attests是什么意思   attests怎么读

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v.证明( attest的第三人称单数 ); 证实; 声称…属实; 使宣誓
v.证明, 作证
v.证明( attest的第三人称单数 );证实;声称…属实;使宣誓



动词 attest:

provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes

同义词:attest, certify, manifest, demonstrate, evidence

authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity


give testimony in a court of law

同义词:testify, attest, take the stand, bear witness

establish or verify the usage of


attest[ ə'test ]v.provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes

"His high fever attested to his illness"


authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity

"I attest this signature"

give testimony in a court of law

同义词:testifytake the standbear witness

establish or verify the usage of

"This word is not attested until 1993"




According to Vitale, Barnum's actions and writing attest that:1.He believed there was a customer born every minute (not a sucker as the common saying would have us believe).


OPA-Online Publishing Attestation: The reader list is published online.Advertisers can easily attest the circulation and follow up the readers’ information by themselves.

OPA发行认证服务: 为帮助出版机构提供第三方的读者发行认证,所有发行读者在线公开、透明,全球首创!

Having been married for more than 40 years, I can attest to the truth of the following statement: To excel in the art of domestic argument, one must master the art of losing.


The fact that these rub shoulders with more exotic locations such as the C?te d'Azur, Milan and Barbados attests to the strength of the bull run in house prices in the UK during the past decade.

上述地区能与蔚蓝海岸(C?te d'Azur)、米兰及巴巴多斯等更具异国情调的区域比肩,这一事实验证了过去10年英国房地产牛市的强劲程度。

Whether you are combining energies for business or personal reasons, Jupiter's position attests to prosperity from your union, too.


To sum up, this arguer fails to attest its prediction that salicylates can steady decline in number of individuals suffered from headache.


But the director discovers that this approach will not be good enough: news editors will print a story only if at least three advisers attest to the tidbit.


The Blair government has not managed to create a noticeably fairer society, as the beginnings of a backlash against the bonus and executive pay bonanza in the City attest.


In the past, our high priest Onias received from Areios, your king, a letter stating that you are indeed our brothers, as the enclosed copy attests.


He will not fall without a fight, as the boxers he used to spar with will attest.


They also use them to death, as anyone who has had to listen to a business meeting about 'empowerment' can attest.

他们也拼命地用新词,任何一个参加过关 于“授权”的商业会议的人都可以作证。

They also use them to death,as anyone who has had to listen to a business meeting about'empowerment'can attest.


"He attests to some financial difficulties, and he takes responsibility for the taking of the lives of his family members and himself as a result of those financial difficulties," Moore said.


They will attest to the fact that there are billions of unconscious agreements and most of them negative in nature.


Their new emphasis on "harmonious" development, designed to narrow disparities and promote more sustainable development, attests to their efforts to tackle them.


They can each attest to my hard work ethic and persistence.


Their achievements , pinang , or areca , or pan attest the truth of somebody's words in the betel palm famers .


That they did this does not attest to their approval of the occupation.


The skill with which he has executed the work attests to the thorough training he received.


His handling of the crisis attest to his strength of character.


His work attest his ability.


His works attest his industry.


His success attests to his ability.


His achievements attest his devotion to science.


His acts attest his good will.


Some related attest for investment by the way of industry property right and non-patent technology.


As anybody who has grieved inconsolably over the death of a loved one can attest, extended mourning is, in part, a perverse kind of optimism.


Anyone who has ever downloaded a large file through a telephone modem can attest to that.


Sugar also causes hyperactivity, crankiness, and difficulty concentrating in children as any parent can attest to!


However, as the multi-billion-dollar perfume industry attests, beauty is in the nose of the beholder, too.


But, corruption notwithstanding, the economy is ticking over, as the construction cranes that rival the minarets in Kazan's skyline attest.


They wanted to put everyone under the control of the Gelugkpa, which attests that Tibetan Buddhism is pacifying.


Having been married for more than 40 years,I can attest to the truth of the following statement: To excel in the art of domestic argument,one must master the art of losing.


Having served as a member of the Grand Jury, I can attest that our system of indicating individuals is in need of improvement.


As the majority of people in this country can attest, constructions projects of various shapes and sizes are always in effect.


For instance, I enjoy singing and do so quite frequently. As those within earshot will attest, I'm not very good but I love to sing anyway.


"Yeast and yeast extract manufacturers must capitalise on this demand by providing customer centric products," attests Frost &Sullivan.


Keep copies of performance evaluations and memos that attest to the quality of your work.


Having been married for more than 40 years, I can attest tothe truth of the following statement: to excelin the art of domestic argument, one must master the art of losing.


But, as the Clines, Allens and countless other parents can attest , there have been tragedies that technology can help avert.


The company is divesting him of some of his attests.


To certify or attest to(the validity of a signature on a document,for example)as a notary public.


To certify or attest to(the validity of a signature on a document, for example) as a notary public.


To certify or attest to (the validity of a signature on a document, for example) as a notary public.


Though physicians differ on whether infants and adults should sleep together in an adult bed, they typically agree on steps to make that bed safer-though as any parent will attest, nothing is truly babyproof.

关于婴儿是否应同成人一起睡大床,医生众说纷坛。 但在如何使婴儿在床上睡得比较安全的问题上,他们的看法基本一致。

Though physicians differ on whether infants and adults should sleep together in an adult bed,they typically agree on steps to make that bed safer-though as any parent will attest,nothing is truly babyproof.


Second, the fact that Ginny uses the name Voldemort when saying Harry will hunt him (HBP30) again attests to her courage, common sense and connection to Harry.


It attests that the formula's concept is clear and the meaning is definite.The data match well with the experimental results.


A carefully tended coordinated image and creative ,incisive campaigns give that extra edge that attests to a unique style,something that becomes more popular with our customers every day.


Historic documents attest to the truth of this legend.


Senatorial Kerry was in a few days ago United States Congress expresses when the prospective attest of journalism: "American once expected newspaper becomes the cornerstone of journalism.


Ancient India's fine art and performing arts attest to this fact. This find expression in music, musical instruments, dancing, paintings and several other art forms.


Anyone who's ever torn up his or her mouth grazing on a jawbreaker or Gobstopper can attest to the concentric rainbow displayed on a perfect cross-section of the confection.


Again, 76 percent believe the requirement for companies to evaluate and disclose their internal controls and for external auditors to attest to such disclosures has been positive.


Likewise, I would attest that half of the effective education of a software developer lies in the acquisition of knowledge and skills.


This series attests to the maturity of Gao Feng's micro-organisms where they play a more decisive role.


The number of new models from almost every major manufacturer in the market attests to the demand for the format.


I can attest to the rundown housing and living conditions on reserves, having visited several myself, including several in Northern Manitoba, where conditions are even worse.


FALLING ill in Kazakhstan is often a dreadful experience, as your correspondent can attest.


As many of my Boston University swimmers will attest, I have never been a major proponent of Laughlin's theories.


In this outward and physical ceremony we attest once again to the inner and spiritual strength of our nation.


Fallen humankind has not yet found the value of eternal life to which the world, the earth and heaven, can attest.


Auditors attest to, and report on, the assessment made by the management.


A large body of evidence attests to the fact that organisational performance improves when members are invited to offer initiative and commitment, not just compliance.


The main drawback of the astrometric method, as its long history of discredited claims attests, is that it is very hard to do.


Mr Obama will want an ally on the Supreme Court;but as Mr Souter’s career attests, unsackable judges make unpredictable allies.


As the pictures on her blog attest, they also throw regular theme parties to mark holidays like Halloween and Christmas, and last year took a holiday to Egypt.


Her success attests to her ability.


Her demeanor attests her magnanimity and confidence.


Several witnesses can attest to her good character.


That war is romanticised is hardly new, as Wilfred Owen's First World War poetry and Robert Capa's 1936 “falling soldier” photograph attest.


As anyone who has ever spent any time in California can attest, much public attention is being focused on the great earthquake-prediction debate.


As forlorn minority shareholders in Yukos can attest, western investors would also benefit from property rights and decent courts in Russia.


The august judge asded her to attest the auctioneer's guilt.


This trend towards a more individualized school management system attests to the decentralization of Taiwans educational system.


An affidavit that attests to the truth of a pleading.


Still, as any of the dedicated Rhode Island stakeholders can attest, building this revolution into a complex existing system is difficult.


Even if such a test is years away, any such head start, as smokers will readily attest, would be a welcome partner in kicking the habit.


The example of BASF is inspiring because it attests to the progress of environmental commitment among European companies.


And as the waiting time to download from the Internet attests, electronic packets on telephone networks are still rivalrous and can lead to congestion effects.



Several witnesses can attest to her good character.

The child's good health attests to his mother's care.

No one can attest to the absolute truth of his statement.

I can attest to the truth of his words.

I have said nothing that I am not ready to attest.

Historic documents attest to the truth of this legend.