v.让给,割让,放弃( cede的过去式 )v. 割让(领土, 权利)v. 放弃
v.让给,割让,放弃( cede的过去式 );
动词 cede:
give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another
同义词:concede, yield, cede, grant
relinquish possession or control over
同义词:surrender, cede, deliver, give up
cedev.give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another同义词:concedeyieldgrant
relinquish possession or control over同义词:surrenderdelivergive up
"By the terms of the treaty, a third of their territory was ceded to France."
Another Polish victory in 1466 forced the knights to cede lands to Poland and become vassals of the Polish king.
It lies on a tributary of the Dniester River.Ruled by Moldavia in the 15th century and taken by the Ottoman Turks in the 16th century, it was ceded to Russia in 1812.
In 1836 he concluded a treaty in which the Ojibwa ceded much of northern Michigan to the U.
France ceded Alsace - Lorraine to Germany in 1 8 7 1 .
Taiwan was ceded to Japan in 1895 as a result of the Ching Empire's defeat in the Chia-wu War.
AIG would pay a penal interest rate and cede to the state an equity stake of just under 80%.
Livia, the mother of Tiberius,Early in 38 Livia was amicably ceded to Octavian (the future Augustus), and three months after her new marriage Drusus, brother to Tiberius, was born.
" NASA managers say they haven't ceded control over the project to APL, and that headquarters will decide where individual spacecraft will be built.
“If you deny you are in power, you cannot cede power,” he argues.
"We have ceded you the Nightfort," said Jon Snow.
Gibraltar was ceded in perpetuity to Britain by Spain in 1713.In the 1950's Spain tried to reassert its claim to Gibraltar.
A country with an uncompetitive exchange rate will struggle to sell its wares abroad and will also cede its home market to foreign firms.
Under the Convention of Chuenpi (Chuanbi) signed on January 20,1841,Hong Kong Island was ceded to Britain.
As a result of a series of European wars, Florida was ceded to England.
But the next year, in 1836, the State had authorized the building of a railroad northwestward through the territory which the Cherokees had recently ceded.
Entrepreneurs in the region are known to be reluctant to cede control to private equity.
Why not take into account the rent and also to cede territory is also not it?
II in Hong Kong, which is a term that should be returned to us because Japan is not cede territory to rent, lease not to the problem.
二 不会像香港哪样租期到了就要还给我们,因为日本是割地不是租地,没有租期到了问题。
"Settled by the Dutch in 1652, it was ceded to Great Britain in 1814 and became part of the newly formed Union of South africa in 1910."
Cede power and bind them in, and interests and problems are shared.
This year, they have ceded the high ground by presenting a non-competitive slate for the council elections.
and few of them want to cede power to multilateral organisations.
They have ceded their business to Brown Brothers.
They ceded territory to a neighboring state.
He'll cede, he'll talk a good game, and probably won't be enough of a mitigating factor to deny the Lakers another championship.
He ceded his stock holdings to his children.
He temporarily ceded power to his his brother, Defense Minister Raul Castro.
Below is the text of the Sino-Pak Border agreement 1963 through which Pakistan illegally ceded 1/3rd of the territory of Jammu and Kashmir to China.
A city of northwest Chile on the Pacific Ocean south of the Peruvian border. Founded in the16th century,it was ceded to Chile by Peru in 1883. Population,110,153.
A city of northwest Chile on the Pacific Ocean south of the Peruvian border. Founded in the16th century, it was ceded to Chile by Peru in1883. Population,110, 153.
Mr Hu will be pleased that Western countries appear willing to cede control over appointments of the heads of the IMF and World Bank, traditionally awarded to Europeans and Americans respectively.
Unwilling to cede a lucrative new market, traditional ad companies are fighting back.
But a key stumbling black continues to be U. S. reluctance to cede any power in Iraq.
But the Ruhr is split into 53 municipalities, many of them reluctant to cede power or share resources.
Perhaps it's a ploy, perhaps it is a defense mechanism or a pressure relief tactic, but this week both the Magic and the Celtics head coaches have openly ceded No. 1 spot to Cleveland.
The author does not cede the floor, observing her characters almost as insects under a glass cover.
A sub-reinsurance contract under which an insurer cedes a reinsurance business which is ceded to it to another insurer shall be subject to the present Standards.
A sub-reinsurance contract under which an insurer cedes a reinsurance business which is ceded to it to another insurer shall be subject to the present Standards .
Britain, notably, does not accept that everything about the Anglo-Saxon model has failed, nor is it about to cede more power to Brussels.
A reinsurance company shall, in light of main insurance business categories, separately disclose the reinsurance premium incomes and the ceded insurance premiums.
ceded company
share ceded
Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has threatened to ditch the proposed unity government if President Robert Mugabe refuses to cede control of key ministries.
to cede territory and ask for peace
cede territories and pay reparations
Eastern Canada was settled by both English and French colonists and was ceded to England in 7'3 after the Seven Years` War.
Synonyms abnegate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step down (from), surrender Related Words abjure, deny, disavow, disclaim, disown, waive;forsake, give up, hand over, yield;
动词ABNEGATE:正式地放弃某个职位或者权威地位 名词:对于过去曾经享有享用的某种事物进行放弃或者拒绝 单词abdicate可以用作同义词。
During the Northern Song Dynasty, the sixteen ceded prefectures continued to be an area of hot contention between Song China and the Liao Dynasty.
Castro ceded power to his brother in 2006 before undergoing surgery for a still-undisclosed intestinal condition.
Senator Chuchi, backed by the Pantoran Assembly, ceded ownership of Orto Plutonia to the Talz, allowing them sovereignty over the planet.
Cuba was ceded by Spain to the US in 1898.
His armies were defeated, and he ceded the left bank of the Rhine to France in exchange for Venetia and Dalmatia.
Address of mailing of same domain name is arranged together, throw into confusion location of cede territory of address, amalgamative address, cent and worry unnecessarily repeat letterhead function.
It passed to the British (1763-1779) and then to the Spanish before being ceded to the United States in 1783.
reinsurance ceded abroad
"Trail of Tears -In 1835, when gold was discovered on Cherokee land in Georgia, a small minority of Cherokee ceded all tribal land east of the Mississippi for $5 million."
CEDED; Centre for International Environmental Law;
1878 Cyprus was ceded by Turkey to Britain for administration.
Mr Clinton was thrilled to hear in 1993 that the former general was willing to cede the Golan Heights for peace with Syria.
Historically this has been strongly supported in Britain, as seen in our reluctance to cede power to the courts or the European Union.
In the final version of the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT), Japan ceded Taiwan without naming a "receiving country," however, the island wasn't left as terra nullius for China to annex.
In the century before that, European powers started various wars against China to control parts of the country, including Hong Kong, which the Qing emperor ceded to Britain "in perpetuity" in 1842.
Under the terms of these treaties China relinquished sovereignty, ceded territory and paid indemnities.
Regions are where you build factories and other things. 2) Provinces are mostly for military movement. Provinces can be ceded in wars, and can change between countries.
hoi2.txt: Event 66, fixed event to correctly cede provinces to Germany or Italy depending on who controls them. Added some missing provinces to cede list.
Mr Sharp ceded his stock holdings to his children.
Mr Obama ceded control of the stimulus to the fractious congressional Democrats, allowing a plan that should have had broad support from both parties to become a divisive partisan battle.
In a license agreement of the kind discussed here, the developer will retain copyright ownership, but it may be asked to cede to the publisher the trademarks in the game.
If the entire web is a platform, why would a developer choose to cede control over his app by locking himself into a single, third-party platform?
Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866.
Will they, as usual, cede to economic pragmatism, or will they gather the strength to put our highest ethical and political values above short-term economic interests?
It added that, even if national legislators duly become more active, there are limits to the powers that they can cede to Europe.
A city of western France north-northeast of Bordeaux. It was ceded to England in 3'0 but was retaken by France in 373. Population, 4',97.
Contrast the same era of the Qing Dynasty and Czarist Russia in the post-war忙把Jaxa abuse柏海Lake (now Lake Baikal) was ceded to Russia’s history, this truth more obvious.
Eventually, Spielberg ceded the direction of Geisha to Rob Marshall, who was nominated for an Oscar for Chicago.
Despite all this, it still seems too early to cede America's future to the Lone Star state.
Though Sudai's viewpoint is well reasoned and argued, the craven king of Wei still cede the tract of Wei to Qin as per those ministers' suggestion because he merely consider the current peace.
Brazil rejected a request from Argentina to cede some of its contracted shipments of natural gas from Bolivia.
When he reached old age he ceded his body and let go of the heavy burden.
用作动词(v.)That is what the regime fears most, because then it either has to shoot its own people or cede power.
This second step will be awkward, because votes cannot be taken from members that do not want to cede them.