v.定…的界vt. 划界限, 定义=delimit
形容词: delimitative | 异体字: delimitate | 名词: delimitation | 动词过去式: delimited/delimitated | 动词过去分词: delimited/delimitated | 动词现在分词: delimiting/delimitating | 动词第三人称单数: delimits/delimitates |
Verb1. determine the essential quality of
2. set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something
动词 delimitate:
determine the essential quality of
同义词:specify, define, delineate, delimit
set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something
同义词:demarcate, delimit
delimitate[ di'limiteit ]v.determine the essential quality of
set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something同义词:demarcatedelimit
(2) dining-room part, delimit former balcony space into dining-room, the space of dining-room broadness is immediately big a lot of.
Promptly delimit military areas and sub-areas in western, eastern and northern Manchuria and divide our forces into field armies and regional troops
- It is recommended to use the DS
constant rather than slashes to delimit file paths.
+ 推荐使用DS
WITH QUOTES When you specify WITH QUOTES or WITH QUOTES ON, any double quotes in the string expression are assumed to delimit an identifier.
WITH QUOTES当指定WITH QUOTES或WITH QUOTES ON时,假定字符串表达式中的所有双引号都用于界定标识符。
Gets and sets the delimiter used to delimit the event data that is written to the ETW subsystem.
“both's individuality looks like very much, ' perhaps particularly the later period will walk the way, the `wild rose also in marine will delimit a semicircle.
A punctuation character used to delimit character strings.
Double quotation marks cannot be used to delimit literal string expressions; single quotation marks must be used to enclose literal strings.
Nevertheless, user " want to use " not can simple with " good with " delimit good number.
Outstanding achievement improves De Yuan Yin considerably is Gong department lasts Tui Hang recombines Ji to delimit reduce this.
P1: Female bisexual; P2: Rare male; H1, H2 and H3: groups of hybird progeny. Dotted lines delimit none interpreted activity zones.
P1: Female bisexual; P2:Rare male; H1,H2 and H3:groups of hybird progeny . Dotted lines delimit none interpreted activity zones.
Both such formulation is equal to delimit equal-sign, but have word of a force, without the life of vigor, without the competition of effort, competition also does not have what meaning and meaning.
Individual account capital is pressed year in the beginning of the year one-time delimit.
Individual account expends except individual capture 2% outside, pay of unit of choose and employ persons is basic of medical treatment insurance premium 30% delimit individual account, in storing the citizen gets stuck.
We will omit them for simplicity between elements on separate lines, but will always include them to delimit instructions or declarations appearing on the same line.
To prevent the name from being interpreted as a three-part name, dbo. Tab. One, delimit the table name part.
In fact, the share reform size non-hidden danger not yet thoroughly eradicates, will delimit newly always brings up the rear the additional size must gradually to welcome lifts a ban the tide.
Nose root point comes between Shuang Mei (remittent) , remove mouth close lightly, delimit the circle is added remittent;
This year, "Hair chaos is random " no longer with not orderly delimit equal-sign, and the pronoun that made trend.
On the basis of the primitive data,the analytic data in different years,different analytic units chained with corresponding values in working area in order to delimit anomalous parameters.
He gets on dish end desk, second hastens taking a chopstick to be in dish in delimit come stroke, seek gallinaceous end.
He said that the Johannsen 600,000 dollar sale price absolute above the price in value, 600,000 dollars trade 3 points which saves a life, Shenzhen Club this business really do delimit come.
He still says to search CEO to resemble looking for a girlfriend, need says lot, should find appropriate cannot delimit a schedule.
Before always looks at others on the television to delimit the bamboo raft, today own finally personally experience.
But anyhow, the person if make love to delimit with marriage equal-sign, very funny.
A Research to Delimitate and Partition of Capital Property fights of Human Capital
You had invested capital, it is cash or bank delimit no matter account, want a foundation chalk it up of law of second-round exam chalk it up.
When you use qualified object names you may have to delimit more than one of the identifiers that make up the object name.
For example, if a name part contains a period, double quotation mark, or a left or right bracket, use brackets or double quotation marks to delimit the part.
Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary flags?to delimit (separate) messages.
信令单元定界 -- 插入二进制的"标志"定界(分隔)消息。
Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary 襢lags?to delimit (separate) messages.
6. a notation for forming mathematical expressions that does not use parentheses to delimit components.
Delimit the Depth of Compactiong for Highway Subgrade
They help delimit the system and give a clearer picture of what the system should do.
Introducing the basic formulate that delimit a lightning rod's protective range with grounder
Its are made delimit as a whole fund.
Actually any commodity, famous spending always is to mix quality is superior delimit equal-sign.
Society harmfulness can delimit a criminal circle rationally and commit classification of crimes in the field of criminal legislation;
Delimit Beijing is bad to say, program branch still does not have relevant report!
To set the boundaries of; delimit.
to delimit; to mark out; to define the boundary of
delimit fishing area
to delimit the epidemic area and the protection area
Delimit warning zone and exercise local transportation control;
delimit a boundary line
delimit a boundary
delimit marine demarcation lines in Beibu-bay
The primary difficulty of Chinese indigenized communication research is how to delimit boundaries of key concepts such as “Chinese indigenized communication theory” and “Chinese indigenous culture”.
Join the insurance premium of primary medical treatment that keeps unit pay, deduct delimit the part of individual account, be sure to plan as a whole for primary medical treatment namely fund.
The participative dragon boat rides 12 people, 10 delimit the hand, in addition has the drummer and helmsman each person.
Double leg rotates slowly, delimit in sky the circle of dish size, suitable hour hand and anticlockwise direction turn 10 times each, control is down, put at the body two side.
There is only human nature in the sense of anthropological constants that delimit and permit man's socio-cultural formations.
May remove the diameter to be smaller than the character pen to delimit the radius the isolated noise spot.
You can use multiple command arguments in one task by using spaces to delimit arguments.
People's governments at all levels shall, in accordance with the statutory criteria, delimit protected environs for meteorological observation and incorporate them into city planning or into village or town planning.
Inspiratory when delimit with the leg that raises up circle, direction is suitable go against all but, expiratory when return start, suspend an action.
4 delimit: Delimit with fingernail plank surface, without apparent nick.
Looks back on past events' time, remembers these like meteor to delimit the life love.
Accordingly, "Delimit to state-owned company worker turn state-owned asset " inextricability the problem of difference of the rich and the poor that expands ceaselessly.
You'll end up having to delimit the keyword column names with square brackets or double quotes.
Therefore, all the coastal countries confront many problem, suchas how to determine the new legal status of the Caspian Sea, how to delimit theboundary, how to lay the petroleum pipeline, how to protect ecology etc.
Man-made stone of abroad can use what sand paper handles the appearance to delimit beautiful grain, but homebred man-made stone is to grind more beautiful more however.
Where the passage of pedestrians and vehicles is not affected, the relevant government department may delimit parking area within the scope of urban roads.
This kind of principle of distribution must not only regulate background system of principle of economical distribution but also delimit reasonable boundary for efficiency and fair.
Why does the enterprise in account of individual of primary endowment insurance delimit partial Biliru decides?
Of compound floor maintaining is very simple, want when to remember only: Need not acerb thing is brushed delimit blow (reckon everybody is hated to part with) , avoid to destroy wear-resisting layer;
Criteria of decide and delimit of Kashin-Beck disease endemic area
How does cost of pay of reasonable and affirmatory unit delimit the scale of individual account?
If you wish to display check boxes for boolean parameters or combo-boxes to delimit a range of choices, then see How To Create Property Descriptors .
When using single quotation marks to delimit a character constant that contains an embedded single quotation mark, use two single quotation marks to represent the embedded single quotation mark.
If delimit oneself,yacht gives priority to content to the key to quant, safe.
The syntax for either is the same: simply delimit the variable name with percent (%) signs, as demonstrated above.
After finishing, right leg calls in the ground, raise right leg rightward, instep bends, and the edge is suitable go against two direction to delimit circle.
ITriad TChar iTriad Description Defines the character to be used to delimit groups of three digits in the integer part of the number.
Delimit the (authorized) strength(of an organization)
Delimit the structures and sizes statutorily
There are some special rules regarding how you delimit multipart stored procedure names in the ODBC CALL statement.
对于如何分隔ODBC CALL语句中由多部分组成的存储过程名,有一些特殊规则。
To the rescue after calamity, speed can delimit with life almost good number.
Should passing government of people of local county above wetly to low-lying marsh to delimit cent is made clear is appropriate fishing wet ground, still be moorland of prairie, appropriate forest.