n.<澳>(澳大利亚土著神话中的)黄金时代n. <澳>=alcheringa
"It was 'heavy' and just didn't reflect who I was any longer," says Ms.Bertini, president of DreamTime Publishing in Las Vegas.
She needs humans however to assist with this, and one can volunteer in dreamtime for this world service role and it will be most appreciated.
The dreamtime of abundance holds records and keys to such a state of being from an earlier time in earth's ancient and 12th dimensional history.
Humans, as they sleep, venture on to these planes of dreamtime and experience the dramas based upon destruction that are broadcast.
The parts of the brain which attune to dreamtime and also holographic time were poisoned.
They then often act out their dreamtime experiences in physicality.
In a similar manner, the map for ascension is disseminated in parallel human meetings amongst those in the new consensus for ascension during dreamtime.
Whenever my dreamtime self has been manipulated, I check to see if I have missed any trips to the healing temples or if I missing any healings that my dreamtime self received at the healing temples.
But I fell about four times on the dyno.I took an hour's rest, on the next try I almost had that hold, another 30 minute rest and Dreamtime didn't stand a chance!
However, if one intends it so, one may work on such karmic release in dreamtime, and in so doing, the thought-form of destruction can be transcended in full in more ascending humans.
You may call upon us, and we will provide you with energetic healing during your dreamtime, and conscious guidance for those who are telepathic.
You can attune to our temple in meditation or dreamtime to receive your assessment once you have consumed the herbs for a few days that you muscle test to ingest.
Your ancestors can assist you in dreamtime with highlighting DNA that is not able to support the body further due to disease languaging.
the Dreamtime of Co-Creation shall be accessed during Conclave in Banff allowing all who attend to learn to co-create with earth and the god goddess of one's form again.
as often the nonphysical nature was problematic and sent her a load of harm due to the unconscious belligerent persona in dreamtime.
Therefore if one is good, kind and loving in the physical, one may be abusive, argumentative and not so kind in dreamtime.
The Group Mastery materials open the unconscious is such a manner that one may become more finely attuned to one's dreamtime state of being for the purposes of ascension.
Aborigines have the longest continuous cultural history of any group of people on Earth - dating back - by some estimates - 65,000 years. Dreamtime is Aboriginal Religion and Culture.
Aboriginal legends, songs and dances tell of powerful spirits who created the land and people during the Dreamtime.
In the transference of knowledge from the human species unto the dolphins and whales, the knowledge of dreamtime and clairvoyance were the main records that their species obtained.
In dreamtime and meditation one moves within the matrix attracting the keys that synchronize with needed experiences.
Visiting the Temple of Guardianship in meditation or dreamtime and receiving replacement guardians generally assists in rectifying the circumstance.
One can intend to observe if each dream one is intending goes missing as one attunes to the dreamtime planes during one's meditation time.
The Earth Mother, Solar Father and Nature Kingdoms have created special dreamtime planes to hold the healing, blessings and anchoring offered through these timeless meditations.
The Earth Mother and Nature Kingdoms have created special dreamtime planes to hold the healing, blessings and anchoring offered through these timeless meditations.
These can be visited during meditation or dreamtime for support and reparation of field.
She has been an inspiration to our kingdom as she has often taken dreamtime stands against others of other opinions who wished her destroyed and annihilated.
If they were supportive and loving in the physical, often they were belligerent and argumentative in dreamtime.
If you are fortunate not to have disease present within your body at this time, then Herb Kingdom encourages you to focus in this way during dreamtime so that you do not ascend into disease.
If you awaken suddenly and in fright, intend to reweave any tatters in the dreamtime light body along with the silver cord.
Religion linked the Aborigines to the land and nature through ancestral beings who, according to Aboriginal beliefs, created the world in a time long ago called the Dreaming, or Dreamtime.
For humans, this dreamtime is a good place to heal the rift between body and soul along with body and earth, and learn to co-create with the god goddess within again.
For those ensouled by nature, one may have spent time with the plants and trees or animals kingdoms that one was ensouled by in dreamtime and as a child.
It is the hologram that receives the broadcast from dreamtime of any script.
When humanity sleeps, they tune into eighteen layers of dreamtime planes of reality.
As the etheric body and dreamtime self breathes, it draws in carbon dioxide in the nonphysical and exhales oxygen.
Embracing forgiveness occurs as one begins to weave the pink vibrations into one's etheric lay lines of grid work within the etheric body, chakra system, subtle bodies and dreamtime light body.
When you join the Dreamtime Walk youll gain insights into ancient Aboriginal and Islander history.
As the red nation people died by the billion, the red false gods dreamtime collapsed and was overrun by the white false gods along with Vishnu and Yahweh.
As non-essential beings are removed from earth's dreamtime planes, a more effortless orchestration of the ascent of the whole may be implemented.
For years now SSOA has been exploring and fighting phantom gridwork, phantom dreamtime selves, phantom manipulations of all kinds.
Many downunder are well aware of the thin veil between the physical and nonphysical realms upon such land that has always held earth's dreamtime.
Much of this occurs in dreamtime and while one is asleep and may be why some may have little recollection of the drama and dance.
Human dreamtime and the human dream have been united with earth's dream at long last.
HEART CHAKRA: Dreamtime of Non-Conditional Love Hawaii, Pacific Ocean, Christmas Island
The heart chakra is the dreamtime of non-conditional love.
Youll ride the Kuranda Scenic Railway, visit the Rainforestation Nature Park, take a Dreamtime Walk and cuddle a koala, then take an amazing ride on the Skyrail Rainforest Cableway.
Intend to identify an ancestor who can assist you in this way during dreamtime.
And so we invite you to dance with us in dreamtime and we will create the bridge through which you can begin to heal the heart and free to spirit for the ascent ahead through the love of the Tao.
We hope each of you will call on these vibrations in meditation, in dreamtime and in your healing work (for those of you who are healers).
We wish now to define the purpose of each chakra center and the dreamtime upon the land therein.
Our dreamtime is spent in parallel grids of experience.
Such records will be given upon request during your dreamtime travels by the counsels in human form governing such thing.
I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my dreamtime self and my light body body-double.
I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my subtle bodies and my dreamtime self.
I intend to prevent my unconscious from any dreamtime preoccupation other than the utilization of the dreamtime temples for ascension for the purposes of my evolution “home”.
All that are ascending can attune to this information through the dreamtime Healing Temples for Ascension to anchor a new blueprint for one's own immune system.
All that is required is that one offer to assist in meditation, particularly right before falling asleep, and the necessary changes to allow such assistance shall be brought forth during dreamtime.
So unconscious the human species has become they no longer retain awareness of the dreamtime realms in which spirit is in constant communication with all species upon Earth.
The Dreamtime of Non-Conditional Love shall be accessed during Conclave in Hawaii allowing all who attend to learn to love again and heal the wounds of the heart.
That time so very long ago when rocks and animals and plants and people first sprang from the earth and their beliefs about the dreamtime are reflected in ancient paintings on rock.
During recent Intensives taught by our channels, many of the last souls to hold such dreamtime planes were resurrected.
The latest reweaving causes a new dreamtime that is global to be present.
There are 8 planes of dreamtime that correlate with each of the 8 global chakras upon the surface of the earth.
sometimes soul supports life, other times it mutilates life for its own dreamtime gain in the nonphysical.
Sometimes such darkness presents itself as monsters that one shatters with one's sword of light during meditation or dreamtime;
From the point of view of dreamtime and other realms of conscious awareness - our reality is but a projected illusion in linear time.
ROOT CHAKRA: Dreamtime of Abundance Antarctic Circle, Tasmania, S. Africa, Tip of S. America, New Zealand
The root chakra is the dreamtime of abundance.
The Dreamtime walk is your introduction to Aboriginal and Islander culture.
The dreamtime is a flower of life pattern that originates in the aurora in the center of the earth and extends out and over each major chakra center upon the surface of the earth.
There are many alterations to the dreamtime planes that will allow ascending humans to envision a dream and then live to experience the dream, as one so desired it.
Dreamtime selves are opposite in nature to the physical persona.
The Dreamtime of True Timing projects the heartbeat of earth, or the rhythm with which all much attune to in order to align in present time to ascend together.
At this time, all initiations and information for ascension is dispensed direct by the Temples for Ascension in the dreamtime ascension planes of reality after initiates pass each related test.
The dreamtime was once seated in Australia, and spanned no more than the Australian continent.
Each species syncopates the dreamtime reality with the physical reality through the breath of life.
Each ascending initiate may call the new dreamtime around the field and form assisting earth in anchoring such dreamtime into the denser regions that humans exist within.
Each dreamtime has a specific nature and purpose given the purpose and vibration of each charka center.