v.赋予灵魂( ensoul的现在分词 )vt. 赋予灵魂
v.赋予灵魂( ensoul的现在分词 );
they were also jealous of the souls ensouling the Grand Masters of such great seeming level of information and understanding.
to ensoul things insensate
使无生气之物富有生气[亦作 insoul]
What is required therefore is for the soul ensouling watermelon to increase the sugar content.
Therefore attempting to ensoul humans, nature, dolphins or whales that have failed to embody the bare minimum of 1024 strands would be counterproductive to the ascent of soul.
Up until 25 years ago in human timeframe, the presence of any physical reality was unknown to the souls ensouling the light body body-double planes, which exist an octave above physicality.
Such lessons will be allowed by earth and her ensouling factor so that war can one day be put behind the human experience and expression altogether.
Earth has the greatest love of Riza, and wishes her well and thanks her for all of the assistance while present as an ensouling factor of Earth.
Most kingdoms that are raised for fur such as mink, opossum, fox and beaver are choosing no longer to ensoul those species held in captivity.
It is the soul ensouling the land that balances the elements so that enough fire, water air and earth can be present to sustain life.
As one blesses the milk cows or free-range egg chickens, one calls Buffalo and Hawk to ensoul the associated forms.
As one communes, one allows for the exchange of love between one's soul and all souls ensouling all kingdoms surrounding oneself along with the land and water.
All species are God Goddess in form, and our souls ensoul Earth.
The Ascension Transmissions section contains channeled materials that focus upon the technicalities of the process of ascension written by the many over souls ensouling Mila over time.
Non-conscious form means that the soul ensouling species such as shark, lion, bear, tiger and so on have no control over the behavior of the body;
Those of this nature belong to the earth mother and to the nature kingdoms that extended into human form to ensoul them at birth.
Each soul and soul group that enters the dance with any particular kingdom must have experience ensouling the associated kingdom.
The Buffalo kingdom is choosing to ensoul all cows raised for dairy products until humans wean themselves from the requirement of such nutrients to foster ascension.
Dolphin and whale souls often not only weave dolphin and whale grid work into the physical form, but also construct dolphin whale subtle bodies and chakras in the humans that they ensoul.
Soul will also return to ensoul the land and nature kingdoms along with the waterways and ocean.
The creation of life was a recount of the nonphysical forces ensouling humans incubated in spacecraft laboratories and then placed upon Earth to see if they would survive.
Over time and going back over 12 million years in history, Earth had allowed the False Intervention souls to ensoul seven species upon Earth.
Beloved, nature has chosen to not ensoul any food raised through non-conscious farming practices.
Let us request that soul return unto the land and ensoul and ascend the vegetables, fruit, nuts, legumes or grains.
It is external because the joy is fueled by greater connection with our ensouling factor, God Goddess all That Is, and Source of All and all forms of Buffalo.
human souls that have karma to learn and understand about imprisoning animals now ensoul all species in any zoo or aquarium.
No soul is ensouling any other farm animal raised for flesh and any kingdom without soul will cease to exist in the times ahead, as it is soul that directs the field and biology for ascension.
Hawk is choosing to ensoul all chickens bread in a free-range manner for eggs.