abbr.Empire Parliamentory Association 帝国议会协会; Empire Press Agency 帝国出版署; economic price adjustment 经济价格调节; eicosapentanoic acid 二十烷戊酸abbr.Environmental Protection Agency 美国环保署;Eicosapentaenoic acid;EPA 是有五個雙鍵的多元不飽和脂肪酸酸(C20H30O2);是一种奧米加三脂肪酸。
Noun1. an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment
名词 epa:
an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment
同义词:Environmental Protection Agency
EPAn.an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment同义词:Environmental Protection Agency
EPA's approach to settlement changed radically during the early implementation of Superfund.
英汉非文学 - 行政法
Generally, these permits are issued by the states, not by EPA.
总的来讲, 这些许可是由各州颁布的, 不是由环境保护局颁布.
英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
The court rejected EPA's position and invalidated all the BCT regulations.
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EPA is given broad inspection powers ( section 3007 ).
环境保护局有广泛的检查权 ( 第3007条 ).
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In 1986, EPA adopted new BCT regulations.
1986年, 环境保护局采用一套新的“常规污染物最佳控制技术”管制规章.
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EPA also enforces noise standards for trucks and airplanes.
The court emphasized that Congress was impatient with EPA's slow progress in regulating toxic water pollution.
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It empowers the EPA to adopt rules requiring testing by manufacturers of substances.
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In implementing such health - based standards, section 307 ( a ) ( 2 ) requires EPA to " take into account'six factors.
在执行以健康为基础的标准时, 第307条 ( a ) ( 2 ) 要求环境保护局考虑6个因素.
英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
The court also reiterated the need for deference to EPA's expert judgments on these issues.
英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
By 1983, EPA had only begun to put the statutory scheme into operation.
到了1983年, 环境保护局才开始着手实施这一法规.
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( EPA's failure to meet this deadline may affect its ability to collect penalties for non - compliance.
( 如果环境保护局错过了这一最后限期,就不能对不遵守者施以惩罚.
英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
A conceptual design and cost study was made by TVA for EPA in 1968.
The EPA has not forced the individual states to adopt the same standard.
And EPA itself does very little testing of gadgets.
Cell membranes rich in EPA and DHA are, however, more susceptible to peroxidation by free radical reactions.
A conceptual design and cost study was made by TVA for EPA in 1968.
National Environmental Policy Act (1970) established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce federal laws that involve the environment.
Resource Recovery Act (1970) enlarged the solid-waste disposal program and provided for enforcement by the EPA.
S.Evironmental protection Agency(EPA) promulgated rules restricting THM concentrations in drinking water.
In 1986, EPA adopted new BCT regulations.
The main policy to come out of the EPA in 1989 focused on how to handle buried garbage dumps.
A strong synergism was found between EPA and EPI in MGC-803 cells.
Total mass fraction of EPA and DHA can give 28.32%.
The EPA considered a ban on 13 pesticides in 1981, including DDVP, but took no action.
EPA significantly stimulated the growth of human embryonal pulmonary fibroblast (HPF) dose-dependently(P< 0.01).
EPA as priority pollutants, Sb speciation analysis in the environment and biomonitoring has received relatively little attention.
The EPA has acted on many of them, but it is unlikely to meet its deadline for completing the pesticide review.
Its EPA estimates are crap, but people are getting from 40-70 mpg.Best car for your money.
The amount of long chain n 3 PUFA (n 3LC PUFA, such as EPA, DPA and DHA ) increased when the diet containing 5% FO was fed.
FO5组以长链n 3PUFA ,(如EPA、DPA、DHA)为主的PUFA含量增加 (P <0 0 5) ;
The content of DHA and EPA was 73.36% and 13.49% respectively in n-3 PUFA glycerides by analysis of GC.
IDSA is urging EPA to rescind its decision.
WASP-5-Water quality analysis simulation pro-grams-5,was recommended by EPA used as software of water quality model.
WASP5(The water quality analysis simulation pro-gram-5,水质分析模拟程序5),是EPA推荐使用的水质模型软件。
"The EPA regulates the export of cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and CRT glass," an EPA spokesperson told DailyTech.
Once EPA decides to issue a notice of cancellation, a presumption arises in favor of suspension.
The EPA will presumably hesitate to withhold its permission after its setback in court.
With different RMV,DHA and EPA extraction yields by ultrasound extraction 1h at 1:4.5 of RMV were 79.48% and 81.52% respectively.
The percentage of unsaturated fat was 27.85% in total fats,with a high content of EPA.
In comparison with the same diox-ins monitoring method in Japan, the results met the inter-laboratory precision requirement set by Japan EPA...
They both provide data transmission and control functions for SCADA system, according to EPA model.
Fish oil may be considered superior because it is an animal product, and because it is a direct source of EPA and DHA.
In April, DuPont and EPA confirmed that they hade reached an agreement in principle, o subject to certain conditions, to resolve the complaint.
Sampling methods for volatile organic compounds in indoor air were introduced. The newest TO|17 method of U.S. EPA and SPME method invented by J.
介绍了近年来室内空气中挥发性有机物的各种采样方法及适用范围 ,其中重点介绍了美国环保署最新版的 TO - 17方法和 J.
Since 1979 the EPA has allowed "banking" of unused emission reduction credits, for offset against future new sources.
EPA 3540c and EPA 3550c are NOT GCMS methods. They are sample prep methods and cannot be used as PBDE or PBB detection methods.
A ka ki mai ia, Ko te epa tenei e puta nei.
他 说 : 这 出 来 的 是 量 器 。他 又 说 : 这 是 恶 人 在 遍 地 的 形 状 。
They point out that when Bill Clinton was president the EPA decided that it did have the authority to regulate carbon dioxide.
They need to be broken down by the body's enzymatic system into DHA and EPA before the body can reap its powerful benefits.
The EPA, he added, continues to collect Bt crop data-but so far without evidence of "unreasonable adverse effects" on insects in the field.
The EPA, he added, continues to collect Bt crop data-but so far without evidence of “unreasonable adverse effects” on insects in the field.
On the basis of this report,the EPA has classified environmental tobacco smoke in the highest risk category for causing cancer.
It seems that TSCA essentially establishes a presumption of safety, which EPA must overcome before it may require further testing of a chemical.
But the administration hopes matters will not get to that point, and that the EPA's announcement will help push the Senate into passing a bill.
But the number of reported spills in schools is on the rise, according to the EPA.
However, the EPA is not obligated to pursue sites on the NPL in any particular order.
Howeer, 2.8% of those taking EPA along with statins experienced a major coronary eent, compared with 3.5% of those only taking statins.
But while Congress ruminates, the EPA is going ahead with measures that will have a bearing on emissions from vehicles in particular.
In return, the EPA provides the company the information and technical support it needs to install the requisite lighting.
This EPA guy you checked out of the morgue in Maryland without any jurisdiction.
One other provision which deserves mention is section 7, which allows EPA to obtain emergency judicial relief in case of "imminent hazards".
Citizens also could sue EPA for failure to perform nondiscretionary regulatory duties.
Some phthalic esters are precedent-controlled harmful pollutants to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).
Internal standard method for determinating the contents of DHA and EPA in fish oil, fatty acid and fatty acid ethyl ester?
内标法测定鱼油及脂肪酸与脂肪酸乙酯中 DHA 和 EPA 含量
The ways in which EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) priority organic pollutants in bath water enter human body are analyzed.
Using these standards, another branch of the EPA sends investigators to inspect plants suspected of violating the act.
By the end of 1991, EPA must issue minimum standards that a plan revision must meet to be considered a "complete" submission.
By 1983, EPA had only begun to put the statutory scheme into operation.
Manufacturers sometimes challenge EPA test rules judicially, and the courts review in detail the agency's findings and reasons for demanding tests.
California still needs a waiver from the EPA in order to enforce its own emissions standards.
Meets current CARB and EPA standards. California version differs slightly due to emissions equipment.
Martial law was lifted on July 1, 1987 and the EPA was established on August 22 the same year.
Because of the difficulty of implementing the original section, EPA had entered into a consent decree with the NRDC governing toxic pollutants.
Therefore, n-3 PUFA glycerides were the functional oil rich in DHA and EPA.
因此n-3 PUFA甘油酯是一种富含DHA和EPA的功能性油脂。
Consequently, one would think that the EPA would support any law that would make their job easier.
Thus, the self-audits are one way for the EPA to save both time and money.
EPA Test Method 1311-1,Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure[S].
Fig 2. EPA content in egg yolk with different dietary fish oil content and experimental time.
A report published in 1992 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)emphasized the health dangers,especially from side-stream smoke.
In 1994, EPA established the SNAP Program to review alternatives to ODSs like CFC-12.
在1994年,美国环境保护局设立了管理单元节目审查替代消耗臭氧层物质,如氟氯化碳-12 。
The most important provision in FIFRA is the requirement that no new herbicide or pesticide can be sold in the US unless the EPA has approved it.
EPA's approach to settlement changed radically during the early implementation of Superfund.
During an aerage follow-up of 4.6 years, the researchers found a 19 percent reduction in major coronary eents among patients taking EPA.
The total content of PUFA was 38.47% in fish oil,the content of DHA and EPA was 23.63% and 4.84% respectively.
Enforcing the Battery Act, EPA may issue an order to violators.
Within sixty days of a plan submission, EPA must consider whether the submission is complete.
During the workshop the EPA formally denied a petition by NCAP to mandate disclosure of all inert ingredients on pesticide labels.
OPC Standard is selected as upper layer interface in contrast with EPA Specification as bottom layer interface in EPA Data Server based on OPC.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids especially GLA AA EPA and DHA have all kinds of physiological functions in human.
Much of that work, done during the 2000 growing season, is slated to be reported to the EPA shortly.
EPA can then make findings similar to those triggering the section 4 testing rules and issue an administrative order prohibiting manufacture or use.
In freshwater, the EPA limits on mean concentrations are 33 CFU per 100 milliliters for Enterococcus and 126 CFU per 100 milliliters for E. coli.
If the EPA chose not to enforce the CAA, then California would be off the hook, and could drop the ZEV mandate.
BMW will later add a rear-wheel-drive version that gets over 47 mpg on that cycle. (EPA fuel economy numbers likely would be lower by about 30%.
If a SIP for a nonattainment area is inadequate, EPA must issue a federal implementation plan within two years.
Fortunately, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) plans to have amendments to the law passed by the end of the year.