel tubes which reinforces our extruded aluminum blades.


All extruded knots of these trees have to be planed to make a column.


Sheathing layer: PVC extruded polyethylene or in the form ofweaving.


The upper flange of extruded aluminum suffered less sagging than the lower flange which contacted with lower of the polyurethane rubber.


The door that has an extruded aluminum frame is weather-resistant, shatterproof, and warp-proof.


Most critical problem confronted during extruded forming is melt fracture,using fluorine-bearing modifier can properly e-liminate melt fracture phenomenon.


The little pulsation and fast heating in exlrusion are found and pure UHMWPE products with different molecular weights can be extruded.


Extruded plastic curls will not disintegrate after forming.


Specification for Extruded Thermosetting and Thermoplastic Semi-Conducting Conductor and Insulation Shields (10.


The Extrusion Editor also includes an Animation Timeline that allows you to animate the paths of your extrusions over time, allowing for full-fledged morphing of extruded objects.


Extruded aluminum alloy cylinder body.


The quality of extruded ingot is very important to the quality of aluminum profile.High quality of extruded ingot is the base of high quality of profile.


Extruded magnesium rod anodes are one of the important export products of XMM Co.


Extruded magnesium anode are mainly used inwaterboiler,heatexchanger,vapourater,boiler,etc.lt has pro-perty of softingwater,de-dirtresidual,enlong the usinglife,span.


The strength testing of extruded catalysts is complicated by three factors when compared to the testing ringformed catalysts.


Those pathological changes such as waist and leg pains, vertebra in version, kidney basins extruded and substania ossea are contributed to the contused ligament around sacrum joint.


Secondly, the technology of using extruded rice as beer adjunct and adding enzymes for beer mashing was discussed.


This article put forward a method of setting the extruded object in extruding spirals step by step and introduced it s process.


Abstract: The aluminium pick up of stem in extrusion is one of the causes of inwall defects of the extruded aluminium alloy pipe.

摘 要: 穿孔针粘铝是造成铝合金管材挤压时产生内表面擦伤缺陷的主要原因之一。