android是什么意思   android怎么读

英式:['ændrɒɪd]    美式:['ændrɒɪd]


n.机器人; 基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统,主要使用于便携设备。目前尚未有统一中文名称,中国大陆地区较多人称为安卓



副词: androgynously | 名词: androgyny |



1. an automaton that resembles a human being

名词 android:

an automaton that resembles a human being

同义词:humanoid, mechanical man

android[ 'ændrɔid ] automaton that resembles a human being

同义词:humanoidmechanical man



As a matter of fact, he recovered an android. Her name is Janice.

事实上, 他修复了一个机器人.她的名字是贾妮斯.

Goku and Android Number 8 confront General White at the top of Muscle Tower.


If you want an Android phone right now, get a Nexus One.

如果你想现在入手一台Android手机, 买NexusOne吧.

Summary: Touch screen programmable drum machine and sampler application for Android based devices.

软件介绍: 触摸屏幕模拟各种鼓音及节奏,可以选择不同乐器的声音以及不同节奏.

You are a modified Type 3 maintenance android fashioned to look like my A. I. persona.



Android, which includes an operating system and associated application programs, includes Java technologies.


If you want to know how to develop applications for Android, you're in the right place.

如果您想了解如何为Android平台 开发应用程序, 您算是找对地方了.

Developers can create applications for the platform using the Android SDK.


Apart from handsets running on Microsoft, it now also has phones running on Android, Google's platform.

除了基于微软(Microsoft)的手机, 它现在还有基于谷歌(Google) 平台Android的 手机.

This applies wherever the Android system is run an actual device or on the emulator.


The search giant has been developing the Android operating system, originally to run end cell phones.

该搜索巨人正在发展Android操作系统, 该系统最初只服务于高端手机.

The body brain would be the larger and would control the android.


A store offering mobile phone applications for the Android software system also remains on hold.

一家为Android软件 系统提供手机应用程序的商店也仍处于等待状态.

The Android app also has a pretty smooth mapping feature.


As a matter of fact, he recovered an android.

事实上, 他修复了一个机器人.

Android Application Design Philosophy.


Dell's first smartphone, for example, will run on the Android platform.

例如, 戴尔的首款智能手机将运行Android操作系统.

I have extensively tested nearly all Android phones to date.


Still, he wants his next android a male, to be as authentic as possible.

然而, 石黑浩仍希望把下一个仿制人(次是男性)得尽可能真实.

Android is already closing the gap with the market leader.


I'm part of an android football team.


He summons the Red Ribbon Army's secret weapon, the monstrous Android Number 8!

这一次他找来了黑绸军的秘密武器 —— 大怪物人造人8号!


In 1974 when I was submitting android plans to the Pentagon, I envisioned two brains for the android.


Android will deliver a complete set of software for mobile devices: an operating system, middleware and key mobile applications


Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model

android依赖Linux 2.6核心系统服务,如安全、内存管理、进程管理、网络堆栈和驱动器模型。

Android is built on the open Linux Kernel


Android will be open source; it can be liberally extended to incorporate new cutting edge technologies as they emerge


The Android platform is a software stack for mobile devices including an operating system, middleware and key applications


android was google spent many energy recently continuously on a handset's operating system which did, but android was not actually google is innate.


INQ and Motorola are also both betting on Android, an open-source operating system developed by Google.


Nokia se eerste Android selfoon ondersteuning - GW620 Gepubliseer is pas aangekondig die gebruik van die 3-duim-skerm, die ander nie en sal nie noem, dit is baie ontsteld.

Onlangs, groot webtuistes, opkomende Nokia GW620 真机。从照片上看,LG 把 S-Class 接口放在 Android 上,把 GW620 打造成 Android X S-Class,这个有趣的搭配。

pelvis android

[医] 男子型骨盆

“The Google and the Android brand are substantial brands that people feel comfortable with,” he said.


Being an android, she has a limited life span.At the beginning of the story, she has just 398 days to live, and is given the choice to do anything she wants by VESPER.


An early look at the the Android SDK is alsoavailable. It includes sampleprojects with source code, development tools, an emulator, and of course allthe libraries you will need to build an Android application.

一个可供早期研究android SDK已经发布,它包括示例项目(含源代码)、开发工具、模拟器,当然也包括开发android应用时所需要的各种库。

The cost of an android will be about the same as a car.


With a word, he transformed the android back into a woman.


Download the SDKTo start learning about the Android platform, please read the documentation in the following order:


Wilbur then takes Lewis to the garage of a house, where they are met by an android named Carl (Harland Williams).


He scanned the android's recordings, briefly reviewing the events of the Karbarran and Praxian campaigns, but focusing in on Janice's monitorings and evaluations of the Sentinels' personnel.


Surprisingly, Motorola’s recent success with the DROID has served as an argument in favor of Android.


But when Repliee moved slightly, only 30 percent realized it was an android.


Morgan Gillis, executive director of LiMo, says he wouldn't mind working with Android either."There's plenty of scope for cooperation," he says.


But Android ubiquity could cause headaches for Microsoft (MSFT), which would rather see its own software on a wider range of electronic devices.


But since Android is open source, chip makers or computer manufacturers are free to modify the system as they need.


And before anything gets cute, we're not talking about the Terminator type of android obesity, more the Fat Bastard type of android obesity.


If you want to add more complex features to your application, you can look at and use the code in the notepad application that is supplied in the sample code area of the Android SDK.


You are a modified Type 3 maintenance android fashioned to look like my A.I. persona.

你是被改进的3号类型机器人 样式是暂时型号.

With devices built on the Android Platform, users will be able to fully tailor the phone to their interests


The future could look bleak for human musicians as well. This android was laying down some licks with the Computer Robot Band.


Tipster Jeff came across a filing for an HTC “Fiesta” in the SIG this time around, descriptively noted as “an Android phone” that’ll be available in Asia, Europe, and North America.

告密者杰夫遇到了作为“将是可利用的在亚洲、欧洲和北美洲的一个机器人电话” HTC的“节日”屑子在信号这次,描写被注意的。

He began research four years ago with his then four-year-old daughter, casting a rudimentary android from her body, but its few actuator mechanisms resulted in jerky, unnatural motion.


A programmer behind the CyanogenMod ROM of Android has received a cease and desist letter from the search giant.


In the early 1700s, Jacques de Vaucanson[?] created an android that played the flute, as well as a mechanical duck that reportedly ate and defecated.


Undressing in front of your desk-top PC is unlikely to make you blush, but perhaps the presence of a human-like android would.


On Monday, Google announced Android, a new software platform designed to provide open access to mobile phones for application developers


So, now you can block calls with Leech Killer 1.6, so long as you’ve rooted your Android and grant Leech Killer superuser permission.


Multi's appearance derails the simple story, and, oddly, no one bats an eye at an android maid cleaning up, hanging out with the kids and getting involved in their love lives.


The skeptical scribes soon uncover a nefarious plot to make look-alike android copies of the esteemed folk in their group, and use these impostors to do their bidding.


Digital Tutors Female Android Modeling


If the android can co-makers Union, "the production of a cell phone", then the current pattern of cell phone industry will be profound changes.


If you want to know how to develop applications for Android, you're in the right place


If you want to know how to develop applications for Android, you're in theright place. This site provides a variety of documentation that will help youlearn about Android and develop mobile applications for the platform.


If you are an Android developer, you’ll want to head over to the Android blog to get all the coding goodness you’ll need to get included in the Quick Search Box feature.


It intelligently analyzes the calling patterns of an Android communicator user and provide you only with the contacts that you currently need most.


(An android is a robot designed to resemble a human, usually both in appearance and behavior.


Android will ship with a set of core applications including an email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are written using the Java programming language.


Acid Android


Lifecycle of an Android Application Android


Developers can create applications for the platform using the Android SDK

开发者可以使用android SDK为该平台开发应用程序。

When the android was static, 70 percent of the subjects realized that they had seen a robot.


Fast & easy application development Android provides access to a wide range of useful libraries and tools that can be used to build rich applications

快速简单的应用程序开发??? android提供广泛而实用的函数库和工具,利用它们可以建立丰富的应用程序。

In my android state, I lack the appropriate Human referents to explain sufficiently what is transpiring here.


I think my robot is like the paranoid android in The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: slow moving and depressive, so I call him Marvin (not to his face, of course).


I'm part of an android football team.


I'm part of an android football team. About once a year we are allowed to get together to play a game of football.


All applications are created equal Android does not differentiate between the phone's core applications and third-party applications

所有应用程序一视同仁 android不会区分手机的核心应用程序和第三方应用程序。

Breaking down application boundaries Android breaks down the barriers to building new and innovative applications

打破应用程序之间的界限??? android打破了建立和革新应用程序的阻碍。

Tutorial: Building a Full Android Application


It is learned that in order to successfully launch the first mobile android, Google and the only mobile phone manufacturer HTC, as well as t-mobile operators together have made unremitting efforts.


The new members pledge to back the open-source Android mobile device platform developed by Google and are committed to "its commercial success," they said in a joint statement.


[url=][B]Android Newsgroup Downloader V6.1[/B][/url


Android Ana Maico 2010 - A summary and review of the series with screen captures.


Android seems to have a relative or a profit of space, Glu and Namco are very smart and hard to understand after the first sweet reason.


Android will ship with a set of core applications including an email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others.

机器人将配备一套核心应用,包括电子邮件客户端, SMS程序,日历,地图,浏览器,联系人等。

Android File Browser is a simple file system explorer, which can browse through the system directories and open files.


Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications.


Core Packages These are the basic packages that make up the Android SDK for writingapplications. The packages are organized as layers, listed here fromlowest-level to highest.


Android: Nightmare Or Dream For Biz?


Every Android application runs in its own process, with its own instance of the Dalvik virtual machine


Take the devices here: the hulking robot arms that rehabilitate stroke victims, the laser beam that calms Parkinson's tremors, and the android that can fix you toast when you're sick.


Count 30 was developed for Android by Keytel Co.,Ltd.


Count 60 was developed for Android by Keytel Co.,Ltd.


Tesla eased his grip, and the android everyone thought a woman lunged for Burak's neck.


However, Android's application model is constructed explicitly to allow users to fluidly switch between applications.


Still, he wants his next android, a male, to be as authentic as possible.


The Kogan Agora Pro is not the best phone in terms of specs, but if you’re in Australia and have to have and Android, you may want to pick this one up.


The story revolves around an android who comes to the emotional realization that he is not a real person.


android type


android type of pelvis


android pelvis

男子型骨盆 男性样骨盆

Android fat



The cost of an android will be about the same as a car.


This novel cross-fertilization is what Ishiguro describes as android science.


The partnership is the first outcome of the android platform.