a. 通信的;通讯的;交往的
s. used in communication
The Communicational Functions of Nonverbal Language
He had few communicational grooves available for use.
You said not communicating with her would send a message that I'm not communicating with her.
你说的 不和她联系就能让她明白 我不想和她有牵扯
A big communications bird like that could more than make up for the rocket's communications array.
那种大型通讯机可以用来 弥补火箭通讯阵列的功能
We absolutely have to communicate better, but if I don't leave right now, and I get caught, there's gonna be nothing to communicate.
我们绝对要更好地沟通 但如果我现在不走 我就会被抓住 我们就没法沟通了
All the robot cares about is that the nerves in his leg aren't communicating with his muscles, which means they can't communicate with the sensors in the prosthesis, which means the robot leg won't work.
智能假肢只在乎他腿的神经 没有和肌肉进行互动 这意味着它们无法与假肢上的传感器互动 也就是说智能假肢没用
And we can use this property when we're making communication sounds to help maximise the sound vibrations that we're producing and therefore enhance their communicative properties.
而我们用声音交流时 就可以利用这种性质 使我们发出的声音最大化 从而强化沟通交流的功能
We've seen a variety of different ways that animals can communicate and they're orchestrating this physics of vibration and resonance to help communicate with each other, to send and receive messages.
我们已经见识了 动物用来交流的多种方式 它们将振动与共鸣的物理现象相协调 来与同类进行交流 交换信息
We'll have no way to communicate with you.
What about the buzzing? It's how they communicate.
那嗡嗡声呢 他们的沟通方式
There can't be any communication between your office and his.
I did. I'm monitoring all of his communication.
没错 我是在监控他的通讯