n.核对,小吃n.整理, 校对, 便餐
动词:collate;名词: collator | 动词过去式: collated | 动词过去分词: collated | 动词现在分词: collating | 动词第三人称单数: collates |
Noun1. a light informal meal
2. assembling in proper numerical or logical sequence
3. careful examination and comparison to note points of disagreement
名词 collation:
a light informal meal
同义词:bite, snack
assembling in proper numerical or logical sequence
careful examination and comparison to note points of disagreementcollation[ kɔ'leiʃən ]n.a light informal meal
assembling in proper numerical or logical sequencecareful examination and comparison to note points of disagreementcollation中文词源:
It was in this choice retreat that Mr. Quilp ordered a cold collation to be prepared.
I was quite taken with your line of photocopiers with collation and stapling capability.
Drag onto the page to add a collation of data.
Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of collation tissue volume reduction of tonsils.
目的: 观察低温等离子扁桃体减容术的疗效.
During the re - collation of the dictionary, 72 misuses of words were found.
Also, the default setting for Unicode Collation is case - insensitive.
并且, unicode排列的默认设置为不区分大小写.
The collation that you entered is incomplete or invalid.
Under strong pressure breakthrough after collation, short - term uptrend is expected to renew.
突破下压后强势整理, 短期 有望延续升势.
But the ruling collation in Parliament said the President's order was illegal.
Cannot resolve collation conflict for column % d in % ls statement.
Cannot resolve collation conflict for % ls operation.
Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values.
不能识别的编码序列值, 请使用默认值.
The specified database collation name is not valid.
We should affirm Wang Jipei's achievements on collation.
Attempting to change default collation to % 1.
Soon they had finished their tea and sat down to a collation of choice wine and delicacies.
A binary collation in Analysis Services defines the language locale and the ANSI code page to be used, enforcing a binary sort order.
Analysis Services中的二进制排序规则强制使用二进制排序顺序,定义了要使用的语言区域设置和ANSI代码页。
Analysis Services uses the same collation designators and sort order settings as the SQL Server Database Engine.
Analysis Services使用的排序规则指示符和排序顺序设置与SQL Server数据库引擎相同。
Collat and Lingane have shown that electrolytic reduction of nitrate ions proceeds all the way to NH4+ in the presence of Cu2+.
The effects of an ORDER BY clause on mixed-case data depend on the database collation and case sensitivity specified when the database is created.
ORDER BY子句对混合大小写数据的影响取决于在创建数据库时指定的数据库归类和大小写。
PCI9054 notes, a lot of problems and solutions in the collation, comparison utility.
The Hindi collation is deprecated in SQL Server 2005 because the Windows 2000 Beta 2 sorting table is used in this SQL Server release.
SQL Server 2005中不推荐使用印地语排序规则,因为在此SQL Server版本中使用了Windows 2000 Beta 2排序表。
SQL Server uses the collation information of character columns from the linked server.
SQL Server将使用链接服务器字符列的排序规则信息。
The UNION ALL and CASE operators are collation insensitive, and all string operands and the final results are assigned the collation label of the operand with the highest precedence.
UNION ALL和CASE运算符不区分排序规则,所有的字符串操作数和最终结果都被赋以具有最高优先顺序的操作数的排序规则标签。
The UNION operator is also collation sensitive, and all string operands and the final result is assigned the collation of the operand with the highest precedence.
The VersaTrak Collation Conveyor accompanies the VersaPak loader with dual servo high-speed indexing and adjustable flight spacing to consistently group packages.
The base Windows collation rules specify which alphabet or language is used when dictionary sorting is applied, and also the code page that is used to store non-Unicode character data.
A Windows collation identifier corresponds to a combination of code page and sort order information.
Collation Compatible and Collation Name are mutually exclusive options. If you select Collation Compatible, the Collation Name selected will be cleared. Do you wish to continue?
Collation Name and Collation Compatible are mutually exclusive options. If you select a Collation Name, the Collation Compatible option will be turned off. Do you wish to continue?
The "Default collation attributes" column shows the full name of the collation for the specific locale.
Is a clause that can be applied to a database definition or a column definition to define the collation, or to a character string expression to apply a collation cast.
Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values.
However, the collation would be wrong when the number of digits changed, so leading zeroes are provided.
Is a single string that specifies the collation name for a SQL collation.
To remove collation information from the communication process, Service Broker uses a byte-by-byte comparison to match service names, contract names, and message type names.
为了删除通信过程中的排序规则信息,Service Broker采用逐字节进行比较的方式来匹配服务名称、约定名称和消息类型名称。
Returns a binary string of weights for each character in a non-Unicode string expression defined with an SQL tertiary collation.
There is a collation mismatch between the main instance database and the application database.
Today,the retrieval,collation and study of this epic has been included in the state's key social science research projects,and a special institution has been founded to take charge of the project.
Select a service from the drop-down list and then make your collation and sort order selections for that service.
This thesis also illustrates the applications of Yang"s Exegetics in three aspects: collation of ancient books, compilation of dictionaries and study of literature and history.
From the trend, the end of last year, obviously there is heavy volume of regional funds to intervene, after a concussion after the collation, currently have the ability to try for.
But Unicode also provides additional implementation guidelines, such as character properties, rendering, editing, string collation, etc.
However, the expression CharCol has a collation label of Implicit, and N'abc' has a lower coercion label of Coercible-default.
But the ruling collation in Parliament said the President's order was illegal.
Use the SORTKEY function to create an index on the description column of the product table, sorted according to a Russian collation.
Functions that take multiple character string inputs and return a character string use the rules of collation precedence to set the collation of the output string.
Functions that take a character string input and return a character string output use the collation of the input string for the output.
Match, or resolve, the database collation settings with a non-Unicode XML encoding scheme.
使用非Unicode XML编码方案匹配或解析数据库排序规则设置。
For example, Latin1_General and French are collation designators that use code page 1252.
The operating methods of holographic criticisms include "There is no flaw in a piece of pure jade", reestablishment after collation and the positioning of an artistic work.
Global Water Challenge is a collation coalition of 22 groups working for change in water and sanitation.
The salesman shall do the classification and collation of the business documents. And to keep the service work aiming to establish long-term reliable cooperation partners.
The collation of epitaphs need many knowledge of many subjects, which will be helpful to the collation and studies of ancient books.
The subsistent reasons of Chinese quantifier are analyzed based on the collation of quantifier and the explanation of special quantifier presented in Dunhuang medical volumes.
Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is not of same collation as referencing column: '%.*ls.%.*ls' in foreign key '%.*ls'.
列 ''%1!.%3!'' 与引用列的排序规则不同:''%5!.%7!''(位于外键 ''%9!'' 中)。
List the available collation sequences and exit.
Select the name of a specific Windows collation from the.
Beijing center for the collation of land reserves in the forums on the value and significance of the land reserves.
Even if the column was explicitly assigned a collation by using a COLLATE clause in the CREATE TABLE or CREATE VIEW statement, the column reference is classified as implicit.
即使使用CREATE TABLE或CREATE VIEW语句中的COLLATE子句为列显式分配了排序规则,该列引用仍归为隐式。
The reference dictionary is sorted phonetically, making a systematic collation algorithm that will follow the same order impossible.
The identifiers for variables, GOTO labels, temporary stored procedures, and temporary tables are in the default collation of the instance.
Moreover, I have attached to the last part of the thesis my collation achievement in the process of research.
Material and methods: Select8 documents about acupuncture that representative different dynasties of China history, modern four documents inquire into acupuncture's accidental monograph, excerpt relative to document and collation.
The collation label of a simple expression that references only one character string object is the collation label of the referenced object.
Cross-platform restore operations, even between different processor types, can be performed as long as the collation of the database is supported by the operating system.
Cross-platform backup operations, even between different processor types, can be performed as long as the collation of the database is supported by the operating system.
Translations for data and metadata can be defined on an Analysis Services instance so that client applications can receive Analysis Services objects in a specified language and collation.
可以为Analysis Services实例定义数据和元数据的翻译,以便客户端应用程序能够以指定的语言和排序规则接收Analysis Services对象。
You can use the COLLATE clause to cast a character expression to a certain collation.
You can use the COLLATE clause of the CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE statement to specify the default collation of the database.
Several sort order options can be applied to the specified Analysis Services Windows collation to additionally define sorting and comparison rules based on case, accent, kana, and width sensitivity.
可以将数个排序顺序选项应用于指定的Analysis Services Windows排序规则,以额外定义基于区分大小写、区分重音、区分假名以及区分全半角的排序和比较规则。
A collation of parallel passages, especially from the Gospels, with a commentary demonstrating their consonance and explaining their discrepancies.
Therefore, the identifiers for variables, GOTO labels, and temporary tables are in the default collation of the instance.
The collation of the Tibetanlanguage Tripitaka (Gangyur and Tengyur) has been completed.
Collation centres ability to deploy land, control the supply of land and rhythm, which will have a profound impact on urban development.
Turkish is a collation designator that uses code page 1254.
In the past and current planning work, the information collection and collation is very complex and huge.
Phrases in the Tang Dynasty epitaphs were studied systematically, based on the entire reading and collation of them.
In the concrete operating process, they were also earnest, meticulous and responsible and dealt win concrete matters relating to work, such as the collation and research of the textual tones and the reversion of Ci poet Lijue.
The set of rules in a collation that define how characters are evaluated in comparison operations, and the sequence in which they are sorted.
The spine of each section is printed with a rectangle or short thick rule called collation mark.
In theory,they have been used for studies of polymers microscopic dynamics and conformation,phase transtion and collation,energy transfer and the process of photopolymerization.
A data value, option setting, collation, or name assigned automatically by the system if a user does not specify the value, setting, collation, or name.
An expression you supplied in an indexed view definition uses two columns with different collation settings, so a collation clause has been added to one of the columns.
In this example, a new collation will have to be prepared for every row.
The paper dealt with collation and study of ancient literatures of mineral matters ameliorating soil, but the records were fragmentary.
For this reason, the default collation order for data registered within an Operator Site is binary even though this choice is meaningless for some languages, and effectively favors alphabetic languages.
基于这个原因,操作入口站点(Operator Site)对于注册数据的缺省遍序是基于二进制的,这样就无需考虑究竟是使用哪种语言,同时能够支持多种字符集。
Most real estate units are reflected in the collation or Chaodiebuzhang shocks, the market did not dig out the outstanding performance of the special units.
It was in this choice retreat that Mr. Quilp ordered a cold collation to be prepared.
If the input and output of the CAST and CONVERT functions are character strings, the output string has the collation label of the input string.
Returns the unique name for the collation if the column is character data or text data type.
The assignment operator cannot assign values when the collation of the right text operand has a different code page than the left text operand.
The collation label of a complex expression that references two operand expressions with the same collation label is the collation label of the operand expressions.
If the collation label started with a string that indicated an ANSI code page, conversion would be turned off.
If you must work with objects that have different collation and code page settings, you must code your queries to consider the rules of collation precedence.
用作名词(n.)Some goods can have a different collation.
We should affirm Wang Jipei's achievements on collation.
I was quite taken with your line of photocopiers with collation and stapling capability.
I have completed the collation of this book.
It was in this choice retreat that Mr. Quilp ordered a cold collation to be prepared.