behaviourally是什么意思   behaviourally怎么读

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adv. 行为上





With her, I find that, quite strikingly, that her nonverbal behaviour and her verbal behaviour doesn't always match.

在和她的互动中 我发现很明显的是 她的非语言行为和语言行为 并不总是匹配

I'd like to be free of the compulsive behaviour and the behaviour that limits my life and stops me being good at things.

我想摆脱 行为 摆脱这些限制我的人生 阻滞我的发展的行为

He's a worldrenowned expert on compulsive behaviour and addiction, and there's one particular aspect of behaviour he looks for.

他是一位世界知名的 行为和成瘾症专家 他在寻找 行为一个特殊方面

They might then start showing chaotic behaviour, disturbed behaviour, violent or selfdestructive tendencies.

他们然后可能会开始行为混乱 举止不安 充满暴力或者表现出自毁倾向

We're not, I think, going to be able to make dramatic changes in the extreme behaviour of a psychopath into the behaviour of a healthy person.

我们应该无法对精神 者的行为 做出极端的改变 我们不能令他们马上变成正常人

There are 480 species of animal that exhibit homosexual behaviour, but only one species of animal on earth that exhibits homophobic behaviour.

据我说知 有四百八十种动物 有同性恋行为 但在地球上只有一种动物 有恐同行为

By delivering shortterm privileges for good behaviour and consequences for bad behaviour, this programme is an effective way to get the young and dangerously violent offenders to abide by the rules.

表现好 就能有短期特权 表现不好 则要承担后果 这个项目有效地 让年轻危险的暴力罪犯 学会遵守规则

剑桥大学 in human beings is because there's thousands of studies in other species that show that if you manipulate testosterone experimentally during development, it influences the way the brain develops and as a consequence of that, the individual's behaviour across the lifespan in respect of behaviours that differ for males and females.

梅丽莎·海恩斯教授 感兴趣是因为 有上千关于其他物种的研究 表明如果通过实验人为改变发育期的 素 会影响大脑的发育 因此 也会影响个体 生命中的行为 雄性 雌性行为各有不同

This is not the behaviour I would look for from you.


This is not the kind of behaviour I would look for from you.
