n.悲哀,寂寞n. 悲哀
副词: dolefully | 名词: dole-fulness |
Noun1. sadness caused by grief or affliction
名词 dolefulness:
sadness caused by grief or affliction
"They" are "the people at the top", "the higher-ups", the people who give you the dole, call you up, tell you to go to war, fine you, "talk posh", "are all twisters really".
"他们"是"上流社会人物", 是"达官显贵"。他们给你一点施舍,动员你去服役,让你去打仗,调教你,"说起话来像上层社会那样咬文嚼字", 事实上他们"全是骗子"。
Dole:american jurist and first governor of the Territory of Hawaii (1900-1903).
"Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers?" Senatar Robert Dole asked Time warner executives last week.
Happy man may be his dole!
Kemp ran as Bob Dole's running-mate in the 1996 presidential election.
3.In the early 1930s nearly every employable person in some of the South Yorkshire villages was on the dole.
On April 14, four days after Senator Dole announced his candidacy for President, I quietly filed for reelection.
75-year-old Dole said in his statement, "I believe this campaign can help men become aware of the health issue they are afraid to address."
dole queue
ph. 【英】领失业救济队伍, n. 失业,指领失业救济金的失业人口
"They" are "the people at the top","the higher-ups",the people who give you the dole,call you up,tell you to go to war,fine you,"talk posh","are all twisters really".
Friends of the Earth estimates that ACSA would dole out $324 billion to the coal industry, for example, in addition to awarding it free permits worth hundreds of billions of dollars more.
"Marriage ang wife are responsibilities" This is a big man altisonant reply ,it let me dole for every girl .But love ?
A recent survey of all auto accident victims in Dole County found that, of the severely injured drivers and front-seat passengers, 80 percent were not wearing seat belts at the time of their accidents.
Some of the same advantages are true of the new Dole trapezoid, but it isn’t quite as space saving because the top of the canister is wider than the bottom.
a dole of soup
No.They come hat in hand and petition me for melange. I dole it out as areward and hold it back as punishment. How they hate that.
As it turned out, my error didn't matter, because Bob Dole would decide to kill any health-care reform.
It also put a lifetime cap of five-years on receiving the dole.
The bank claims that this profit-making activity helps it to dole out money to the poorest countries.
Therefore, Dole said, his responsibility was to bring our party together, to reach out to try to attract independent and Perot supporters to put up our own agenda.
George is still on the dole; he has been out of work for five months.
In fact, Dole's plan had an even higher percentage of its cuts in the last two years of the five-year budget than mine did.
It is feared the government might change the rules for claiming dole.
For example: Politician "Yes, there are more people on the dole since we took office, but IN REAL TERMS, there is actually no one out of work at all!
They lived in the uncertainty on the dole.
Their strategy appeared to be the logical extension of William Kristol's advice in his memo to Bob Dole, urging that he block all action on health care.
He'll be unemployed and have to live on the dole.
He maintains that the Conservatives would slash spending, lay waste to services and look unmoved on lengthening dole queues.
He received the fixed dole every month.
He's been on the dole(= without a job)for a year.
Elizabeth Dole
But Bush had a bigger scare from Dole than he had counted on.
It has not decided when to dole out this bandwidth, but plans to auction 3G licenses to all comers, ignoring the regulator's recommendation that only existing phone companies should be allowed to bid.
Writer and commentator Norman mailer made the point after the last presidential election that Bill Clinton won because he projected the image of a Hollywood star, while Bob Dole lost because he came across as a supporting actor.
You can't expect us to dole out money like a public charity.
Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner executives last week. "You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children yas well?"
You can't expect us to dole out money like a public charity
Jane: Do you really believe in all the sentimental sentences you string together, or do you just dole out romantic crap for girls like me?
The uncertainties of life on the dole, ie as an unemployed person
the uncertainties of life on the dole,ie as an unemployed person
PepsiCo produces and markets below products in China: Pepsi-Cola, Mirinda, 7UP, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Dole, Ice Pure Water, Tropicana and Herbal Life.
Dole, Gingrich, Armey, Daschle, and Gephardt were there, as were Al Gore, Leon Panetta, Bob Rubin, Laura Tyson, and other members of our team.
Former Senator Bob Dole, a republican and former health secretary Donna Shalala, a democrat have agreed to head the commission.
Former Senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala will look into reports of patient neglect and poor building maintenance.
Former senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Service Secretary Donna Shalala were looking to reports of patients neglected in pooling building maintenance.
Former Senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala will look into the reports of the patients' neglect and poor building maintenance.
Vice President Bush has Senator Bob Dole and his other opponents on the ropes. The question today will be whether Mr.Bush can deliver the knockout punch.
DOLE Department of Labor and Employment
Even if President Ford had chosen Senator Baker to run with him, the chances of the Republicans capturing the South would have been slim.With Mr Dole the chances are much slimmer.
Even if President Ford had chosen Senator Baker to run with him, the chances of the Republicans capturing the South would have been slim. With Mr Dole the chances are much slimmer.
Meanwhile, the Conservatives have somehow mutated into big spenders who also grandly dole out tax cuts.
Only part of their relief-wage is for their efforts, therefore, while the rest is a disguised dole.
Accordingly, unit of choose and employ persons paid economy to compensate gold, laborer still can get a dole.
PepsiCo produces and markets below products in China: Pepsi-Cola, 7Up, Mirinda, Pepsi Light, Pepsi Twist, Pepsi Max, Mountain Dew, Tropicana, Dole, Gatorade, Ice Pure Water and Starbucks Coffee Drink.
Across the cluited states boys have never been in more trouble: They earn 70 percent of the D's and F's that teachers dole out.
After a meeting with congressional leaders in the Cabinet Room, I suggested to Bob Dole that we work together on legislation.
After she lost a leg, she went on the dole
In the first picture, the software is owned by corporations that dole out the privilege of using their software by selling licenses.
At that point, Dick Armey broke in to say Dole didn't speak for the House Republicans.
The secular parties have no such favours to dole out.
Hawaii's pineapple industry is no longer what it once was, but at Dole Plantation on Oahu, this prickly fruit is still king.
The Dole company says it is the biggest fruit packing company. Nobody dis-agrees.
Dole was diagnosed as suffering from carcinoma of prostate in 1991, and according to the doctor, he recovered after operation
dole will address in TV commercials sexual impotence and general health education for men
Dole's concession speech(= when he admitted that he had lost the election)
Dole declined to work on drafting a joint proposal, saying I should just present my own bill and we'd work out a compromise later.
Dole had failed in his efforts to kill the crime bill, but he had prevailed in derailing health care.
Dole has even been unable to find traction on defense spending.
DOLE: You may think the biggest employer in America is General Motors, but I’ve got news for you.It’s Manpower Services.
unemployment dole
Mr.Obama also needs to deflect a growing populist outrage over sky-high pay among the banks and other companies now on the public dole.
is in conversation with Eddy Dole, the treasurer of Denavian International Insurance.
But these days, fathers aren't laughing over the pressure they face to dole out the dollars on their kids.
Marriage ang wife are responsibilities" This is a big man altisonant reply, it let me dole for every girl. But love?
For state intervention and investment to provide jobs for those that capitalism throws on the dole.
To the uninitiated, it may appear that a degree in finance is currently one of the least useful qualifications, as banks disappear and bankers join the dole queues.
Madam, we are all going to the west for Buddhist scriptures. And we feel hungry right now. Could you please dole us something?
to dole out food to the needy
Nisbet said, “are often bought by billionaires who can dole out $55 million for a plane and fly it off.
By coincidence, Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich were on the morning news programs.