v.断言,宣称,辩解( allege的现在分词 )vt.断言, 宣称
v.断言,宣称,辩解( allege的现在分词 );
动词 allege:
report or maintain
同义词:allege, aver, say
allege[ ə'ledʒ ] or maintain"He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"
3) alleging that the objective of the open letter was to prevent normal exchanges between the outside world and China, and impartial reporting about China.
In September, the state showily sued six car manufacturers, alleging they had damaged its climate.
Dr Kelly was embroiled in a row between the Government and the BBC over a story alleging the Government exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein.
Lawspirit will defend any claim brought against you alleging that the Products infringe a patent or copyright in your jurisdiction, and will indemnify you against all damages and costs finally awarded against you
(b) a civil proceeding commenced by the service of a complaint, summons, statement of claim or similar pleading against any Insured alleging any Wrongful Act;
or 收到民事诉讼程序当中的投诉书、传票、索偿陈述书及有关状书指控 其不当行为;
On Monday, Plurk published a lengthy blog post alleging that Microsoft China in November launched an Internet service called MSN Mclub that borrows too heavily from Plurk.
“The plaintiff is alleging, and I think he may have a very strong argument, that his former employer exceeded their authority,” Mr.Zimmerman said.
an award-winning law professor has sued two of his students, alleging that they defamed him by unfairly describing him on campus as a racist.
The ICAC received 3057 reports alleging corruption (excluding election-related reports) in 1997.
A professor who was fired for plagiarism by Columbia University is suing the institution and her accusers for $200-million, alleging that she was the victim of an “academic lynching.
Rhonda Miller claims she was sexually harassed by Mr Schwarzenegger, and filed a lawsuit alleging defamation by the Governor and his campaign staff.
Adding to the fuel was a lawsuit filed by an employee of Sinopec, alleging that the company fraudulently appropriated his wages.
Philippine police and army officials, meanwhile, say they are examining witness reports alleging that Ampatuan Jr. stopped the Mangudadatu convoy and ordered them killed.
The World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) has called for a ban on trade in Zimbabwean diamonds, alleging that the process is funding "human-rights violations" by Robert Mugabe's government.
Both sides have also resorted to the time-honoured ploy of alleging the other has been receiving clandestine foreign assistance-in the case of the Houthis, Iranian arms;
The owners, however, alleging they did not know General Braddock, or what dependence might be had on his promise, insisted on my bond for the performance, which I accordingly gave them.
The buyer counterclaimed alleging that the seller's claim should be set off against its direct losses, financial costs and lost profit and interest.
From alleging non-class ideological elements to asserting non-class character of ideology, Laclau and Mouffe have brought about the transformation from class politics to non-class politics.
The Office of Fair Trading seems to think so, to judge by its recent announcement alleging that some supermarkets and tobacco companies had been fixing the price of tobacco.
The opposition Democrats and their supporters cried foul , accusing the MPRP of stealing the election , alleging voting irregularities and fraud .
A former employee of the FSA who wrote to Vince Cable, a Liberal Democrat MP, alleging that regulators had been deaf to warnings about the imprudence of building societies, so far remains anonymous.
In November, Li filed a CCTV report alleging that the Xinghualing procuratorate was abusing its power by prosecuting Wu Xiaohui.
Last year, of ambry industry get army company division treasure takes the lead in alleging sortie home holds an industry.
Keywords alleg food allergy provocative test;
In the meantime some football officials reported Chet to Antigua's Director of Public Prosecutions, alleging theft of FIFA funds, but no prosecution has followed.
48. In the leading case, a company was served with an NLRB complaint alleging that it had engaged in unfair labor practices.
In mid-December, Sharp accelerated its legal offensive against Samsung.It filed a lawsuit in a Seoul court alleging LCD-patent infringements.
On another issue, Mr Blair took exception to an Amnesty International report alleging the British government's anti-terrorism policies risk deporting people to countries where they could be tortured.
At the University of Arkansas in Little Rock, an award-winning law professor has sued two of his students, alleging that they defamed him by unfairly describing him on campus as a racist.
In its most recent public filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, J&J said 72 people have sued the company alleging injury from Duragesic.
Marchers in the western city of Fallujah and Bakuba north of Baghdad chanted slogan alleging election fraud and bad called by Sunni Arab groups for the poll to be rerun.
Alleging his innocence of the charge
Nigeria renews its civil case against drug firm Pfizer, alleging it mounted a drug trial which killed Nigerian children.
e.g. alleg, stdcx, iostr, etc).
The act of alleging.
Cautious Alleging Anti-Monopoly over State-owned Commercial Banks
When the cabinet fired General Rookmangud Katawal, alleging that he had defied civilian control and breached the terms of a 2006 peace deal, the Maoists were deserted by their coalition allies.
After Microsoft filed suit against Google, alleging Mr.Lee violated his employment contract, Google sued backed, accusing the company of 'a shocking display of hubris,' according to court documents.
"We have said if there is any proof of Pakistan's involvement we would like to see the proof of that because merely alleging something means nothing.
As I understand it you are alleging that someone (the uncrowned godfather?)is using electronic remote mind control.
Law enforcement agencies, even the Fed's, have limited resources that prohibit them from investigating every provider on whom they receive information alleging health care fraud.
His reputation was blemishedby a newspaper article alleging he had taken bribes.
2. His reputation was blemished by a newspaper article alleging he had taken bribes.
Dr Kelly was embroiledin a row between the Government and the BBC over a story alleging the Government exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein.
Angry relatives of the patient stormed the hospital Thursday night, alleging that electric shock caused her death, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
(c) a criminal proceeding commenced by a summons or charge against any Insured alleging any Wrongful Act.
Hearing that he would be punished by law, Wen burst out crying, alleging that he did not kill his wife with vice.
Alleging that Ihad the worst make-up
Gillis was one of several dissatisfied iPhone 3G customers who recently filed lawsuits alleging Apple falsely advertised the handset's performance.
Some people react so strongly against television news, alleging antagonistic bias.
But Merisant, a rival maker of artificial sweeteners, sued McNeil, alleging that the slogan was inaccurate.
Some parents have filed lawsuits alleging that faulty construction contributed to the school collapses, but no courts have accepted these cases.
Eastman Kodak Co. said it is suing Japan's Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. , alleging that the maker of Panasonic brand consumer electronics infringed Kodak's digital camera patents.
Uefa has given a 96-page report to Interpol alleging that 15 games in a variety of competitions were fixed.
Demoncrats cranked up the pressure on Tuesday, with House Demoncratic Leader,Nancy Pelosi, alleging Republicans had tried to cover up the Foley matter.
Democrats cranked up the pressure on Tuesday with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi alleging Republicans had tried to cover up the Foley matter.
However, disputes alleging discrimination will be processed through the Company Grievance and Appeal policy and procedure.
Around the world, legal actions are being brought against companies, boards and, in some cases, individual directors alleging negligence, abuses of power or infringement of the rights of minority shareholders.
Now, after more than a week of massive street protests by defiant Iranians alleging electoral fraud, sentiment in Israel is shifting.
At present some people, especially young people, are sceptical about the socialist system, alleging that socialism is not as good as capitalism.Such ideas must be firmly corrected.
His reputation was blemished by a newspaper article alleging he 'd evaded his taxes
His reputation was blemished by a newspaper article alleging he'd evaded his taxes.
Rather ,the person alleging financial difficulty must allege that it was contributed to, or caused by, the one accused of coercion.
Only after Geoghan left the area did Dussourd learn of his dark side.She sued the church in 1997, alleging Geoghan had molested three of her sons and her niece's four sons.
Mr .Mousavi has made an official complaint to the conservative dominated guardient council conservative-dominated Guardian Council alleging irregularities.
Immediately after the CPS announced its intention to prosecute Mr Lugovoi, he was flaunted on Russian state-controlled television, alleging that Litvinenko was a British spy and was killed by MI6.
Asked whether he was alleging Liverpool had 'tapped up'Heinze, Ferguson said: "We will see how it comes out.
Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ.
Morgan on Monday, alleging that Bear's board breached its fiduciary duty by accepting a low-ball bid for the firm.
The lawsuit was filed as an amendment to a current complaint alleging that Kraft's new four-pound plastic container for Maxwell House coffee infringes key P&G patents.
There were also much lower fines for cases alleging multiple environmental law violations in black neighborhoods.
Alleging the defeat of our armies, this government has entered into negotiations with the enemy with a view to bringing about a cessation of hostilities .
Since 1980 the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) has received about 280 complaints alleging damage from imports that benefit from subsidies by foreign governments.
The Parma supremo admits his side face a difficult task in securing Rossi's services, despite alleging to have made a sizeable bid.
" The photo released by the Oceanic Viking carried a headline alleging a mother minke whale and her calf were taken by Japanese whalers.
By alleging something that, if true, would weaken the plausibility of the advertiser's conclusion.
make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, esp. answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts.
(A)By alleging something that, if true, would weaken the plausibility of the advertiser’s conclusion.
Environmental groups have been permitted to file lawsuits alleging under enforcement of the Endangered Species Act;
This our Peeress declined as unnecessary, alleging that her cousin Thornhill's recommendation would be sufficient.
用作及物动词(vt.)The newspapers allege that the police shot the suspect without warning.
So they alleged, but have they any proof?
The police alleged that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.
In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime .