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n.骑兵( dragoon的名词复数 )v.迫使( dragoon的第三人称单数 ); 强迫某人…,勉强人做(不愿做的事)
n.(龙)骑兵 vt.迫使, 镇压
n.骑兵( dragoon的名词复数 );



名词 dragoon:

a member of a European military unit formerly composed of heavily armed cavalrymen


动词 dragoon:

compel by coercion, threats, or crude means

同义词:dragoon, sandbag, railroad

subjugate by imposing troops


dragoon[ drə'ɡu:n ]n.a member of a European military unit formerly composed of heavily armed cavalrymenv.compel by coercion, threats, or crude means


subjugate by imposing troops




- Legend of Dragoon is under development and is to be launched in japan this year.

" 龙骑士传说新作开发中, 今年会在日本发售.

Wolf's Dragoons were declared the victors!


With time running out, there was no way for the rest of the clans to mount a counter-attack to reclaim the castle. Wolf's Dragoons were declared the victors!


Guardsman Lee Williams, 18, is one of the Desert Rats' Royal Scots Dragoon Guards battle group.


Guardsman Lee Williams, 18, of the Desert Rats' Royal Scots Dragoon Guards battle group, found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barracks which he said were "lighter and more comfortable" than the British footwear.

18岁的李·威廉是英国"沙漠之鼠"苏格兰皇家近卫团卫兵。 他在一个废弃的兵营里捡了双崭新的靴子,跟自己的英国战靴比起来,他觉得新鞋"又轻巧又舒适。

Guardsman Lee Williams,18,of the Desert Rats'Royal Scots Dragoon Guards battle group,found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barracks which he said were


Kevin built no Dragoons but was trying to counter them with infantry, which our design said should work.


"I thought dragoons were always rich," she used to say, peevishly."Girls always want to marry dragoons;


"Sir," said the valet de chambre, entering the room, "a dragoon has brought this despatch from the minister of the interior."


A Protoss warrior who is badly injured but still living may be placed in a dragoon--or latterly an immortal--shell to continue to fight.


A punctilious police official, feeling the presence of the body unseemly in the courtyard of his excellency, bade the dragoons drag the body away into the street.


In the next cottage there was the French colonel, who had been taken prisoner by the dragoons.


Two dragoons took hold of the mutilated legs, and drew the body away.


Inspired by the ancient and honored dragoon walkers the dark templar have begun to build war machines of their own.


He felt instinctively that if he were to charge with his hussars on the French dragoons now, they could not stand their ground;


In this state they set forth with the sharp rain driving in their faces: clattering at a heavy dragoon trot over the uneven town pavement, and out upon the mire-deep roads.

他们就像这样冒着打在面颊上的急雨出发了。 马蹄踏着龙骑兵式的沉重步伐在市镇的凹凸不平的街道上和市外深深的泥泞里吧哒吧哒走着。

They wore czapkas in regimental colours but otherwise were dressed in the light blue tunics and red breeches of the Austro-Hungarian dragoons, without Polish features.


He rode at a walking pace to the right, and sent an adjutant to the dragoons with orders to attack the French.


He was fond of saying,"There is a bravery of the priest as well as the bravery of a colonel of dragoons,--only," he added,"ours must be tranquil."

他常爱说: “教士有教士的勇敢,正如龙骑队长有龙骑队长的勇敢。”不过,他又加上一句: “我们的勇敢应当是宁静的。”

He was fond of saying, "There is a bravery of the priest as well as the bravery of a colonel of dragoons,--only," he added, "ours must be tranquil."

他常爱说:“教士有教士的勇敢,正如龙骑队长有龙骑队长的勇敢。” 不过,他又加上一句:“我们的勇敢应当是宁静的。”

He spurred his horse, shouted the command, and the same instant flew full trot down-hill towards the dragoons, hearing the tramp of his squadron behind him.


But it opens the door to ’superunits' like Imperial Artillery or Imperial Dragoons who are absolutely devastating on the battlefield.


But it opens the door to 'superunits' like Imperial Artillery or Imperial Dragoons who are absolutely devastating on the battlefield.


However, as he was a favorite with Cucumetto, as he had for three years faithfully served him, and as he had saved his life by shooting a dragoon who was about to cut him down, he hoped the chief would have pity on him.


No matter how slow, is always better than fighting dragoon 2I can only play 1!


shouted the officer to the dragoons, himself drawing his sabre.


But his children?s quarrels did not stop there, and when the moon set Dragoon free, Gothar discovered that the concordat had been stolen.


Besides, can you add some whisp attacks similar to dragoon, arbiters and Photon Cannon, for too many beam attacks (Nullifier, Colossus, and Void Ray) have bored us a little through the repetitions.


I didn't see Kevin having much success, however, as his outnumbered infantry was mowed down by combined Dragoon forces of Nick and Brian.


But then what could an ignorant heavy dragoon like me do with such a child?


Guyot, who led the Emperor's squadrons to the charge, falls beneath the feet of the English dragoons.


Naming will be handled in the same way that dragoons and puppetmasters select their wyvern or automaton’s name, but there will be more options than ever before!


A2:Sounds were definitely a familiar sense from SC:BW. Stalkers retained the dragoon death sound, probes meow the same, marines get the same high off stim packs, etc.


"The term derived from his weapon, a short musket called the dragoon."


After many desperate attempts against waves of guards, moment arrived! The Wolf's Dragoons cast the spell and all other clans and witnesses were immediately teleported from the castle.


I had to leave before the game ended but it looked like Matty was soon going up to the last age and would thereafter have greatly improved Dragoons.


IN the beginning, the moon was one.Gothar had made this sphere to host Dragoon, the creature made of pure magic he had ordered Neutra to create.


In that case the dragoons can get them in the flank and drive them back.


The Legend of Zelda series, Final Fantasies 1 - 9, Parasite Eve, Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Mana, Legend of Dragoon, Vagrant Story, Earthbound, Super Smash Brothers, and DDR!!

塞尔达传说系列,最终幻想1 -9 ,寄生前夜,跨时空,计时触发,玛娜传奇,传奇骑兵,流浪的故事,陆栖,大乱兄弟,和D DR!

Most of the resources gathered in the New World were applied to aging up, and increasing and improving the shipments of Dragoons.


Buy FFXI GilThese include, in no ffxi gil particular order, Paladin, Dark Knight, Warrior, Monk, Beast Master, Dragoon, Samurai, and Ranger.


It almost looked like a naval game to me, with each group of Dragoons like a fleet.


Protoss players should use a Dragoon to get rid of the spy as soon as possible.


dragoon someone into (doing something)


Enjolras and his friends had been on the Boulevard Bourdon, near the public storehouses, at the moment when the dragoons had made their charge.


For a long while the dragoons were unable to get the bleeding, half-murdered factory workman away.


and theatrical managers to be patronised by dragoons.


I saw all the pitiful, contemptible, palpable traps he set for big dragoons to walk into.I saw through his shabby-genteel dinners and public-house port;


I found using this "dark dragoon" to be fun and the sheer versatility of it early/mid game will make it a very exciting unit.


The dragoon regiments were also cheaper to recruit and maintain than the notoriously expensive regiments of cavalry.


The men who were dragging Lafayette suddenly caught sight of them at the corner of the quay and shouted: "The dragoons!"


The sacred shrine that was dedicated to the creation of the dragoons was infested by the zerg and lost along with the protoss homeworld itself.


said one of the officers, pointing to a French prisoner, a dragoon, who was being led on foot by two Cossacks.


Some declare that a blast of trumpets sounding the charge was heard in the direction of the Arsenal others that a blow from a dagger was given by a child to a dragoon.


Glanders, the atrocious Captain of Dragoons, when informed of the occurrence by Mrs. Glanders, whistled and made jocular allusions to it at dinner time.


" Besides this, Wellington had, behind a rise in the ground, Somerset's Dragoon Guards, fourteen hundred horse strong.


French troops of the 1st Armored Division landed here on 15 August 1944 as part of operation Dragoon, to liberate La Provence.


The French dragoon was a young fellow, an Alsatian who spoke French with a German accent.


And then a few years ago, they may favor dragoon, and then to now is a hero.


But I suppose there was the stamp of a heavy dragoon upon me, for do what I would I couldn't get anybody to believe in my capacity;


Now the dragoons of the past are all but gone.


The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards


The French dragoons , to the contrary, used only the point which almost always caused a fatal wound.


It looked like the Dragoon players were trying to keep their fleets of Dragoons in the game.


The dragoon who had struck the victim would have repeated his blow.


The god of gods gave them the power to create, and secretly gave Neutra the mission to create a pure magic being, Dragoon, which he placed in a cocoon he created for this purpose: the Moon.


If pulled off, the player had a large (and largely free) Dragoon army very early, with a minimum investment in other buildings and virtually no other military units.


Rostov smiling, soothed the dragoon, and gave him money.


The city of Al-Drifa became an asylum for those who wanted to escape from Dragoon and his troops.


In the war against dragons, whereas the dwarves were the most violent of Dragoon's enemies, Agnar asked Maam, creator of the mammals, born from his heart, to immolate thousands of creatures for the invaders as a proof of good faith.


The Scotch Grays no longer existed;Ponsonby's great dragoons had been hacked to pieces.


Although Dragoon was defeated, the difference between Dark and Light crystals remained.


Who could have ever expected that a dragoon would drink sixpenny ale, smoke horrid bird's-eye tobacco, and let his wife wear a shabby bonnet?


Lying in ambush, the Panthers picked off the British Shermans of the 4th/7th Dragoon Guards from a hilltop firing line.


This is the only reason why dragoon did not slaughter the dwarves, but it did not stop them from performing underground resistance actions.


At that moment the dragoons and the crowd touched.


The big dragoon was as helpless as a baby;


dragoon sb into doing sth


These weary dragoons will keep the crown of the wasteland and none will get out of Appin but winged fowls


Come see me should you ever need anything! You will make a fine dragoon, young man. God be with you!



The dragoon officers and Foker clapped their hands furiously.

The big dragoon was as helpless as a baby.


I was dragooned into helping.

We were dragooned into going to the opera.