conjugate是什么意思   conjugate怎么读

英式:['kɒndʒəɡeɪt]    美式:['kɒndʒəɡeɪt]


vt.使结合; 使配合vi.结合; 配合n.结合物;共轭物;偶联物
v. 结合, 配合, (动词)词形变化adj. 成对的, [数]共轭的, [语]同词根的n. [数]共轭值, [语]同根词


形容词: conjugative | 副词: conjugately | 名词: conjugator | 动词过去式: conjugated | 动词过去分词: conjugated | 动词现在分词: conjugating | 动词第三人称单数: conjugates |



1. a mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another of B in A

名词 conjugate:

a mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another of B in A

同义词:conjugate solution

动词 conjugate:

unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds

add inflections showing person, number, gender, tense, aspect, etc.

undergo conjugation

形容词 conjugate:

joined together especially in a pair or pairs

同义词:conjugated, coupled

of a pinnate leaflet; having only one pair of leaflets

formed by the union of two compounds


of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond


conjugate[ 'kɔndʒuɡeit ]n.a mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another of B in A

同义词:conjugate solution

v.unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compoundsadd inflections showing person, number, gender, tense, aspect, etc.

"conjugate the verb"

undergo conjugationadj.joined together especially in a pair or pairs


of a pinnate leaflet; having only one pair of leafletsformed by the union of two compounds

"a conjugated protein"


of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond




How does this verb conjugate?


...a child who can read at one and is conjugating Latin verbs at four.


Conjugate eye movements are of two types: saccadic and smooth pursuit.

共轭眼球运动有两类: 跳视和缓慢的追踪.

The stronger an acid, the weaker the conjugate base, and vice versa.

因此可以得到结论:酸性越强, 共扼碱越弱.相反亦然.

Intermitten constuction of toothed sector conjugate cam ensures machine accurate and lower noise at high speed.


Objective To prepare safe and valid Group A Meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine.

目的制备安全、效的A群 脑膜炎球菌多糖结合疫苗.

Intermitten constuction of toothed sector conjugate cam ensures machine accurate and lower noise at speed.


Methods Prepare pneumococcus type 1 conjugate vaccine by cyanogen bromide activation and amine reduction immunological characteristics.


Objective To prepare group A + C meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine.


Theoretical equations on solving the conjugate are established according to the fundamental law of toothed gearing.


Conjugate Gradient Method complete source code can be used directly.


It is shown that the proper acceleration of null geodesic with conjugate points approaches infinity.


Therefore optics phase conjugate is valued people's very much, obtained the widespread application.

因此光学相位共轭很受到人们的重视, 得到了广泛的应用.

The conjugate gradient method is one of the most efficient methods for solving unconstrained optimization problems.


How does this verb conjugate?


The exponential gain coefficient, diffraction efficiency, phase conjugate reflectivity and response time were measured.

测试了晶体的指数增益系数 、 衍射效率 、 位相共轭反射率和响应时间.

HF ( the strongest acid ) has the weakest conjugate base.

HF 是最强的酸,它有最弱的共轭碱.

How does this verb conjugate?




Such as use preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) algorithm to reduce the iterative steps, use modified multipole numbers method to reduce the computation of each step.


The excellent emulsifying properties of SAPP-dextran conjugate could be maintained even at pH 3.


The molar ratio of LM1 and DNR in the conjugate was measured by Bradford protein assay and UV absorption spectra assay.


Yes, it's a verb.Let's conjugate it!"I rezzed a prim." "I will rez a prim." "I am rezzing a prim.

Grid // 格子,即Second Life所在的世界 Rez //实现,在SL里造出来 When you create an object within SL, you "rez" it.

Inumber is a complex number for which you want the conjugate.


ZHENG H, HE X R.Improved preconditioned conjugate gradient method and its applications to FEA in engineering[J].Applied Mathematics & Mechanics,1993, 14(4): 353-362.


A partition that is its own conjugate is called self-conjugate.


A partition that is its own conjugate is ealled self-conjugate.


Either of a pair of conjugate quantities.


Synchronization method and apparatus for the OFDM systems includes three portions of delay conjugate multiplication, phase processing, and edge detection.


A Synchronization method and apparatus for the OFDM systems includes three portions of delay conjugate multiplication, phase processing, and edge detection.


Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and other 40 cities of more than 1,000 vaccination points will also provide a "7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine" against.


Two general classes of eye movements have been distinguished: Conjugate eye movements and vergence eye movements.


A mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another of B in A.


For the purpose of iterative efficiency and practicality, Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient method is modified by the application of re-beginning technique, FFT algorithm and construction of initial guess.


More independent candidates can be created and better performance can be gained using subblocks and their conjugate versions in the proposed Modified IPTS (MIPTS).


A detail study was made on the phase conjugate process in the near degenerate four wave mixing in a nonlinear medium based on solving of the coupled wave equations.


The cytotoxic assay showed that the conjugate had a selective killing to human hepatic cancer cell line BEL_(7404), which 41. 2% BEL_(7404) cell was killed at a concentration of 10~(-9)mol/L,the conjugate was no toxic to. SL_7.


By using active set strategy, the authors need only to solve a reduced trust region subproblem which is solved inexactly by the truncated conjugate gradient method.


Can you conjugate" to have" in all its tenses?


Can you conjugate ' to beat' in all its tenses ?


Can you conjugate "to have" in all its tenses?


Do you know how to conjugate the verb 'seek'?

你知道动词seek 应该如何变化吗?

Can you conjugate 'get' in all its tenses?


N step restart conjugate gradient routine is used to speed up the convergence rate.


For example, imagine you are looking down the holographic conjugate image of a bowling alley.


The influence of polarization on the phase conjug ate light is analyzed.The gen eration ways of wavelength-shift and wavelength-shift-free phase conjugate li ght are summarized.


A conjugate prepared through the direct coupling of diazotized clenbuterol and bovine serum albumin was identified by IR, UV、SDS-PAGE、FPLC and immunological experiments.


The conjugate descent method introduced by Fletcher (1987) is one of the conjugate gradient methods.

共轭下降法是由 Fletcher( 1 987)提出的一个共轭梯度法。

The content of the conjugate dienes can be expressed with the diene number.


In this method, the conjugate complex modal matrix is used as modal transfer matrix and the machine is decomposed into two conjugate substructures.


The spans of the conjugate beam and actual beam must be equal.


The conjugate gradient method and quasi-Newton method are two important methods for sovling nonlinear optimization problems.


Conjugate gradient method is an iterative method, it applies to sparse matrix systems, because these systems such as the Cholesky decomposition of the direct method is too high.


Their characteristic is that the positrinos and the antiparticles are Hermitian conjugate each other, and express the form of special unitary groups SU(n).


Rapid 3D induced polarization (IP) inversions algorithm are developed using conjugate gradient (CG) relaxation techniques.


Application of complex conjugate gradient method(CCGM) and fast Fourier transform(FFT) to study multitudinous scattering in near-field optics.


Inversion of the conjugate joints and striation is used to study orientation and timing of the tectonic stress field and define the stages of the field.


Iterative methods by the generalized conjugate gradient method were constructed and its limited termination was proved.


Applying a property of orbit structures of twisted conjugate actions to involutions, we then get the aforementioned equivariant embedding of symmetric spaces in Lie groups.


Based on the merit function, a new conjugate gradient algorithm for solving linear inequalities system problems was proposed.


Nonlinear conjugate gradient optimize is used to realize the first arrival tomography inversion.The process of inversion is convergent.


Random packings include conjugate ring, VSPring supper mini, pall ring ,saddles and twin curved saddles.


On the otherhand, the sparseness of the obtained high-order matrix is suitable to be solved by themeans of Conjugate Gradient Method ( CGM ) to reduce the arithmetic operations periteration.


G.729 protocol proposed by ITU is a kind of speech compression coding technology based on Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction algorithm.


Image reconstruction is often converted to the nonrestraint extremum of the nonlinear equations.We have deduced a conjugate gradient algorithm from the extremum of norm.


The circular symmetric point and the apalanatic point of spherical lens have one same expression,however the two kinds conjugate point are belong to difference category.


In this paper,the complete conjugte properties about the upper and lower exponents for mutual conjugate convex function on linear spaces are obtained.


Under the condition of the conjugate prior distribution, the prior parameters computed by three methods were similar.


Gauss-Newton technique, homotopy method and conjugate gradient method are employed to identify unknown constitutive parameters for the inverse problem respectively.


The conjugate gradient method was applied in the prior smoothing process of the multigrid iteration procedure to improve the convergence rate.


The aim of this paper is to construct a three-term conjugate gradient method to solve the trust region subproblem.


The conjugate gradient method (CGM) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique are used to reduce the necessary memory and CPU time.

在求解过程中应用共轭梯度法 (CGM)和快速傅立叶变换 (FFT)相结合的方法降低所需计算机内存和CPU时间。

For the majority of currently available tests, this conjugate pad contains gold particles adsorbed with antibodies or antigens specific to the analyte being detected.


In avoidance phase, we combine avoidance into numerical integration by using preconditioned conjugate gradient method.This speeds up the whole calculation.


On the boundary of the stable region, a couple of conjugate transverse modes destabilize, and a Hopf bifurcation takes place.

在稳定区域边界 ,一对共轭横截模式失稳 ,导致同步混沌的Hopf分岔 .

The results showed that the catalyst was very efficient for the conjugate addition of amines to electron deficient alkenes with excellent yields in several minutes.


FMM is introduced to the integral operation of Jacobi Minimal Residual(JMRES) and the efficiency of JMRES+FMM, and the conjugate gradient (CG) method is compared here.!


Based on the differential equation inversion theory, this problem can be transformed to a nonlinear optimization problem that can be solved by conjugate gradient method (CGM).


It is important to learn to conjugate irregular verbs.


On the basis of CGH, it can encode two objects simultaneously by adding negative quadratic phase factor on the conjugate Fourier spectrum of one object and adding positive quadratic phase factor on the Fourier spectrum of the other.

它是在计算全息的基础上 ,通过对两个物的傅里叶谱或共轭谱分别加正的或负的二次相位因子 ,求和后进行编码、制图、缩微而得 ,该滤波器可以分别对两个物实现匹配。

The phase conjugate reflectivity of four-wave mixing was measured to be higher than 900%;The temperature enhancement of phase conjugation was studied.


The slope at any section of the actual beam is equal to the shear at corresponding section of the conjugate beam.


The local searching ability of the conjugate gradient method combined with the global searching ability organically, then the optimation of mixed algorithm is realized.


Specific bright yellow green flurescene was observed around the membrane and across the plasmas of the transfected cells when tested with anti-chicken IgY, FITC conjugate.

将重组疫苗转染 Hela细胞 ,用兔抗鸡 Ig Y进行间接免疫荧光试验 ,结果 ,在细胞膜和细胞浆中观察到了特异性的黄绿色荧光 ,证明表达产物具有特异性。

The conjugate of AFB1O and BSA was injected into rabbits through multi--site and multipathwayprotocol.


The paper inquires into the rules of formation of the tooth surface of a crowned gear on conjugate hobbing.


The petrofabric analysis corresponded with the result of the conjugate shear joints analysis, indicating the multiple deformation of geological structures in Luan coal district.


The common conjugate surface includes tooth surface of gear, working surface of solid cam, helicoidal surfaces existing in spiral burr, worm, chip flute of cutters, and so on.


According to the filter matrix particularity, the filter equation was solved by using conjugate gradient method.


Uning the experimental data,the dec r eased percentages of conjugate depth,length of hydraulic jump or unit width hydr a ulic jump volume with the increased dissipated energy facilities are calculated.


The pseudo phase conjugate fidelity analysis of retroreflector array[J].

引用该论文 侯静,姜文汉,凌宁.

Bistable output characteristics of a LiNbO3:Ce phase conjugate resonator[J].

引用该论文 刘劲松,吴仲康,徐玉恒.

Optical phase conjugate in Langmuir-Blodgett films of purple membrane[J].

引用该论文 刘颂豪,杜卫冲,章献民,李庆国.

Multi-forward optical phase conjugate wave outputs in Langmuir Blodgelt films[J].

引用该论文 杜卫冲,章献民,陈抗生,卢兆伦,郑殷东,吴剑钟.

Effects of conjugate heights of single and dual-conjugate adaptive optics systems on isoplanatic angle[J].

引用该论文 荣健,丁学科,白宏,李芳,申金娥,王秀.

The topological charge stabilization rule also fit well to the inorganic conjugate molecules and explained the reason of the stability of the inorganic conjugate molecules.


The characteristics of conjugate profiles relative movement between flexspline and rigid spline is revealed for the first time.


Jumble cosmetic is optimal combination and conjugate are a fashionable woman's absolutely irremissible mistake.


Abstract : A novel efficient procedure has been developed for the conjugate addition of amines to electron deficient alkenes.

摘要 : 提供了一种新型高效的催化缺电子烯与胺类的共扼加成的反应体系。


Moreover, it is tolerated at higher doses in rats and cynomolgus monkeys than the same conjugate prepared by conventional approaches.

Based on the steepest descent method and the conjugate gradient method, a hybrid algorithm is proposed in this paper, and its global convergence is proved.


This is a constant-amplitude wave which is essentially the same on the conjugate image plane.