eth是什么意思   eth怎么读

英式:[eð]    美式:[eð]


n. 古代英语和冰岛语中的字母=edh



EthEth (Ð ð) is a letter of the Latin alphabet used in Old English, Icelandic, and Faroese, and in the International Phonetic Alphabet.





Eth Br

(=ethidium bromide) 溴乙啡啶, 溴化二氨乙啡啶

eth acet

(=ethyl acetate) 乙酸乙酯

The ability of alfalfa seeds to convert various concentration of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and ethephon (ETH) to ethylene was found much lower under saline (c(NaCl)=0.25 mol/L) than under no-saline condition.

0 .2 5mol/L的NaCl胁迫下的苜蓿种子转变 1 氨基环丙烷 1 羧酸 (ACC)和乙烯利为乙烯的能力明显降低 .

Eth accelerated the senescence of cut flowers.


Then it continued eastward to Gath Hepher and Eth Kazin; it came out at Rimmon and turned toward Neah.


Benner and Peter G.Schultz.In 1989 Benner led a team at ETH Zurich that created DNA containing two artificial genetic “letters” in addition to the four that appear in life as we know it.


He also did his postdoctoral research work at ETH(Switzerland) and CTH(Sweden) in 1993 and 1994.


The results showed that application of Spd at concentration of 10-5 mol/L could decrease the contents of GA3, ZR and ETH and increase the LAA contents in the Red Fiji apple.

1×10-5mol/L Spd可降低红富士苹果短枝顶芽内源GA3含量、ZR含量及ETH含量,而提高了IAA含量;

The brother of British engineer Ke eth Bigley, who was kidna ed and killed by Zarqawi's group in 2004, said the world has rid itself of an evil person.


Andreas Wenger, Professor and Director Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Andreas Wenger苏黎士ETH安全研究中心教授、主任,瑞士

Domenico Giardini, Professor and Director of Swiss Seismological Service and CES, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Domenico Giardini瑞士地震研究中心主任、苏黎世联邦理工学院教授,瑞士

The health and status of the EINLINK is directly related to the health of the EIN and is reported by the ETH alarm indicator on the AP Status Pages.

EINLINK 的运转情况和状态直接与 EIN 的运转情况相关,并通过 AP 状态页上的 ETH 告警指示器来报告。

The numbers under the ETH alarm indicates the Ethernet Interface Node Ring Node Address: Link Node Group & Link Node Member.

ETH 告警下面的号码表示以太网接口节点环节点地址:链路节点群以及链路节点成员。

In present work, this Ca ISE was compared with CalSE based on ETH 1001. The response of Ca ISE based on ETH 1001 was not influenced by bile salts while that based on organic phosphate was caused negative shift in e.m. f.

ETH1001 Ca ISE不受胆盐的干扰,而磷酸酯Ca ISE受干扰造成电位负移。

The numbers under the ETH alarm indicates the Ethernet Interface Node Ring Node Address: Link Node Group &Link Node Member.


The ETH Professor does not expect the plants to have a negative impact on the environment.


eth shako a !


Wolfgang Kroeger, Director of International Risk Governance Council IRGC, Prof. ETH Zurich, Geneva, Switzerland

Wolfgang Kroeger国际风险管理理事会会长、苏黎世联邦理工学院安全分析中心主任,瑞士

The following graphic shows the ETH informational box on the AP Status Page:

下图显示的是 AP 状态页中的 ETH 信息框:

Both minority folk dance in china's traditional eth ni c culture and gymnastics in popular physical exercises belong to art shapes of h uman art,originating from rooted and extensive mass basis.


Ethylene (ETH)


The five hormones expressed the likely distribution in cucumber. Their contents is all high in up and young tissues ( stem apex, up leaf) higher and is lower in down tissues ( except ETH and ABA).


He has also held adjunct and visiting positions at Stanford, the ETH, and Duke.


You'll also want to include obscure characters like the thorn and eth.


Kees Christiaanse is Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the ETH Zurich and the founder of KCAP, which has offices in Rotterdam, Zurich and London.


On eth Residue Codes


The difference was significant or most significant. The inhibiting order was: Eth 200mg/kg>HCL 1400mg/kg>MH 1200mg/kg>NaOH 300mg/kg.


The inhibiting order was SBA 1600mg/kg>Eth 200mg/kg>HCL 1800mg/kg>MH 1600mg/kg>NaOH 200mg/kg.


The main subject focus of the collection is science and technology according to the profile of the ETH Zurich.


Eth a nol extractions of leaves and stalks of this plant were allowed to react with co lor developer such as Mg(Zn) powder and HCl, 1% FeCl 3 ethanol, 2% AlCl 3 et hanol and 1% NaOH. Characteristic color of favonoids was then observed.

其茎叶乙醇提取物用Mg +HCl,Zn +HCl,1 %FeCl3 乙醇液 ,2 %AlCl3 乙醇液 ,1 %NaOH进行显色反应 ,呈现黄酮类化合物性质特征颜色。

12:33 Sell that ye have, and give alms;provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that fail eth not, where no thief approach eth, neither moth corrupt eth.


Dear Sir, This is Kee Hing Cheung Kee Co., Ltd, the head office in hongkong ,we can supply the Eth...


It is concluded that ETH perform its action on gravitropism through the regulation of both IAA contents and IAA polar transportation.

向基部的极性运输功能丧失,引起根部缺乏IAA,导致向重力性的减弱。 上

Insensitivity to ETH (in eir1-1 root and etr1-3) led to the impossibility of IAA transportion from shoot tip to shoot bottom or root, so that result in the diminishment of root gravitropism.

向重力性反应; ejr1H和etrl-3突变体地上部的IAA增高,但根部的IAA

Business moral and professional eth


So extremely probably, ETH affects the gravitropism via auxin. In this case, such mutants might be used as the ideal model plants for the study of the closs-talk between ETH and auxin.


Husa Eth Pomer : Book Now - Pay on Check Out!


This paper uses growth modulator including of ETH,CCC,PP333 and IAA to soakage nutrient branch and fructi branch in shoot rapidity growth period.

在葡萄 (秋黑 )新梢迅速生长期 ,运用ETH、CCC、PP333及IAA 4种调节剂 ,对营养枝、结果枝进行浸蘸试验。

In the critical period of bud physiological differentiation of Longan, ETH and IAA contents in leaves of trees of winter flush controlling were higher than those of trees without winter flush controlling; but GA3 content is reverse.


Ethiopian Olympic Committee ( ETH )


Hydrological Effects on the Degeneration of eth Ecological Environment in the Tarim River Watershed, Xinjiang


The temporal variation of ozone concentration at night is mainly controlled by the concentration of NO_x, HO_2, OLE, ETH.


the pain occured within72hours in most of the te eth.


eth; The weather in Fuzhou is hotter than that in Xiamen.


If there is a problem, the EMS AP Status Page uses the ETH alarm bell icon to display the state of the communication path (EINLINK) between the EIN and the AP.

如果有问题,则 EMS AP 状态页会用 ETH 告警钟图标显示 EIN 和 AP 之间通信路径的状态。

Mark Pauly,Point Primitives for Interactive Modeling and Processing of 3D Geometry,for the Degree of Doctor of Sciences,Federal Institute of Technology(ETH) of Zurich,2003


Application of Spd at same concentration increased the contents of GA3 and ETH in the early stage and decreased LAA, ABA and ZR contents in Starkrimson.

对于新红星苹果,1×10-5mol/L Spd则提高了GA3含量及前期芽内ETH释放量,而降低了LAA含量、ABA含量及ZR含量。

The effects on endogenous hormone contents ETH and IAA contents in theleaves was reduced after implementing heavy retractive pruning, with an increase of GA3 and ZT contents.

对内源激素含量的影响 重回缩修剪降低了叶片中的ETH、IAA含量,但增加了GA_3、ZT含量。

The affect of rate of among five hormones on blunt with blossom in the same sowing period (in autumn) and different species (JinChunNO.3 and TM) showed: The ratio of GA3 and ETH had a closely relationship with blunt with blossom.


An Education in Professional Eth nics in Accounting


Plasticized PVC membrane lithium-ion chemical sensors based on neutralionophore ETH 1810 were prepared by the optimized membrane composition . Theelectrode membrane solution containing 1.0% ETH 1810 0.2% KTpC1PB..


Effects of some plant growth regulators on the regulation of root formation and development were studid, and the physiological mechanisms of IBA, ETH, PP333 and GA in regulating root formation and development were discussed.


Your data will not be sold, given, distributed outside the ETH Alumni Network in any form.


I always been fascinated by card players.They look eth on their instinct and luck.I wonder if i would be in the same mood the same position,or i just fold?


From 1978 to 1984, fourteen cases of fronto-ethmoidal mucocele (5 frontal, 3 eth moidal and 6 fronto-ethmoidal) were collected.


IP Multicast and Multimedia Services in Access Network Based on Eth ernet


Struct etherpacket {struct ethhdr eth;struct iphdr ip;struct tcphdr...


Methods: Protectiveness of the MPG was studied by using liver injury induced by D amino galactose(DAG)and ethanol(Eth)in mice.


You spoil them rotten, Eth.


Experiments on the Web, Creative Chemistry on the Internet (CCI), a part of the Chemistry Contact Network (CCN), a project of ETH World.


The further development of the project led by the ETH Zurich, on high speed texturing is introduced.


This paper presentsand summarizes the studies of the taxonomy and pharmacognosy of the eth...


This essay discusses the social and familial ethical problems that are related to procreating right of single women in order to examine the eth...


The university will take this as a serious lesson for eth


Chan Siu-king, non-affiliated, is making her political debut agai t incumbent Ke eth Ting Woo-shou of the Liberal Party in industrial first.


The ETH E-Collection offers members of the ETH Zurich an alternative publication platform.


Studies on the Interactions of Calcium with Bile Salts by ETH 1001 Calcium Ion-Selective Electrode


Some Exact Travelling Wave Solutions Of The Generalized Seventi eth Order KdV Equation By The Fractionary Deforming Method


It is an effective method to correct the abnormal structure of nasal septum and to cut off the branches of vidian nerve and anterior eth moidal nerve in the treatment of allergic rhinitis with asthma.


A PVC membrane sodium ion-selective microelectrode based on a neutral carrier(ETH 1097)has been constructed.


The impact energy was varied from 10 to 100 eV. The chemisorption of C10 was found to occur only when its incident energy is above a threshold value Eth (5-40 eV).


It was suggests that during the stage of fruit formation, there was no endogenous ABA in ginseng seed;therefore, the development of endosperm and endocarpium regulated by IAA, Z+ZR, ETH, and GA_3.


P.U.S.HðPray until something happens.


Sixthly, strengthening the education of professional ethics and quality of certified public accountants to improve their professional eth


The system con sists of two networks at dif ferent level. The top one is Eth ernet,which is made of two sets of CS1-PLC.


EBERHARD K.JOCHEM is professor of economics and energy economics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and director of the Center for Energy Policy and Economics there.


Resu lts After the treatment of27selected teeth(16immature teeth,11mature teeth),11te eth achieved the standard of success,16teeth achieved the standard of efficiency ,none of them was failing.


Researchers at the ETH have designed a special ophthalmoscope with which they plan to track the robots inside the eye.


The result shown that the technical plant of increasing dry point and output of feed-stocks, using gas oil with heavy eth...


Con-clusion:To get ideal result,remains of the te eth are preserved as much as possible.satisfied effec...
