v.挥舞( brandish的过去式和过去分词 ); 炫耀v.挥,挥舞 n.挥舞
v.挥舞( brandish的过去式和过去分词 );炫耀;
动词 brandish:
move or swing back and forth
同义词:brandish, flourish, wave
exhibit aggressively
brandish[ 'brændiʃ ]n.the act of waving同义词:flourish
v.move or swing back and forth同义词:flourishwave
exhibit aggressively"brandish a sword"
Yes, I will astonish many peoples because of you, and their kings will shudder excessively over you, when I brandish My sword before them;
Yes, I will astonish many peoples because of you, and their kings will shudder excessively over you, when I brandish My sword before them; they will also tremble continually, everyone for his own life, on the day of your fall.
I will cause many peoples to be appalled at you, and their kings will shudder with horror because of you when I brandish my sword before them.
Does the ax raise itself above him who swings it, or the saw boast against him who uses it?As if a rod were to wield him who lifts it up, or a club brandish him who is not wood!
Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to my soul, "I am your salvation."
SORIA classics regular meeting one all night the job, take a table with the president for many times for urban interest, or be to sneaking subordinate brandish fist.
Disdaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel...
|不以命运的喜怒为意 挥舞着他...
“sits,” the girl said that “to loushang goes yours treasured sword to brandish three, all have then been rescued.
"What?" The Master of Sorcere brandished his sausage. "This travesty. This abomination."
He brandished his spear against three hundred, whom he slew in a single encounter.
A cluster of students brandish bright pink flares.
The next figures about Key control movement, the space bar brandished a knife.
Still, I wanted to know where in my home, office and wider world I should most forcefully brandish my disinfectant wipes and hand-sanitizer.
The jester brandished his bauble.
Grab more business chance to contend for, brandish of website of business affairs of old brand electron depreciates with the service this two big " one's trump card " .
Ulic brandished the Sith amulet like a weapon, and repulsed his former friends.
Some, brandish instruments, lyrics poetry, painting lyrical, Baiqi game, and the hearty singing, the country developed a lively wild scenes of joy.
Then, he heartens, made the decision of common of Jing world be astonished: ? of star of word aunt brandish also wants to complete the project, sent the worker's salary!
Beneficent god listens, this is simple, then old hand one brandish, bloodsucker clang, became a packet " very comfortable tampon " .
" the does not go doubt that still is brandish of broad medium and small businesses.
angrily he drew his sword and brandished it, but he only touched the air and did not hit the gnats.
Pulling out the contents of his bag, he brandished a sun visor and boiled sweets and joked about meagre airline food.
they brandished pneumatic dart guns or laser-tipped polearms.
They brandish the Iraqi national flag, the hand are lifting the Sadeer portrait, shouts loudly “the invader to roll out!
They are having a bee like laborious, but their construction brandish for the city is aspersing the day;
他们有着蜜蜂般的勤劳,但却过着"猪狗不 如"的日子;
To start with, they considered and discussed Brandish , rising young lawyer, and Fulton, rising young dentist.
The shields of his mighty men are colored red, The warriors are dressed in scarlet, The chariots are enveloped in flashing steel When he is prepared to march, And the cypress spears are brandished.
He would judge mortal souls at death and brandish his mace over hell three times each day so that demons would not inflict greater punishment on sinners than they deserved.
He could brandish the stick, pressing for even tougher UN sanctions. (Questionable with China and Russia on the Security Council.
he roared, actually drawing his sword out of the sheath and beginning to brandish it.
Angrily he drew his sword and brandished it, swinging it violently left and right, up and down.
He brandished a sheaf of documents
He brandished a Sith lightsaber with twin blades that increased the potent weapon's lethality.
His own long spear was not couched or levelled like that of his antagonist, but grasped by the middle with his right hand, and brandished at arm's length above his head.
He turned toward me and suddenly wielded waved brandished flourished his sword
His first chance to brandish it comes unexpectedly soon.At the river Granicus, he spies the army of a local governor, forty thousand Persian troops.
8 2 These are the names of David's warriors.Ishbaal, son of Hachamoni, was the first of the Three.It was he who brandished his battle-ax over eight hundred slain in a single encounter.
In recent years, blow more more what fierce vogue defended the wind of bath to cater to their brandish completely to asperse the heart is excited.
There’s the bravery of thinking of others before one’s self.Now, your father has never brandished a sword nor... nor fired a pistol, thank heavens.
Had you thought the price that uses an in part goes buying computer of a notebook?Newly arrived, 4999 jotter are impolite, bolo brandish to everywhere.
Companies have brandished the threat of relocation abroad if workers approach a union.
Proceeding from polity, Bush brandished "steel flag" to protect their steel industry so that it brought steel export antion's outcry.
Swords brandished.
1. Swords brandished and banners waved.
FROM Brussels this week NATO brandished a fist at Russia, warning it that there could be no “business as usual” so long as Russian forces remained in Georgia.
Turn Flower and Brandish Sleeves (south down)
Lone it is gently brandish really one brandish sleeve, do not take away one cloudlet colour?
It is redundant to urge UMNO leaders to warn Khairy to zip up.They themselves brandish the sword and sneak in racist remarks to create fear among the public.
The Geonosian cannon and rifles were computer-generated props, fittingly brandished by computer-generated characters.
No knife was brandished but the severity of the fight has left the Sunderland squad shocked.
Wu Sangui fury is risked continuously, brandish whip is smoked to tea tree again, on the 2nd bruise oozy blood.
I kind-hearted and babyish, swinging to spend skirt, singing a song receive them, who knows them however brandish has big axe, chop atrociously toward me come.
善良而幼稚的我 ,摆动着花裙 ,唱着歌儿迎接他们 ,谁知他们却抡起大斧 ,凶恶地朝我砍来。
The atheists in Beijing indignantly condemned any hint that reincarnation was not the way to go, waving the Book of the Dead with the fervour with which they once brandished Mao's Little Red Book.
The chariots flash with the shining of steel In the day of His preparation, And the spears are brandished.
In the iteration with this locality competitor rich weichis in the process, the strategy of appropriate home is adjusted at all, the sharp that depreciates since brandish begins.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2004 Photograph by Penny De Los Santos Students at the Indian Community School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, brandish drum beaters at a dedication ceremony.
Repeatedly, Vautrin confronted Japanese troops at thegates of the college and ordered them to stay out, even as they cursed her and brandished in her face bayonets dripping with blood.
The process has in the the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in, zhou En will use the skill that the parliament struggles, the made degree that reached brandish to asperse freely.
在政治协商会议进行过程中 ,周恩来运用了议会斗争的艺术 ,使之达到了挥洒自如的地步。
In the Mousavi human chain, supporters brandished anti-Ahmadinejad placards proclaiming "lies are forbidden" and chanted "Ahmadi, bye-bye.
Here, indoor stylist people the inspiration that brandish of ground of a powerful and unconstrained style asperses them.
In that proceeding the air force's lawyer had brandished a sealed envelope supposedly containing evidence, though its contents were never to be seen by the accused or his defenders.
She answered with a brandish of her umbrella.
She collected at least six lightsabers from her fallen foes as grim trophies, and brandished her own scarlet-bladed Jedi weapon.
She had Toby beside her and she brandished his power like a club, attacking all the important studio executives.
If a dangerous weapon was brandished or its use was threatened, increase by 2 levels. If the resulting offense level is less than level 14, increase to level 14.
Butcher says: Regretful brandish?
Although sheep of brandish of shepherd grandson Chang'an is shovelled, ground of shout oneself hoarse is drunk cry, yang Qun has not seen a movie.
Tu Wei-yueh threw back his head and laughed as if he had not seen the ham-like fist being brandished under his nose
The staff member gives off a fly, sword hand is fast one brandish, break off fly for two half, full-court applauds to the echo.
" Zhang Xiangdong up to now on concert of unforgettable Zhongshan university, the 2000 audiences in darkness raise the setting of mobile phone brandish at the same time.
When Argentinian referee Horacio Elizondo halted play and then brandished a red card, Gerrard initially thought it was for a Portuguese player.
Petya shook himself, jumped up, took a rouble out of his pocket, and gave it to Lihatchev, brandished his sabre to try it, and thrust it into the scabbard.
Allow the method that the does not go picture of the brandish in my head eliminates quickly, what is there?
Anyhow, this heaven and earth can hold the post of your freedom brandish to asperse.
The president-elect has brandished his reputation for non-partisanship and for a willingness to negotiate.
as almost free and in a formidable attitude, he brandished above his head the red-hot chisel, which emitted a threatening glow.
I think I am very free and easy, I think I can master, I think I am OK also brandish waves not to take away one cloudlet.
The Li Jian that we do not want to take a morality is optional brandish, because this is very easy thing.
My youth and sweat, be without reservation brandish to be aspersed in that " green " on land.
brandish a sword
用作动词(v.)The demonstrators brandished banners and shouted slogans.
She answered with a brandish of her umbrella.