abbr.before 以前,在…之前; blunt end first 不露锋芒(为保存精锐力量而先使用较次力量)abbr.before 以前,在…之前;blunt end first 不露锋芒(为保存精锐力量而先使用较次力量);
BEF(this article is an advertisement from Unified Color)以上来源于:Wikipedia
If a mans marries both axoman and her mother, it is zicked. Both q he and they ml ustke burnedn the fire, so thato wickednesshwill bef among you.
Bef the statistic scope of state-owned units refers to state-owned economic units, collective-owned units refers to collective economic units , oth to the various other economic types.
The phenol in water was degraded efficiently by BEF process; furthermore the TOC and CODcr were dropped obviously;
The monolayer BEF with CPE was stained by HE, and the inclusion bodies were found in the enlarged cell nuclei.
The diamet ers of lymphatic vessels dilated and frequency decreased compared with those bef ore injection in LPS group.
MEF, bEF, hEF feeder layer cells all can promote the efficiency of the isolation and clone human ES-like cells derived from PGCs.
MEF, STO, BEF and HEF feeders all can promote growth of bovine EG cells in vitro, but STO is the best, HEF is the last and MEF, BEF is in the middle.
Feeder cells with murine embryonic fibroblasts(MEF) were better than that with human embryonic fibroblasts(hEF), or STO or bovine embryonic fibroblasts (bEF).
MEF、STO、bEF和hEF可提高人原始生殖细胞(PGCs)的贴壁率,能促进PGCs源的人类胚胎干细胞(ES)的分离效率; 以MEF作为饲养层效果较好。
There were positive expressions of Nestin,NF-M,MAP2 and mRNA both bef ore and after the culture of cord blood mononuclear cells.
The results of TOC and COD examined showed that the degrading degree of phenol by the gas diffusion electrode adopted in BEF was more thorough than that by graphite cathode adopted in BEF in common wastewater treatment;
No.I promise.You will get to see it bef...
|不是, 我保证婚礼前你会看到...
One method is to filter the signal bef ore transmitting it in the channel in the low-frequency part of the chaotic sys tem.
一种改进的方法是在发射端用滤波器滤去混沌信号的高频部分 ,只传输低频部分。
Clinical observation sho wed that the treated group was better than control group obviously(P<0.05)an d mean cure time was shorter(P<0.01),the recurrence rate was lower than bef ore(P<0.05).
临床观察显示 :治疗组疗效明显优于对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,且平均痊愈时间缩短 (P<0 0 1)、复发率降低 (P <0 0 5 )。
Comparison between immunological function of the attenuated vaccine against BEF and that of the inactivated vaccine against BEF
He saved the men of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force). And being saved they were able to fight again another day: which they did to some purpose, as the Germans found out.
When goat primordial germ cells were cultured on different feeder cells,MEF,GEF and BEF all could sustain goat primary embryonic germ cells,and MEF was finer than others.
But they arefeber;he bef the 21st century, they are a dying race.
But the brave regiment had bought a day for the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) to retreat inside its defensive lines outside Dunkirk.
Responsibilities: -Review applicant's requirement and prepare work instructions to inspectors; -Review order bef...... ...
Formula of cip is (l+it*)1~+ &(l+it)it can beF,-S, i,1t*changed into ~ + ,, *t for time, i~ for domestic nominal interest rate, i~7 forforeign country nominal interest rate, F~ for forward exchangerate , St for spot exchange rate.
利率平价(CIP)的表达式如下:变形后得:t 代表时间,it代表国内名义利率,it* 代表国外名义利率,Ft 为远期汇率,(在时间t时所报的t+1时交割的外汇的价格),St 为即期汇率。
A Postero-anterior Cephalometric Assessment of UCLP Patients Bef ore and After Rapid Maxillary Expansion
The tissue mo vement velocities of basic lateral and middle lateral walls of the right ventric le w ere obviously reduced 48 h and 3 months after occlusion,compared with those bef or e occlusion(P<0.01).
右室侧壁基底部及右室侧壁中部组织运动速度术后 48h和 3月比术前明显降低 (均 P<0 .0 1)。
During the First World War Allenby commanded the cavalry division of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) on the Western Front.
1、There will be some reforms in the l aw bef oreautumn.
Analysis and design of the BEF with high Q using EWB
Similar err or rep or t has beed dispatched to administrat or bef or e.
The serum amino acid content of patien ts with pregnancy hypertension was much lower than the normal pregnant women bef ore delivery and became as high as control group after delivery.
妊高征组产前甘氨酸含量明显高于对照组产前含量 ,产后含量无明显降低。
Curve equations were establish ed to simulate the weight growth of Lionhead geese under two feeding manners bef ore9weeks of age.
For senile patients,it m ay be a safe,simple and effective method to prevent and cure hypotension caused by epidural block by way of prophylacti c transfusion of Shengmai injection bef ore anesthesia.
The tissue suspension was inocu-lated into budgerigar embryo filroplasts (BEF),and the cytopathic effect(CPE) revealed after 4 times blind passages.
Study and Application of BEF WM Technology
BEF Band Elimination Filter. A filter that has a single continuous attenuation band, with neither the upper nor lower cut-off frequencies being zero or infinite.
Application of BEF in Residual Current Operated Protective Relay
A laboratory test of the PWS and BEF containing 65%?
Get matching jewelry for you and your Juicy BEF?
广告语写的也是相当温馨: Missed them all Summer?
I'll put the room cleaning sign on my door knob bef ore I go out in the afternoon.
I’ve neverired this bef ce, but here goes nothing.
All Motor Control Centre and Control Panel equipment and all field electricaland instrumentation equipmet shall bef manufacture and type as detailed in the prefrred equipment list attached.
The study was divided into 3 times: first time, bef ore surgery procedure; second time, 2 months after the procedure and third time, 6 months after the surgery.
手术前、手术后 2个月以及手术后 6个月分别观察前牙区牙龈形态和颜色 ,前牙区牙齿不整齐指数变化情况 ;
Naming-speed m e asures contributed more to one minutes reading when it entered the equation bef ore the pho nological measure.
控制发音速度对一分钟读字的影响后 ,快速命名和语音意识对一分钟读字的解释量减小。
Abstract: Eddy current detection for new copper tubing should be carried out bef ore the replacement of copper tubing of condenser and oil cooler in thermal powe r plant.
摘 要:火力发电厂凝结器、冷油器铜管更换前要对新铜管进行涡流检测,根据多年的检测经验,介绍在火力发电厂铜管涡流检测中的一点经验。
Methods Tissue mass in the right ventricular outflow tract was taken for enzymolysis to get individual cells bef ore the perfusion of cardiac arrest fluid after the systemic circulation of the operated children with tetralogy of Fallot.
方法 TOF手术病儿体外循环后,灌注心脏停跳液前取右室流出道组织块进行酶解,得到单个细胞。
Methods 80 patients were assigned randomly to the test group and the control group, each of which were marked by symptom checklist-90 (SCL-90) bef ore and after the treatment, respectively.
方法 对 80例随机分组的更年期综合征患者给予药物 +心理治疗或单纯药物治疗。
We also raised the potential feedback by soil nutrient availability, which may also influence the BEF relationships.
最后 ,我们提出生物多样性_生态系统生产力之间的关系还可能受到土壤元素可利用性的负反馈作用的影响
In this review,the etiology,epidemiology,transmission,ecology,prevention,control,the researchprogress and trend of BEF has been provided.
本文就 BEFV的病原学、流行病学、传播、防制、研究进展及研究趋势做了综述
By applying Fourier Transfer, this paper derives the solution to the fictitious displacement in anisotropic rocks and presents a BEF program intended for the analysis of vein tungstiferous deposits.
本文用Fourier变换导出了在各向异性岩体中的虚位移解. 并根据此解编制了适于脉状钨矿床分析的计算机程序BEF。
The essay analyses the changes for China labor relation in the transition form planned economics to market economics and the characteristics for labor relation bef...
A full cup must bef carried steadily.
Nach amtlichen Angaben stieg die Zahl der Toten auf 32.477, insgesamt werden 50.000 Tote bef徂rchtet.
Part of Haig's responsibility during this time included the construction of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) for deployment in the eventuality of war with Germany.
The changes of blood pressure,heard rat e,echocardiography and laboratory examinations of the patients were observed bef ore and after treatment,and the adverse reactions were also recorded.
每 2周随访血压、心率 ,观察服药前后超声心动图各项指标及实验室检查的变化 ,并记录不良反应。
Study on Application of Gas Diffusion Electrode in the BEF and TiO_2/Ti Photoelectrocatalysis
Scores of hamilton depressi on scale (HAMD), and prolactin (PRL) and cortisol (COR) levels were detected bef ore treatment and after the end of therapeutic course.
治疗前及疗程结束后以汉密顿抑郁量表HAMD评分 ,及检验疗程前后催乳素 (PRL)、皮质醇(COR)值 ,并加以比较。
There was no statistic diff erence between patients with effective treatment and inefficacious treatment bef ore treatment (P>0.05), but the difference after treatment was significantly (P<0.05).
治疗前治疗有效患者与无效者两者不具有统计学差异 (P >0 .0 5) ,治疗后两者具有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 5)。
Theoretical Analyse and Mathematical Modeling on LGP and BEF in LCD Backlighting System
Bovine ephemeral fever (BEF) is a disabling febrile infection of cattle and water buffalo caused by bovine ephemeral fever virus, which is widespread in many countries and areas of Asia, Africa and Australia.
牛流行热(Bovine ephemeral fever,BEF)是由牛流行热病毒(Bovine ephemeral fever virus,BEFV)引起的牛和水牛的急性热性传染病。
Examination of T Lymphocyte Sub-populations in Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte(PBLS) from Cattle with Symptom of BEF
Biomass expansion factor(BEF)
5.At the White House, which had announced that President was staying up “until a late hour getting bulletins from the Bonus Army front,” discrediting the BEF became the official line.
iginal peach pleasure &a #iginal mango-a-go-go bef#e movie, watch the wild hogs. funny movie..
Keywords pitch-water sturry (PWS) bitumen-emulsion fuel (BEF) combustion;
Resul ts 5 cases were diagnosed to benign nodules,2 cases were correctly diagnosed , one was misdiagnosed as lung cancer and one was misdiagnosed as tuberculosis bef ore operation.
The results showed: 1. Osseointegration could bef ormed on the interface after the bioactive glass ceramic was implanted in three months.
Conclus ion The correlated factors of LIFTING action should be considered bef ore the purposeful training.
结论 实施撑起动作时应分析相关影响因素 再进行有针对性的训练。
moreover the degrading rate of phenol by BEF was quicker than that of traditional Fenton method.
BEF (British Expeditionary Force)
A bipolar electrochemical-Fenton method(BEF) was designed to carry out the research on degradation of phenol in water.
As for instance the very comprehensive collection of information assembled by the FFII Tramp 10] shows, thereos no Tramp cientific or socialenefit to bef egained from allowing software patents.
I knew I was good at swimming and I had won a swimming competition bef...
The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something bef ...
Puzzle: Suppose four source species have the traits AB, DH, EF and CG, and the derived species have traits BEF, DEF, ADE, ACD, ACF, ADG, BEG and FGH.
The formulate of stress、strain and BEF have been deduced and all these have been testified by experiment.
moreover the reaction mechanism of degradation of phenol during the BEF course was deduced.
W lived in America bef Love re the Europeans arrived?
Consequently Haig was appointed the new Commander in Chief of the BEF on 10 December 1915, a position he took up nine days later, French returning to Britain as Commander of the British Home Forces.
Black pepper with bef steak