vt.& vi.骗取,诈取vt.浪费vi.快速摇动v.急速摇摆, 欺骗, 骗取, 摆弄, 闲逛,虚度
vt.& vi.骗取,诈取;
第三人称单数:diddles;过去式:diddled;过去分词:diddled;现在分词:diddling;名词: diddler | 动词过去式: diddled | 动词过去分词: diddled | 动词现在分词: diddling | 动词第三人称单数: diddles |
Verb1. deprive of by deceit;
"He swindled me out of my inheritance"
"She defrauded the customers who trusted her"
"the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
2. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination;
"She played nervously with her wedding ring"
"Don't fiddle with the screws"
"He played with the idea of running for the Senate"
动词 diddle:
deprive of by deceit
同义词:victimize, swindle, rook, goldbrick, nobble, bunco, defraud, scam, mulct, gyp, gip, hornswoggle, short-change, con
manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination
同义词:toy, fiddle, play
diddle[ 'didl ]v.deprive of by deceit同义词:victimizeswindlerookgoldbricknobblebuncodefraudscammulctgypgiphornswoggleshort-changecon
manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination同义词:toyfiddleplay
They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim.
...if Congress were to just diddle around and not take any action at all.
For example, as bait with money reward of high specified number, the design with good diddle.
譬如, 以高额赏金作为诱饵, 骗取好的设计.
Let's diddle the data line to read " October 1 , 1999 " instead of " 10/1/99. "
让我们把数据图上的日期写法由 “ 10/1/99 ” 改为 “ October1, 1999 ”.
Keep an eye on Tom, he'll diddle you if he gets the chance.
提防汤姆; 他一有机会就会欺骗你.
1.Pretend to be bank clerk to hold information blocking a person through phone diddle.
6, annoy the contact that registers an user often, its register coax oneself website, information of privacy of direct even diddle, send ad often.
A voice rang out clear above the din: "No mention of the twenty per cent wage-cut? They're trying to diddle us!"
“工钱打八折就不讲了么? 骗人呀
Huang says, cheater is in already " Baidu " on set set, one step by step the accredit of the person that diddle is duped.
Diddle the switch see if the light comes on.
Two cases both sides all is to use QQ to establish connection, after the victim is being trusted by diddle, not via checking solid use remit money of the bank on the net.
Buying all sorts of false and honorary certificate is the first action that diddle consumer trusts.
diddle someone out of
They borrow capital is a name and diddle project specification, next reoccupy cheats the specification that come to cheat financing.
他们借 有资金为名而骗取项目计划书,然后再用骗来的计划书去骗融资。
With acceptance redound of high specified number is bait " dozen white " and issue the means such as company receipt the gold of diddle consumer.
You can't diddle them out of the right for development
The bus conductor tried to diddle me out of six pence
The bilk after Liu Xian more than 10, in all diddle cash more than yuan 100 thousand.
These QQ number login after Liu Sui " try one's luck " , he is adopted pretend to be the accredit of method diddle victim such as other good friend.
Keep on saying is not divulged also do not collect user privacy, but the privacy that abuses the user that has collected however (the full name) come the good impression of diddle user and register.
Hey, diddle, diddle/The cat and the fiddle/The cow jumped over the moon/The little dog laughed/To see such sport/And the dish ran away with the spoon.”
After getting these data, some websites still can use these data, pretend to be user identity to MSN or the contact in mailbox address book sends mail, with diddle more the user is registered.
To the condition that reporter place reflects, mr Chen says for certain: "It is cheater absolutely, want to use 6 beautiful date to come diddle information serves cost.
To another kind of preventive measure " countersign gets stuck " for, pay a password to also must rely on diddle.
Hey, diddle, diddle, The cat and the fiddle,
Zhang Mou promise should marry with A Yan, diddle A Yan is trustful to his.
张某许诺要与 阿艳结婚,骗取了阿艳对他的信任。
The clue is serious, by labor safeguard service handles diddle amount 1 times above 3 times the following amerce.
I'm not much of a musician. I just like to diddle around.
Perhaps carry the Zhang date of user of fishing website diddle and code, pilfer takes the money of the user.
Alleged " play game to hold concurrently make big money " the path of unripe money, it is to show diddle net swims actually the game card of the company and password.
To spend time aimlessly; diddle.
As we have learned, once the netizen does not know the condition in the center, was cheated by the netizen that knows on the network after coming out to meet, by socially illegal element diddle gold.
Keep an eye on Tom, he'll diddle you if he gets the chance.
Hey diddle,diddle,
A little illegal business or individual use contest price rank to come diddle user is not what news already.
Some lies malinger, the prescription of diddle doctor goes buying herion kind material.
Report from our correspondent is forged trade phonily website, the user name of account of diddle the other side, password, gain profit via resell equipment.
本报讯 伪造虚假交易网站,骗取对方账户的用户名、密码,并经转卖装备获利。
According to Ruixingan complete engineer checks, this may be the behavior of information of privacy of individual of user of gregarious website diddle.
Diddle out of
diddle away
The Swiss have special laws for people who diddle hotels(John le Carr
Day diddle dum di!
Through Ruixingan complete engineer checks, this may be the behavior of information of privacy of individual of user of gregarious website diddle.
And use data of all sorts of individual of means diddle netizen, had become individual and gregarious website to obtain the main source of profit.
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John.
For example, serve as bait with money reward of high specified number, the design with good diddle.
Let's diddle the data line to read “October 1,1999”instead of “10/1/99.”
让我们把数据图上的日期写法由“10/1/99”改为“October 1,1999”。
Let's diddle the data line to read “October 1,1999”instead of “10/1/99.”
让我们把数据图上的日期写法由“10/1/99”改为“October 1,1999”。
One of main measures of these undesirable businessmen adopt technology or commercial measure namely, optimize the page result of current search, obtain consumer of higher rank diddle to click.
One of main measures of these undesirable businessmen are: Adopt technology or commercial measure, optimize the page result of current search, obtain consumer of higher rank diddle to click.
Annoy contact of the MSN that registers an user, mail often, its register coax oneself website, information of privacy of direct even diddle, and push send ad.
Annoy contact of the MSN that registers an user, mail often, its register coax oneself website, information of privacy of direct even diddle, and push send ad;
cheat, swindle, defraud, diddle, bamboozle, bilk
diddle a person out of his money
用作动词(v.)Diddle the switch see if the light comes on.
I've been diddled! Half of these tomatoes are bad!
我上当了! 这些番茄一半是坏的!
Keep an eye on Tom, he'll diddle you if he gets the chance.
They've diddled me out of the rent!
I'm not much of a musician. I just like to diddle around.