n.剑鱼,旗鱼; 鲯鳅n. 剑鱼, 旗鱼
Noun1. a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Reticulum and Pictor; contains most of the Large Magellanic Cloud
名词 dorado:
a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Reticulum and Pictor; contains most of the Large Magellanic Clouddorado[ də'rɑ:dəu ]n.a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Reticulum and Pictor; contains most of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Pav é set Dorado crystals shine on refined gold - plated metal elements delicately wrapped around a cotton cord.
dorado some gold-mining town called El Dorado in the middle of the Amazon.
...是在亚马逊河中游的一个 叫做黄金国的开采黄金的镇子上拍的.
.in some gold-mining town called El Dorado in the middle of the amazon
Total output of the dorado at the beginning of 70 time falls, just begin to rise to 1982.
el dorado
n. <西>理想中的黄金国, 传说中的宝山
And a parrot would scream: “El Dorado, El Dorado”...
China really could become the El Dorado for clean technology, if only because the country's sheer size and pace of growth make sustainable development a necessity.
Background information is presented on the use of the Texaco gasification technology at the El Dorado Refinery, with emphasis on the discussion and sum up of the experience in the operation with low value feedstocks at the refinery.
介绍了E1Dorado炼油厂采用德士古气化技术的背景资料 ,着重讨论并总结了该厂采用低值进料的操作运行经验。
His fleet included a tricked-out Cadillac El Dorado, as flashy as the cross that dangled around his neck on a gold rope chain.
He called it dorado.
Soon, soon, it seems to you, you must come forth on some Cheap Warhammer Gold conspicuous hilltop, and but a little way further, against the setting sun, descry the spires of El Dorado.
"You mention the remotest, most evocative place-names in the world like El Dorado, Kabul, Trkutsk and someone is bound to say "I've been there"-meaning, "I drove through it at 100 miles an hour on the way to somewhere else."
你提到世界上最遥远、最引人遇思的地名,比如埃尔多拉多、喀布尔、伊尔库茨克, 准有人说"我去过那儿"--意思是:"我在去另外一个地方的路 上,以100英里的时速路过那儿。
With a quarter of the world's population and an economic growth rate approaching 10% a year, China has become the new business El Dorado.
[Latin] Dorado [Dor]|Swordfish
Dorado [Dor]
剑鱼座 [Latin]
Dorado ....third assistant director (as Jorge C.
副导演/助理导演:Jorge C.
and everyone did not find an El Dorado in Alaska.
'Cause we're adding a little something to this month's sales contest, as you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado.
,Jacques Lemans Dorado Mens Watch GU118F;
Germany still has shortages of skilled labour in some areas, and it hardly looks like El Dorado to hordes of unskilled migrants: the latest forecast is that the economy will shrink by 6% this year.
A few weeks later at a campaign rally in El Dorado, a south Arkansas oil town that was a hotbed of racism and pro-Wallace sentiment, Fulbright was asked what was the biggest problem facing America.
Dorado A dream to fishing Introduction
The Large Magellanic Cloud lies only about 180,000 light-years distant towards the constellation of Dorado.
大麦哲伦星系位于剑鱼座,距离我们大约 180,000 光年远。
Lost Treasures of El Dorado
Now, of course, the calculation has changed, though some of the present talk about an Arctic El Dorado may be exaggerated.
As the helicopter skims low over one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the world, just south of the ragtag mining town of El Dorado, the pilot shrugs bleakly.
Soon, soon, it seems to you, you must come forth on some conspicuous hilltop, and but a little way further, against the setting sun, descry the spires of El Dorado.
Happily we all shoot at the moon with ineffectual arrows; our hopes are set on inaccessible El Dorado; we come to an end of nothing here below.
El Dorado County Lodging - List of accommodations provided by the El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce.
our hopes are set on inaccessible El Dorado;
Chief Tannbok: Your arrival has been greatly anticipated. My lords, how long will you be staying in El Dorado?
But for those companies who are already established, China seems set to be the new El Dorado for years to come.
Holiday Inn Express El Dorado : Book Direct. Click Here.
A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Columba and Dorado.
Operating Experience with Low-Value Feedstocks for Texaco Gasifier at the El Dorado Refinery in Kansas, USA
美国堪萨斯州El Dorado炼油厂德士古气化炉采用低值进料的操作经验
Grape State El Dorado State Golden State Golden West Land of Milk and Honey
The rich field is about as wide as four full moons on the sky, located in the southern constellation Dorado.
这幅含有众多天体的星场,位在剑鱼座,跨幅相当于四个满月的宽度 (大约二度)。
The rich mosaic's field of view covers an area on the sky about the size of the full moon in the southern constellation Dorado.
Michel Cicurel, chief executive of LCF Edmond de Rothschild, described China as the “El Dorado” of emerging markets, with 500,000 dollar millionaires “and it's growing fast”.
There is no El Dorado here.Onward, men.
Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado
One day when John was in the El Dorado Saloon, he probably had a little too much to drink and he made a bet he shouldnt have made.
a constellation in the polar region of the celestial Southern Hemisphere near Carina and Dorado
The Road to El Dorado,
用作名词(n.)The rich mosaic's field of view covers an area on the sky about the size of the full moon in the southern constellation Dorado.