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英式:[ɛˈmiːl]    美式:[ɛˈmiːl]


n. 埃米尔(男子名, 等于Emil)

n. the boy whose upbringing was described by Jean-Jacques Rousseau




Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin [网络] 亚历山大·埃米尔·让·耶尔辛

Emile Coue [网络] 库埃;古儿

Emile Durkheim 爱米尔·涂尔干;爱米尔·杜尔凯姆(法国社会学家)

Emile Gaboriau [网络] 加伯黎奥;埃米尔·加博里奥;加博里欧

Emile Herzog [网络] 埃米尔赫尔佐格

Emile Zola [网络] 左拉;法国作家左拉;埃米尔·左拉

Henri Emile Benoit Matisse [网络] 亨利·埃米尔·贝诺伊·马蒂斯

Jules Emile Frederic Massenet [网络] 马斯奈;马斯内

Emile Desire Kraetzer 埃米尔·德西雷·克拉泽尔

Emile Durkheim Award 埃米尔·杜尔奖

emile durkheim functionalism 功能主义期间的站立

emile durkheim suicide 艾米尔·迪尔凯姆自杀

emile durkheim was concerned 艾米尔·迪尔凯姆很担心

confirm emile 确认埃米尔


emile, you cannot leave me out of this.

埃米尔 你不能不让我参加行动

while emile was shooting himself up and so was his brother.

丹尼尔·普莱斯在教堂里 他兄弟也在

emile and you are associates, and you planned the heist with him.

你和埃米尔是一伙的 你们一起策划了这次劫持行动

emile hasn't changed his mind about talking to us.


emile is the key to all of this, by the way, if you're too clueless to figure that out.

對了 如果你們實在想不通的話 埃米爾是這一切的關鍵

emile was high at the time, or maybe he was wrong.

当时埃米尔嗑嗨了 或者是他说错了

Emil! I certainly do better to keep our powder dry.

埃米尔 我当然说过 还是谨慎点好

emile, your hands start shaking whenever you even think about him.

埃米尔 你甚至一想起他来手就会发抖

emile gets out two weeks ago, and the gun comes back.

埃米尔两周前出狱 这把枪就回来了

emile will take care of your first payment, and he will see you out.

埃米尔会负责把定金给你 然后送你出去