democracies是什么意思   democracies怎么读

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n.民主( democracy的名词复数 ); 民主国家; 民主精神; 民主权利
n.民主国家, 民主, 民主制
n.民主( democracy的名词复数 );民主国家;民主精神;民主权利



名词 democracy:

the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives


a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

同义词:democracy, republic, commonwealth

the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group

同义词:majority rule, democracy

democracyn.the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representativesa political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them


the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group

同义词:majority rule




(AFP, New Delhi) The United States and India will conduct their first joint military exercise in 39 years to mark a milestone in the cooperation between the two largest democracies in the world.


- To give full support to the political and institutional structures of emerging democracies in Africa.

- 全力支持非洲新兴民主政体的政治和体制结构。

THE heads of government of the 34 countries in the Americas that claim to be democracies gathered on Friday November 4th in Mar del Plata, an Argentine resort.


f”Bembo”>In fact, referendums in modern democracies have their origin in France.


Mr Kapur says the world is dominated by “fiat currency democracies” in which governments and central banks tend to give in to popular pressure and “print money” to avoid hard times.


"Modern democracies have the fiscal and monetary tools . . . to end chronic slumps and galloping inflations" (Paul A. Samuelson)


By the fall of 1973 we had run into unexpected obstacles in the effort to revitalize America's alliances with its fellow democracies.


Some liberal democracies have elements of direct democracy such as referendums, plebiscite, and models of "Deliberative democracy".


THE curse of the G8 struck in St Petersburg, where the world's richest democracies (plus Russia) finished their annual powwow on July 17th.


St Petersburg had its best European face on, and its sinister under-belly well hidden, when leaders of the world's richest democracies came to town for their annual G8 pow-wow last weekend.


Somehow half of the tin and a third of the rubber that the democracies used came out of this mess.


Unlike in other democracies, power in Japan has rarely resided in the government of the day.


At the same time, Singh's state visit to the White House on Tuesday underscored some of the contentious issues that still exist between the world's two largest democracies.


Two democracies, a democracy with authoritarian leanings and an outright authoritarian state cannot rally around the “shared values” that such gatherings like to espouse.


Today, many liberal democracies do not have the death penalty.


A reasonable generalisation from this rather small sample would be that “prosperous and constitutional democracies tend to live in peace with each other.


He'll be swayed not only by the research that shows democracies do a better job in the long run delivering prosperity and peace but also by an even more powerful argument: the dignity of man.


What they are doing is what democracies generally do: groups form themselves into constituencies that represents their interest.


They argue that media coverage in democracies simply reflects public preferences, and does not entail censorship.


His audience was chosen by members of a private organization friendly to the white house: the foundation for defense of (democracy)democracies.


He considered their military prowess an asset for the democracies.


He considered their military prowess an asset for the democracies


A representative assembly is a near universal feature of modern western democracies.


1.Arend Lijphart, Democracies, Patterns of Majoritarian and Consensus Government in Twenty-One Countries, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984.

以及Arend Lijphart, Patterns of Democracy, Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999.

The quality of democracies in Europe as measured by current indicators of democratization and good governance; Dirk Berg-Schlosser


But awkwardly, there are clear signs in several democracies of sentiment moving in the other direction.


But he said he did not think the Chinese model of "authoritarian, illiberal, proto-capitalism" would win out, because it did not have the "safety valves" provided by democracies when times were tough.


But ultimately, it will be vibrant democracies like Botswana and Ghana which roll back the causes of conflict and advance the frontiers of peace and prosperity.


In lieu of participatory democracies, republics have arisen as the actual form of government.


As longstanding democracies and developed economies, our three countries have a common cause in working to maintain stability and security globally with a particular focus on the Asia Pacific region.


For instance, some groups within western democracies do not assume the primacy of speech as they may, for instance, believe in the primacy of a duty to god's will.


Russia's membership of the G8 may be an embarrassment, since it is supposedly a club of democracies.


Advanced Democracies and the New Politics


to give full support to the political and institutional structures of emerging democracies in Africa


Civil Society And The Security Sector: Concepts And Practices In New Democracies


Plattner, eds., The Self-Restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1998).

关于这个问题在此我也不必赘述,请参考Andreas Schedler, Larry Diamond, and Marc F.

The two most prominent forms are majoritarian democracies like those found in the U.


Few other democracies combine the position of the head of the government and head of state.


Nato's eastwards expansion is seen not as young democracies' desire to join a protective alliance, but as "encirclement" of Russia.


Even its strongest advocates recognise that such expansion raises questions about the purpose of the alliance: should it be mainly a military organisation, or a political club of democracies?


2) Modern anthropologists incline to the view that primitive societies were neither monarchies, aristocracies nor democracies.


His audience was chosen by members of a private organization friendly to the White House: the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.


The most damning criticism of McCain’s plan is that it would launch a new Cold War between states labelled democracies and autocracies.


The catchiest of its several titles is the “concert of democracies”.


Constitutional monarchies fall between monarchies and democracies in the effect of plurality. In constitutional monarchies, plurality neither increases nor decreases militancy.


Kerala’s exceptional record goes to show that given high literacy and a strong civil society, democracies can match and even beat dictatorships in human development.


Countries have vibrant democracies with checks and balances. Companies can count on rule of law and fair enforcement of legal contracts.


China's sudden prominence, according to this view, will reduce the clout of America, Europe and other rich democracies in the developing world.


Elsewhere, the food crisis of 2008 will test the assertion of Amartya Sen, an Indian economist, that famines do not happen in democracies.


Before the cold war ended, only three small African countries were proper democracies: Botswana, Mauritius and Senegal.


In a Washington speech to a group of Hispanic business leaders, President Bush said he remains committed to bolstering democracies in the region, and helping them serve the poor.


WASHINGTON -- President Bush is urging Americans going to the polls on Election Day to remember that the US election sets an example for budding democracies around the world.


Politically, the two nations are both democracies, believing in equality before the law and freedom of the individual.


In some rich democracies, the personnel problem is felt only in specific areas.


After reviewing eleven post-communist nascent democracies in Europe, we find support for the old regime is inversed related to the radicalism of the constitutional reform.


In the modern era, democracies have pursued foreign policies to make the world safer for democracy.


Daniel Weinstock The "Reasonable" as a Limit on Pluralism in Liberal Democracies


The bureaucracy in Liberal democracies is often criticized for a claimed slowness and complexity of their decision-making.


Certainly, Mr Tadic has spoken openly of his vision for a national political system dominated by two parties as seen in many Western democracies.


The missing piece: Measuring portfolio salience in Western European parliamentary democracies; James N. Druckman and Paul V. Warwick


Confronting the Weakest Link: Aiding Political Parties in New Democracies


We'd glad if the Warsaw-based Community of Democracies could help promote your ideas in countries where the people like them but the rulers don't.


If the government is to maintain control in such an environment, it will probably have to engage in a practice that has long been a fixture of oligarchies and democracies alike: blame.


If the worst is avoided, the healthy popular hostility to a strong state that normally pervades democracies should reassert itself.


Entertainment industry Lysenkoism is ruining lives, undermining free speech and privacy and due process, destroying foreign democracies and keeping poor countries poor.


The poor countries, where many of the new democracies have flowered, are typically endowed with abundant labour but scarce capital.


The really awkward issue for the leaders of the seven rich democracies gathering in St Petersburg concerns their host: how to live with a strong, but increasingly undemocratic, Russia.


In new democracies, whether in Africa or central and eastern Europe, this is a moment of genuine peril.


Although nuances apply to the world's various democracies, certain principles and practices distinguish democratic government from other forms of government.


Although Switzerland is one of the oldest democracies in the world, it was the last one in Europe - apart from Liechtenstein - to give women the vote.


In a Washington speech to a group of Spanish(Hispanic) business leaders, President Bush said that committed bolstering democracies in the region and helping them serve the poor.

布什总统在华盛顿的一次演讲中对西班牙的商界精英说,他对这个地区仍然支持民主主义 , 并且帮助他们为穷人服务。

He made specific mention of women who are playing a key role in emerging democracies, such as Afghanistan and Iraq.


Administration officials say they haven't overreached and that Moscow is the one that misread and overreacted, out of an unreasonable fear of having Western-oriented democracies on its borders.


Mr. Bush is scheduled to deliver remarks today to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies at George Washington University in Washington.


Bush says the measure would build on the growing ties between the world's two largest democracies.


In a television address to the Indian people from a historic fort known as "Purana Qila" in New Delhi, Mr.Bush said rivalries of the Cold War kept the two democracies separate for decades.


CV is widespread throughout Latin America, but somewhat rarer among industrialized democracies.


New Orientation of Party Politics in Contemporary Western Democracies


When the first prototypical liberal democracies were founded, the liberals themselves were viewed as an extreme and rather dangerous fringe group that threatened international peace and stability.


What I have proposed for a long time, and I've had conversation with foreign leaders about forming a league of democracies, let's be clear and let's have some straight talk.



Greece must have a system if it is to become a self supporting and self respecting democracy.

The election demonstrates democracy in action.

Democracy is a bulwark of freedom.

The military government promised to restore democracy within one year.

They've grown rather cynical about democracy.

Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens?