BioinformaticsBioinformatics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing original research and software in computational biology. It is the official journal of the International Society for Computational Biology, together with PLOS Computational Biology.以上来源于:Wikipedia
Using the bioinformatics software and database, analyzed the bioinformatics of the auxin influx carrier gene PtA UX1 and its encoded protein of Populus tomentosa, which was cloned previously.
1 利用生物信息学软件和生物信息数据库资源,对前期克隆的毛白杨生长素内运载体基因PtAUX1及其编码的蛋白PtAUX1进行了生物信息学分析。
The Review on Bioinformatics in the 21st Century
BACP (BRCA1 Associated Centrosome Protein) is a centrosome protein interacting with the C-terminal of BRCA1. Analysis based on the bioinformatics indicates that BACP gene localizes on 20pl 1.22-p11.1 and has 23 extrons.
BACP(BRCA1 Associated Centrosome Protein)是同BRCA1相互作用的中心体蛋白。
Founded in 1890, CSHL is a private, non-profit institution with research programs in cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, genomics, and bioinformatics and a broad educational mission.
CSHL (冷泉港实验室)是排名全球十大研究院之首!因此CSHL 编著的Molecular Cloning Manual 对我们的实验帮助肯定是非常大的。
Many databases and tools of bioinformatics, such as GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ, and SWISS-PROT, are important resources for molecular breeding research.
The bioinformatics analysis of cucumber CCH Gene1 Using BLASTp for cucumber CCH Amino acid sequence aligment.
gov/blastp,经过比对,挑选出15个与黄瓜CCH氨基酸序列相似性相对较高的序列。 这些序列来源于拟南芥、番茄、马铃薯、水稻、大麦、杨树、车前子、酵母、鱼类、犬类、人类。
HJMV is published by being embedded in the web as an applet, and integrated in the Bioinformatics Secondary Database of Proteins related with Selenium.
Bioinformatics resource on Internet
A Vision for Matlab in Bioinformatics Research
Perl has become the most popular language in the development of bioinformatics application.
Bioinformatics Methods and Resources for SNP Functional Analysis
Avogadro is an advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas.
A framework to enable the interoperation of bioinformatics applications for the visualization and analysis of molecular sequences, alignments and structures.
Nowadays, since the bioinformatics and genetic science are making rapid progresses, the Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) grows into a hot researching area.
一方面,随着后基因时代的到来和生物信息的迅速发展,数量性状基因(Quantitative Trait Loci,简称QTL)定位领域发展迅速。
In terms of computational methods, cancer gene screening via Bioinformatics analysis on gene expression levels of cDNA microarrays can be achieved by feature selection.
Professioal service in cheminformatics and bioinformatics related to life science.
China Genomics and Bioinformatics Research Step up to Higher Level
The two-dimensional gel electophoresis(2- DE), mass spectrometry( MS) and bioinformatics are three key technologies for proteomics study.
This paper introduces the main bioinformatics databases in the world and generalizes their algorithms and characters.
The principle, application, related resource of bioinformatics, problems and the prospect of in silico cloning of functional genes in rice were reviewed.
Its concept, classification, application and some main databases are introduced, and it is forecasted that bioinformatics is on the eve of a giant science development.
介绍生物信息学的概念、分类、应用和重要的生物信息学数据库 ,并对生物信息学的发展进行展望 ,指出生物信息学正处在科学发展的前夜。
Many problems of bioinformatics are very similar to those of Natural Language Processing(NLP) from the viewpoint of Information Processing,thus classic methods of NLP can be applied to Bioinformatics problems.
From Bioinformatics to Information Biology
The 4th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC), to be held on Feb. 13-16, 2006, in Taipei, Taiwan.
With the development and application in the life science of genomics and bioinformatics,nutrigenomics has emerged and become the new frontier for nutrition science.
But these molecular crapshoots are terribly wasteful, which is why drug designers are today turning to a fast-growing new area of computer science known as bioinformatics to fuel their endless quest for newer drugs and better targets.
Rangel, C., et al. "Modeling T-cell activation using gene expression profiling and state-space models." Bioinformatics 20, no. 9 (2004): 1361-72.
Bioinformatics softwares were used to analyze the P30-CTX complex gene and to predict the coded protein structure.
San Diego-based Structural Bioinformatics, for example, generates digital "movies" of how proteins writhe and bend when activated or ensnared by drugs, and identifies the small molecules that would best disable these moving targets.
With a tremendous amount of sequence information for many important organism generated, TRAP uses bioinformatics tool and expressed sequence database information to generate polymorphic marker around targeted candidate gene sequence.
STEPHEN J.FREELAND uses bioinformatics to study evolutionary biology.
Description: This position will be responsible for building key bioinformatics system and tools revolving aro...... ...
Secondly, we have used a bioinformatics approach to discover new patterns of expression.
The researches are focus on comparison of the animal genes or genomes evolution for revealing phylogenetic relationships among lineages using the molecular biotechnique and bioinformatics method.
Third, with the fast development of bioinformatics and web exploration, more and more people realize that graph can describe the complexed relations between the things better, then graph mining can find more useful information.
Agricultural Bioinformatics Databases is the basic tool for agricultural science researchers,with the help of the data in these databases,it is easier to improve and protect the agricultural organism.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has research programs focusing on cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, and a broad educational mission.
Bioinformatics were applied for analyzing recombination patterns and gene mutations of the IgHV genes. Softwares SYFPEITHI and BIMAS were used for predicting the T cell epitopes in the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable regions.
利用互联网生物信息资源分析B ALLIgHV基因的重排类型和基因变异 ,利用SYFPEITHI和BIMAS软件预测IgHV基因编码蛋白质的T细胞表位。
Design of the primers with bioinformatics resources
Bioinformatics was applied to analyses of recombination patterns,somatic mutations and germline gene segments usage,and to prediction of epitopes recognized by CTL.
利用生物信息资源分析B ALLIgHV基因重排类型、胚系基因片段利用及体细胞突变情况 ,并预测CTL细胞识别的表位。
Two-dimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometer and bioinformatics are three main techniques of proteomics.
Can predict that the terminal bioinformatics research program studies the universe must be, in turn, said the terminal study of cosmic science program must be bio-informatics.
The applications of bioinformatics to the agricultural researches such as model plant, germplasm conservation, plant disease protection and crop genetic breeding were also proposed.
Bioinformatics is a new subject for the study of alternative splicing, especially for its regulatory mechanism, prediction and origin.
Therefore, it is necessary for ones to integrate machine learning into bioinformatics.
With the release of Conserved Domain Database (CDD) from NCBI and newly developed tools in bioinformatics, we can now automate this procedure.
Just in the budding field of bioinformatics, . . . there will be an estimated 20, 000 unfilled jobs by 2005. Chemists are also being wooed across industries.
In the study, six epitopes (S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6) of the spike protein of SARS-CoV were predicted by bioinformatics analysis.
在本实验中我们通过生物信息学分析并预测了6个纤突蛋白B细胞表位(S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6)。
Many problems in life science or bioinformatics can be translated into combinatorial problems of mathematics and computer science on sequences, trees and stings.
With the fast development of bioinformatics,all kind of relevant database are keeping appearing,one of which is The Alternative Splicing Database(ASD).
在生物信息学的飞速发展中,与之相应的各种类型的数据库不断涌现,选择性剪接数据库(Alternative Splicing Database,ASD)便是其中之一。
All kinds of information of grass genomes, e.g. sequences, maps, markers and QTLs, were integrated, and some useful bioinformatics tools, e.g. BLAST, CMap and SSR finder, were installed.
基于Red Hat Linux 9.0操作系统,收集玉米、水稻和其它禾本科植物的序列、图谱、标记、QTL等大量相关信息,配置BLAST、CMap和SSR finder等生物信息软件,初步建成玉米本地化生物信息库。
Building bioinformatics secondary database with XML
Structural Bioinformatics Based Protein Design
The more that genomics, bioinformatics and many other newer disciplines reveal about life, the more obvious it becomes that our present understanding is not up to the job.
The improvement of life science has been changing with each passing day,when the Genomics,Proteomics,Metabolomics,Bioinformatics,especially for the completion of human genome project(HGP).
As genomics associated with huge data, bioinformatics plays an important role in these processes of data production, data management and data mining.
The sorting of genomes rearrangements becomes an important research area of computational biology and bioinformatics.
Application of gene-chip technique in bioinformatics provides a great number of basic data for the research of GRN.
Pochet, N., et al. "Systematic benchmarking of microarray data classification: assessing the role of nonlinearity and dimensionality reduction." Bioinformatics, 2004.
Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) is one of the most important and the most challenge work in bioinformatics.
多序列比对(Multiple Sequence alignment -MSA)是生物信息学中最重要、也是最有挑战性的任务之一。
It treats a panoply of applications, including many in industry, educational systems, forecasting, financial engineering, and bioinformatics.
Efficient bioinformatics analysis have fundamentally identified that C9orf41 is a mitochondrial protein.
Analyze multiple types of bioinformatics data including sequence, expression, and pathway.
Associate Professor of Department of BME, and the Center for Theoretical Biology at PKU, in bioinformatics and computational system biology.
Our faculty's specializations range from bioinformatics, ecology, molecular structure, molecular biology, molecular evolution, to plant physiology.
I hope this paper can has use for reference to the development of this kind of bioinformatics platform.
Sequence Alignment is one of the common problems and also one of the most importanttools in bioinformatics research.
Establishment of campus wide bioinformatics platform using freeware
We employ a combination of mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry to address these questions.
My interests are bioinformatics, genomics, medical genetics, cell biology, and malacology.
With the development and application in the life science of genomics and bioinformatics, nutrigenomics has emerged and become the new frontier for nutrition science.
Exploring and explaining the knowledge hidden in the biomolecular has become the grand challenge for bioinformatics in the post genome era.
Applying Bioinformatics methods has become a must in the exploration of progressions or causes of carcinogenesis, where correctly finding relevant genes of cancers is a vital component.
Using bioinformatics method, we compare the base distributions of three codon position in the coding sequency of 62 species bacteria, the result show: 1.
Bioinformatics is the field of science merged by biology, computer science and information technology.
Objective Phylogenetic tree analysis is an important tool in bioinformatics research.However, the most accurate methods are too computationally intensive to be used in large sequence data.
With the rapid deposition of the microarray data in recent years, microarray data has increasingly become an important data source for bioinformatics research.
There is a good combination between data mining and bioinformatics.The potential application of data mining in bioinformatics has been given more and more attention.
Data mining is a new computer application fields,and Bioinformatics is the biology and applied mathematics and computer science disciplines,such as cross-cutting and the formation of a new course.
用作名词(n.)Focus on the bioinformatics analysis of DNA methylation.
Secondly, we have used a bioinformatics approach to discover new patterns of expression.