Noun1. matter consisting of elementary particles that are the antiparticles of those making up normal matter
名词 antimatter:
matter consisting of elementary particles that are the antiparticles of those making up normal matterantimatter[ 'ænti,mætə ]n.matter consisting of elementary particles that are the antiparticles of those making up normal matter
Antimatter bores holes in matter and causes aging , illness , disease and death.
反物质在物质中钻开缺口,导致老化 、 疾病和死亡.
The observed imbalance between matter and antimatter is a puzzle yet to be explained.
Antimatter has been produced experimentally, but little of it is found in nature.
反物质已在实验室中产生, 但还未在自然界中找到.
I told him I couldn't think of any reason why antimatter wasn't a plausible explanation.
Any member of a family of subatomic particles composed of a quark and an antiquark antimatter.
The unequal distribution between matter and antimatter in the universe has long been a mystery.
Zero Point Merge is the coming together of matter and antimatter aspects of your soul.
Electrons and protons are forms of ordinary matter, but positrons are antimatter particles.
电子和质子构成了普通物质, 但正电子是反物质粒子.
Instead they would produce gamma rays, neutrinos and antimatter such as positrons and antiprotons, Gondolo said.
刚多罗说,暗恒星会发出伽马射线, 产生中微子以及象正电子和反质子之类的反物质.
According to the standard theories of physics, the antimatter universe should look identical to our own.
依照物理学的标准理论, 反物质宇宙应该看起来与我们自己的宇宙相同.
Dirac went on to win the Nobel prize in physics in 1933 for his discovery of antimatter.
The raw material for CERN's antimatter factories is made by shooting protons, or naked hydrogen nuclei, into a iridium target, but "instead of speeding them up," Dr.Landua said, "we slow them down.
CP (charge-parity) is the symmetry relating matter to antimatter, and CP violation means that antimatter does not exactly mirror matter in its behavior.
“Simple estimates suggest that about half and possibly all of the antimatter is coming from the X-ray binaries,” says Weidenspointner.
But when it comes to actual chunks of material, antimatter is simply not to be found.
The observed amount of X-rays from Chandra and the non-detection of gamma rays from the Compton data show that the antimatter fraction in the Bullet Cluster is less than three parts per million.
Why does television create antimatter?
"Meson: Any member of a family of subatomic particles composed of a quark and an antiquark (see antimatter). Mesons are sensitive to the strong force, have integral spin, and vary widely in mass."
介子: 由一个夸克和一个反夸克组成的亚原子粒子族。介子对于强力敏感,具有整数自旋,各类介子的质量差别很大。
"Meson: Any member of a family of subatomic particles composed of a quark and an antiquark (see antimatter).
At the quantum scale, virtual pairs consisting of a particle and its antimatter equivalent are constantly popping into existence.
They think they have seen an abundance of high-energy positrons, the antimatter versions of electrons, coming from space, and they speculate that this, too, is a sign of dark matter.
According to the Big Bang model, the Universe was awash in particles of both matter and antimatter shortly after the Big Bang.
But the amount of antimatter was somehow eroded! Because when we look around we see that matter abounds, but the antimatter's nowhere to be found.
According to the standard theories of physics, the antimatter universe should look identical to our own.
Instead they would produce gamma rays, neutrinos and antimatter such as positrons and antiprotons, Gondolo said.
Even if the fuel is something exotic like antimatter, carrying far more energy than sunlight or uranium, the problem of cooling the engine remains insuperable.
In principle, sufficiently large quantities of antimatter could produce anti-nuclei of other elements, which would have exactly the same properties as their positive-matter counterparts.
A galaxy that is made up of antimatter.
The antimatter equivalent of helium.
The Milestones in the Antimatter World
The cloud shows up because of the gamma rays it emits when individual particles of antimatter, in this case positrons, encounter electrons, their normal matter counterpart, and annihilate one another.
Antimatter bores holes in matter and causes aging, illness, disease and death.
Fortunately for our safety and unfortunately for our energy policy, antimatter is rare in the natural world.
antimatter cosmology
Antimatter is matter that is composed of the antiparticles of those that constitute normal matter.
Antimatter is sort of like matter's evil twin.
But it is interesting to think that in some ways both bullets and comets are very scaled down instances of a kind of energy that can pound-for-pound outmatch antimatter to whatever degree you want.
Equally importantly, Integral found evidence that a population of binary stars is also significantly off-centre, corresponding in extent to the cloud of antimatter.
Weird as it sounds, antimatter is a normal feature of the real, unfictional universe.
At some point in cosmic history, matter and antimatter met and annihilated.Left behind, those extra particles eventually came together and formed the matter-filled universe we know today.
There are an infinite number of systems or universes between matter and antimatter.
As a result, the two opposing fields would cancel each other in a burst of energy, almost like the annihilation of matter and antimatter.
The media matrixes are also constructed from antimatter which bores holes in one's molecular structure.
The opposite would be anti-existence, just as the opposite of matter is antimatter.
They are the antimatter opposites of electrons -- that is, they have the same mass (amount of matter) as electrons, but they carry the opposite charge.
One possible explanation for these positrons is the mutual annihilation of the matter and antimatter forms of a type of dark matter called weakly interacting massive particles, also known as WIMPs.
Tighter constraints have been placed by Steigman on the presence of antimatter on smaller scales by looking at single galaxy clusters that do not involve such large, recent collisions.
Furthermore,when antimatter and matter meet, they do destroy each other.
As one releases the attachment to such matrixes, one may find oneself rising in vibration and feeling better as one is no longer surrounded repeatedly in antimatter.
Antimatter has been part of physics since 1927 when its existence was predicted by the British physicist Paul Dirac.
Swap antimatter for matter, view the Universe in a mirror, reverse the direction of time, and all experiments should come out the same way they do in the real world.
An object composed of antimatter.
It is estimated that the material universe as long as the number of particles than antimatter particles百亿分之一more, enough to form today's physical world.
The universe is safe for lifeonly because there is virtually no antimatter in it.
Symmetry Model of Cosmos of Material and Antimatter and Positive-negative Energy
However, such an "anti-periodic table of elements" is thought to be, at best, highly unlikely, as the quantities of antimatter required would be, quite literally, astronomical.
However, getting enough antimatter for the 26 trillion-mile, one-way trip to Alpha Centauri and storing such a volatile fuel for long periods is prohibitively expensive and difficult.
Matter, Antimatter, and the Origin of Everything
" Why did the material more than antimatter?
Matter and antimatter are like the good and evil twins of nature; they are endowed with equal and opposite characteristics like charge and spin, so if they meet they obliterate each other, releasing a flash of energy upon contact.
Matter and antimatter are perfect opposites;
Matter and antimatter are perfect opposites; for each of the basic particles of matter, there exists an antiparticle, in which properties such as the electric charge are reversed.
The Science: As a source of energy for propulsion, you can't top matter and antimatter particles coming into contact and annihilating each other.
Zoroaster - Z - return ... to Zero-point - when matter and antimatter merge and the cycles of time cease to exit - when all returns to balance and consciousness spirals back.
Since antimatter isn't very common throughout our universe, the Federation would have to produce it, something we can do today at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Illinois.
The result will be an unruly or depressed child due to the falling consciousness invoked by the antimatter of the TV.
Electrons and protons are forms of ordinary matter, but positrons are antimatter particles.
In the novel and movie “Angels &Demons,” a small droplet of antimatter threatens toentirely destroy Vatican City.
Television and other media such as reading newspapers, books and magazines, bombard the form with antimatter.
Television is filled with antimatter that blows holes in the molecular structure.
The matrixes and dogma or anti-matter are all related, as the electrical thought-form that humanity relies upon today is founded upon the vibration of antimatter.
Scientists believe that when the Universe originated, about 13.7 billion years ago, equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created.
3.Scientists in 1995 succeeded in producing anti-atoms of hydrogen, and also anti-deuteron nuclei, made out of an antiproton and an antineutron, but not yet more complex antimatter.
A Discussion on the Symmetry of Antimatter for Lnternal Numbering Fermion and "External Numbering"Boson
And a better understanding of exotic nuclei could even explain why the universe is rich in matter but almost devoid of antimatter.
Even lone atoms of antimatter, or antiatoms, are not known to exist in nature.
The observations have significantly decreased the chances that the antimatter is coming from the annihilation or decay of astronomical dark matter.
This radiation or antimatter was so severe from solar and universal sources that it caused the DNA of all life forms to fray following the great floods, leading to a fall in consciousness.
That powerfully suggests these objects, known as hard (because they emit at high energies) low mass X-ray binaries, are responsible for a major amount of antimatter.
As well as violating CPT symmetry at times, antimatter might be affected by gravity differently than matter.
用作名词(n.)Antimatter is sort of like matter's evil twin.