n. (精制)玉米淀粉, 玉米粉
n starch prepared from the grains of corn; used in cooking as a thickener
Stir in beaten egg and coat fillet lightly with cornflour.
Dress the mud crabs. Chop into pieces. Rinse and coat in cornflour.
Marinade the beef with soy sauce, salt, cornflour and grape seed oil.
Add water, light soy sauce and cornflour. Hand mix till well combined.
Knead the oysters softly by hands and rinse the cornflour and the sticking dirt.
用手轻揉匀生蚝, 以水冲去粟粉及黏附的污物。
Saute rest of ingredients, then sprinkle with wine and add sauce. Bring to boil and thicken with cornflour.
爆香配料, 赞酒, 注入芡汁煮滚, 埋适量生粉水。
Put shredded Peking scallion and shredded onion onto beef slices. Roll. Fix the seam with cornflour.
This is a mix of cornflour and icing sugar, 50/50, because the icing sugar would absorb and the cornflour makes it stop it doesn't absorb into the wet of the marshmallow.
这是玉米粉和糖粉一比一混合而成的 因为糖粉会被吸收 而玉米粉正好防止它 防止它被棉花糖的水分吸收
And into your cornflour and icing sugar mixture.
We've gotto make up a mixture of cornflour and milk.
Basically, you have just got to really get the syrup into the cornflour.
基本上 把糖浆 小心地搅拌到淀粉糊里
Then it is just a matter of adding the syrup to the cornflour, which is the worst part, really.
接着就是把糖浆 倒入淀粉糊中 这是最难的一步
To my bowl of flour I'm adding cornflour to thicken, some sugar, a little bit of salt and some lard.
往面粉中加入生粉 加糖 少许盐和一些猪油
The next stage is in a big, heavybased pan, you have got to make up some cornflour mixed with a bit of cream of tartar to stop it going really gloopy.
下一步是用一个体宽底厚的锅 用玉米淀粉 混合少许塔塔粉 搅拌直至胶质黏稠状