n.亡命徒,暴徒( desperado的名词复数 )n.恶汉,亡命徒
n.亡命徒,暴徒( desperado的名词复数 );
名词 desperado:
a bold outlaw (especially on the American frontier)
同义词:desperado, desperate criminal
desperado[ ,despə'rɑ:dəu ]n.a bold outlaw (especially on the American frontier)同义词:desperate criminal
The knowledge of this condition of the border prevented members of a desperado gang from attempting to rescue prisoners, for such an attempt meant instant death to the captives.
"The wolf is not a desperado, but a scoundrel."
Desperado, why don'
亡命之徒, 为什么君'
Desperado, ah, you ain't gettin' no younger.
Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no youger
Desperadoes Hong Jing (decorated Zhang Jiahui) received its orders to the capture of the Ding Ling, Tang Fei to happen to be hit, but not in time to save Ding Ling.
desperado,why don't come to your senses ?
Desperado, oh, you ain't getting no youger!
"They were rough-looking desperadoes, with sun-blackened faces, and an immensity of beard;"
They were rough-looking desperadoes, with sun-blackened faces, and an immensity of beard;
Live appearances were shrouded with dim light and smoke machines, while bandmembers stalked the stage in black desperado gear inspired by western dress.
Peachum worries about their daughter who falls in love with Macheath who is a lecher and a desperado, but, on the other hand, he is very smart and is the most articulate person with wit in this play.
I'm a desperado, but I am trying to find my way to the bright future.
2.Don't provoke me too far.My father started out as a desperado , nothing scares me.
47 desperado (Man and machine, Power Xtreme!
Can you help Desperado in raising a little havoc up there in heaven?
Desperado, why don't u come to ur senses?
because these men was in such a fidget now that some was wanting to start right NOW and lay for them desperadoes, and saying it warn't but a few minutes to midnight;
"before it's too late"------------------< 在为时已晚之前。 Our desperado knows that Lucy could help him to escape from jail, so he denies that Polly is his wife and cheats Lucy. 在露西及波莉与马奇斯的会面时,这两个女人激烈的争吵,并要马奇斯在他们之间做出选择。 It could be some guy going through a midlife crists, or some desperado who is the subject of a police sting operation. 对方可能是正在经历中年危机的男人,也可能是警方秘密调查的亡命之徒。 It will not be so easy to turn the calm heaven into Desperado’s paradise full of crazy jumps, twists and evolutions! 将平静的天堂变成充满发狂跳跃、一扭和进化的不要命的恶汉的天堂将不会是如此容易! Bungee Desperado 2 is an awaited sequel to the first part of Tequila Mobile most successful mobile game. 弹簧不要命的恶汉 2 是对特基拉龙舌兰的第一部份可动装置大部分成功的移动游戏的一个被等候的续集。 Bungee Desperado looks to say it...yummie! 弹簧不要命的恶汉看起来很正直。。。 Bungee Desperado meets most strict quality requirements from largest operators and the most recognizable top distributors. 弹簧不要命的恶汉符合来自大的操作员和最可认识的高层经销商的大多数的严厉质量需求。 Gordon: I wish my Latin dancing was as good as his, maybe then you would choose me as your favorite desperado. 戈登:我希望我的拉丁舞也能象他跳得那么棒,那样一来也许你就会选择我作为你喜欢的孤胆英雄了。 And now I began to feel that I was neglecting my business' that since I had been so foolhardy as to come ashore with these desperadoes, the least I could do was to overhear them at their councils; 我这时才意识到自己在玩忽职守。 既然我已经莽撞地跟着这些亡命之徒上了岸,至少应该偷听一下他们谈些什么。 DESPERADO: Freedom, oh freedom, that's just some people talking. Your prison is walking through this world all alone. 改变1995:世界不断的改变,改变,我的心思却不愿离开从前。时间不停的走远,走远,我的记忆却停在,却停在那1995年。 Do not have enough technology to protect their safety Web site, it means you are holding a number of gold and a walk as a group of desperadoes. 没有足够的技术去保障自己的网站安全,就等于你拿着许多黄金和一群亡命之徒散步一样。 The action veteran's character, named Qing Long, is forced to take a desperado journey after being involved in a court conspiracy. 甄子丹)这位动作片老手饰演“青龙”一角,他被卷入一场宫廷阴谋,随后不得不亡命天涯。 "But you only want the ones you can't get"Desperado The Eagles Desperad... 究竟我系咪真系咁单纯咁天真?有时真系好讨厌自己... Molly: I met a desperado cowboy at swordplay class. 莫莉:我在击剑课上认识了一个牛仔似的孤胆英雄。 As victims of the same desperado, they are forced to unite to capture the killer and restore the sword to its rightful owner. 行劫得手后,劫匪头目之一的高殊(亚伦狄龙)将这把剑据为己有。 These desperadoes will certainly be punished by the law. 这些亡命之徒必将受到法律的惩罚。 Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 这些感觉怎样失去的,不是很有趣么? The desperado cowboy has caught all of the bank robbers. 那个孤胆英雄式的牛仔抓住了抢劫银行的所有歹徒。 “Melly, I wouldn't have that old desperado in my house,” said Scarlett crossly. 那天是艾希礼的生日,媚兰在晚上举行了一个事先秘而不宣的晚宴。 Desperado, you “bo liong xim” , forgot me was your classmate, you all can see, how ugly am I till desperado forgot about me ;- 那时我也只是一个不起眼的小角色和不怎样引人注意的小伙子,不是吗? The desperado cowboy has caught all of the bank robbers.