n. <美>同寝室伙伴
n. someone who occupies the same sleeping quarters as yourself
One time, I tried to set up my bunkmate from my first stint in juvie on a coffee date with my bunkmate from my third stint in juvie.
有一次 我想撮合 我首次和第三次进少管所的狱友 安排他俩在一家咖啡店见面
No, it was my bunkmate at the boys' home.
不 是我在孤儿院的室友
We're gonna be bunkmates for the next three months.
Will talks about you like you were bunkmates at summer camp.
威尔常提起你 就像你们是夏令营上下铺的兄弟一样
I talked my bunkmate into sinking the arrows before I even picked up the bow.
我让我室友把箭插到靶子上的 我弓还没拿起来箭就都插好了
Jezzy caught a life bid taking out her bunkmate over toothpaste.
杰伊因为牙膏跟狱友发生争执后杀了狱友 判了无期
And I'll tell you something else, you don't get me out of here soon, your bunkmate's gonna know it too.
我还要告诉你 你不快点把我弄出去 你的室友也要知道了
Not to put more on your plate, but the kid whose friends you saved from the slavers his bunkmates say he's been having nightmares.
不是要增加你的负担 但你从奴隶贩手里救回了他朋友的那个孩子 他的铺友说他一直在做噩梦
But I will also make sure that you spend the rest of your time shuttling between solitary confinement and the rapiest available bunkmates.
但我同时会让你 余生都在单独拘禁室 和最喜欢 人的室友之间 不断往返