n. <西>睾丸; 通气, 胆量
You had the cojones to turn me in? I got your cojones right here.
你不是要进去给我做 吗? 我就在这里给你做
Which would suggest that he had been hit in the cojones before.
这就说明他的 以前曾受过伤
Well, I don't mind residents with cojones.
See how someone with cojones finishes the job.
You've got some cojones, asking me to come all the way out here.
你胆子挺大啊 竟敢让我大老远到这里来
That takes some seriously large, well, in her case, figurative cojones.
Not telling your friends that it was your girlfriend that was the one who was busting their cojones along.
虽然你隐瞒长官是前女友 让哥几个伤透了心
I am damn near floored that you or anyone else would have the cojones to make a call like that.
我 真的是被你们这些有胆量 做出这种决定的人吓到了
You walk through that door, putting your hat on like you mean business, like god gave you a big set of swinging cojones.
你走进这间酒吧 戴着帽子好像有什么正经事似的 好像你很有种似的
But were it not for me and my mention of this city's potential for home and hearth, not a one of you would have had the vision to come here, let alone the cojones to travail such a fraught and punishing pilgrimage.
但假如不是我 提到这座城市有安家的潜力 你们中没有一个人有远见来这里 更别提有胆量历尽千辛万苦了