v.稀释,冲淡( dilute的第三人称单数 ); 削弱,使降低效果vt.稀释, 冲淡 adj.冲淡的, 稀释的
v.稀释,冲淡( dilute的第三人称单数 );削弱,使降低效果;
动词 dilute:
lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
同义词:dilute, thin, thin out, reduce, cut
corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones
同义词:adulterate, stretch, dilute, debase
dilute[ dai'lju:t, di- ]v.lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture同义词:thinthin outreducecut
corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones同义词:adulteratestretchdebase
adj.reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity"diluted alcohol"; "a dilute solution"; "dilute acetic acid"
One 28-year-old woman died after the race from the condition, called hyponatremia, in which the excess water dilutes the salt level in the body too much.
"I feel it dilutes the pressure," he told Arsenal.com."You do not feel that if we don't succeed here in this game we'll have nothing.
“That dilutes it and it dilutes its potential meaning.
Some academics have taken to using the word to mean "comparative religion", now that the word has become well known but this certainly dilutes the specific meaning it acquired during the time of Blavatsky.
However, the investors will say that the deal dilutes their holdings because it does not give them a chance to buy new shares.
The most upstream is the databases built by governments and this sector dilutes, monitors and translates these databases, or enhances the convenience.
On the plus side, wind dilutes and scatters air pollutants, and carries pollen.
The pH of aqueous solution, concentration of D2EPHA and selection of dilutes affected the liquid-liquid phase equilibrium constant.
Passes thesentiment, the time long by the time, the conflict is paler, as ifunceasingly dilutes tea.. Is this, forever could not have untiedfestival...
If you have purchased this kind of food, must stop immediately edible, and drinks water, dilutes the harmful ingredient.
If you do that you are at the point where you're saying ‘Oh well, let's just keep on going.’But doing that dilutes the strength of the show and its impact on people.
Adding the reinducted exhaust both dilutes and increases the temperature of this air-fuel mixture before compression.
When government classification significantly burdens its exercise a more searching review is usually required. This principle applies whether the electoral scheme denies or merely dilutes the franchise.
Bustles about the people are using the money charm comforts oneself pain the reason dilutes a day-long fatigue with the cigarette ethyl alcohol.
Each account you add to this list dilutes the server's ability to protect the data as it permits additional Windows users to gain access to the server.
The concept on UV curable coatings were introduced in this article. Influence of prepolymers, active dilutes and additives on adhesion and abrasion resistance for the coatings of handset were discusses.
The time is a liquor which dilutes leaves, actually flushes not thepale friendship the sentiment;
Much time passes rapidly than expected in people who inadvertently forgotten in inadvertently also dilutes the feeling.
Time never dilutes truthful wine,Distance never separates affectionate hands.
Ubiquity might not be toxic to authenticity, but it certainly dilutes it.
Additionally, he says, “We look for barriers to water entry because it dilutes our chemical, and that [could cause the liquid product to] fall out of compliance with the EPA’s requirements.
此外,他说, “我们期待的障碍,入水,因为它削弱我们的化学品,而且[可能会导致液体产品]掉出符合EPA的要求。
The lack of employment opportunity after graduation also dilutes the sense of joy of having successfully entered university after the harsh national entrance examinations.
This product is a concentrating prescription and dilutes to use.
a worker who blends or dilutes whiskey or other alcoholic beverages
Dilutes the nights cool sunset fade, it has entered a sweet dream.
In ordinary sea state the limited dilution factor of basin of Qingdao Large-Port is 105, after which dilutes little.
Might add water first with the special-purpose shampoo in the trough dilutes has used the towel or the sponge again takes a bath to the dog.
Researchers say the water dilutes the blood, making it less likely to clot.
Also, if you put tea in water, the water dilutes the tea and you won't get the full benefits.
Chinese tea of various kinds is also usually served in the belief that it dilutes or dissolves the copious amount of fat consumed in this pork-laden dish.
If oligohydramnios is present, amnioinfusion dilutes meconium and decreases the number of infants with meconium below the vocal cords.
While Fuseli' s rehabilitation is admirable, the Tate' s obsession with inclusiveness dilutes Sir Christopher' s ideas.
The circulation of blood increases, resulting in greater bathing of the cells.This dilutes the toxins and helps flush them out.
A worker who blends or dilutes whiskey or other alcoholic beverages.
The support comes at a cost: the deal dilutes existing shareholders' capital by half and the dividend will shrivel.
Additional information beyond this can be counterproductive, as it dilutes the core purpose of the cover letter.
Additional information beyond this can be counterproductive as it dilutes the core purpose of the cover letter.
Such an organization should operate under your supervision and in no way dilutes your authority or responsibility.
It is the question which dilutes the credibility of the research, because no method verifying these statements are presented.
Some are more prone to dilut...
This aspect dilutes the ego, making those subject to it all too aware of the thoughts and feelings of others, often to the detriment of the self.
This component dilutes the flame-supporting oxygen in the cylinder with injected (inert) exhaust, which slows combustion and therefore avoids NOx-creating temperature spikes.
This migration across species and into new environments sometimes dilutes, and sometimes amplifies, genes conferring antibiotic resistance, they say.
This additional step with the bakery meal further dilutes the MC concentrations in poultry feed as compared to that in hog feed.
3rd, picks post-processing liquid : Will spend huaxianzi approximately 13 milliliters (1 bottle cap or a packet) the water used dilutes to 100 milliliters.
Vagina flushing: Takes this right amount, dilutes 3-5 time with the warm boiling water, uses the vagina flusher 灌入 the dilution after the vagina in 药液, is detained 5 minutes effects.
用作及物动词(vt.)Dilute the bleach in a gallon of water.
The fragrances are highly diluted.
The nurse diluted the drug with saline water.
He thought Rear Admiral Henry's presence might dilute the tension of the dinner.
Readers feel dilute after reading Wei Yingwu's poetry, in reality, the poet concealed his solitude under this kind dilute style.
The doctor told him to bathe his eyes with a very dilute solution of boric acid.