aggro是什么意思   aggro怎么读

英式:[ˈæɡrəu]    美式:[ˈæɡrəu]


n.暴力行为, 恼怒, 挑衅 adj.滋事的,挑衅的,激进的


名词复数: aggros |



1. (informal British usage) aggravation or aggression;

"I skipped it because it was too much aggro"

名词 aggro:

(informal British usage) aggravation or aggressionaggro[ 'æɡrəu ]n.(informal British usage) aggravation or aggression

"I skipped it because it was too much aggro"



I had a lot of aggro at the bank.


Don't give me any aggro or I'll call the police.


Simply phone the ticket hot-line and all that aggro will be a thing of the past.


They could see there wasn't going to be any aggro and they left us to it.


Watch your aggro when he goes under!


Shield Stun: Stuns the top of the aggro chart , 3 s stun.

盾牌昏迷: 最大眩晕,3秒钟晕眩.

Postponing new hospitals and roads causes far less aggro than sacking town hall or Whitehall workers ( Economist )

缓建新的医院和道路远远没有抢劫市政府或英国白厅的工作人员所引起的愤怒大 ( 经济学家 )

Aggro : Nobody badduh dan me!


Run Through: Charges random ( not top aggro ) target and applies a powerful wound on the target.

疾跑穿越: 目标随意,对目标产生强大的伤害.

On Aggro. > : Tremble mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!

颤抖吧凡人, 绝望吧! 毁灭降临了!

Crushing Dark: Deals 1500 shadow damage and stuns all targets within 30 m for 2 s, wipes aggro.

黑暗破碎: 1500点的暗影伤害,30米内的所有目标晕眩2秒, 清除攻击技能.

Do you know that what have no of aggro is dint?

知道什么是抗争的无力 吗 ?

I skipped it because it was too much aggro.


After completing the Black Morass encounter , all the additional mobs zone will no longer all aggro.


Screech draws a lot of aggro.


Don't give me any aggro or I'll call the police!


Volley of Shadow Swords: Launches swords at one target not the main aggro.

暗影箭连射: 向一个目标发射出很多的暗影箭,非主要攻击者.

They remain at the doors, but do not aggro the players.


Were we in for more aggro?

我们还要继续闹事 吗 ?

The owl I tamed was doing good at whole aggro without growl.


Don't give me any aggro or I'll call the police.



They could see there wasn't going to be any aggro and they left us to it.




Players will no longer lose control of their character if they tryto talk to an NPC while mobs are aggro on them.


The aggro range for players when under the effect of "Incite Chaos" while fighting Blackheart the Inciter in the Shadow Labrynth has been adjusted.

- 在与黑心煽动者战斗时,玩家中了“指使混乱”后引到怪的范围调整了。

After completing the Black Morass encounter, all the additional mobs in the zone will no longer all aggro.

- 在完成黑暗沼泽遭遇战以后刷新的怪物不会全部被引到了。

1500 Nature damage. He chaincast it on the highest aggro.


The two groups of 3 are not linked but all 6 will aggro if you pull one because the two groups are too close together.


"Postponing new hospitals and roads causes far less aggro than sacking town hall or Whitehall workers" (Economist)


Warrior does 83 damage on mob in battle stance, gains aggro.From above, we know it will take more than 83 * 0.8 * 1.1 = 73.04 threat to gain aggro.


"No, no aggro through floors, but hey... it's a house with a front door, a back door and a side door.


They remain at the doors, but do not aggro the players.


The whole life of the person come down be destine and meekly tolerate insult negative heavy, be want continuously of with desire aggro, particularly man, ever smoke cigarette of man!


He will jump down from his platform and the other Orcs will drop aggro and encircle the players as they watch their scary cook take on the players.


Again she'll randomly switch aggro between both tanks so healers have to be on the balls for that.


Ilzkal enters a confusion stage, where no aggro can be held and deals 150% more damage with regular attacks until he is slain.


But in some cases you may not want to grab aggro, for example when you want a second mob to trigger the trap instead or if you want to use the trap as a last ditch safety option.


If his aggro target isn't in reach of his Overhead Smash he'll cast Petrifying Breath on the raid.


When youre fighting one mob and suddenlly you get multiple aggro, and you know theres nothing you can do about it, youre gonna die.


when youre fighting one mob and suddenlly you get multiple aggro, and you know theres nothing you can do about it, youre gonna die ...

你正在和一个怪物战斗,突然来了另外一个怪物,你很清楚,现在你什么都做不了,等 死是唯一可以做的。

The inhospitality is a kind of special crime, only the person know this, we just probably with it make hard of aggro.


Forget I - Reduces a monster's level of hate for the Sorcerer. This spell does NOT wipe aggro; it only reduces the Sorcerer's hate score.


It is easy to show that taunt does not give the warrior any constant amount of threat.Have player 1 body pull a mob, but do no damage to it.He now has 0 threat, but has aggro.


Rest to full and buff up before examining the cracked wall (Keeping in mind skeletons aggro to resting)- examining triggers the fight immediately.

在检查裂墙之前做好准备,回复好,加保护(紧记让被激怒的骨架安静下来)- 检查就会立即引发战斗.

Q19: In the trailer, there is a scene where a character attacks multiple mobs with one skill. Will it be a good skill to aggro mobs?


If you would learn to manage your aggro right, you probably wouldn't have died last fight. And when your skin started to ignite, I turned the other way.


Implement aggro creatures at attack by player or pet creature from his family. Patch provided by darka.


In fact, the Trueshot Aura has such a powerful effect that the pets of Marksmanship-specced hunters tend to hold aggro considerably better than other pets.


Screech draws a lot of aggro.


screech draws a lot of aggro. the owl i tamed was doing good at whole aggro without growl. no, you cant teach a pet growl if it doesnt have training points, despite the fact that growl is free.


Because taunt is resistable and timing is subject to errors, however, encountering the aggro ceiling effect is a definite possibility.


When someone has enough aggro feel free to command it to attack, although its damage will be pretty low.


When the doomguard spawns it instantly aggro you and you can cast Curse Of Shadows + Enslave.


Mage does another 2 damage, and does gain aggro.


When you aggro a second monster and your first thought is, "Where's the best place to die?


when you aggro a second monster and your first thought is, "Where's the best place to die"


Dance of Shadow (77): Instantly allows party members to move without drawing aggro while decreasing their movement speed.


The reason you generally want to pull the mob before your pet establishes aggro is because you want the mob to be affected by your trap.


What we don't want is you not wanting to PW:S or use Divine Aegis on tanks during, say, Patchwerk because of aggro issues.


Again, we'd need to make sure that the tank could do something if they felt aggro slipping away.


We have seen several situations where Fade expired and aggro did not return to us until we acted, at which point it behaved as expected


We also don't have a lot of numbers on threat yet.Early indications are that druids, warriors and paladins have no trouble holding aggro most of the time.DKs may be a little low, but that'


I had a lot of aggro at the dole office.


I mentioned Fury pulling aggro because it suggests their damage may also be pretty RNG if they can't control it better.


the same coul dnot necessarily be said for Paladins should a snap aggro ability be added.


The damage isn’t very much, but it’s not likely to draw aggro.


With their aggro music, tattoos, piercings, and dreadlocks, P.


Useful for gaining extra aggro on one enemy or having the Voidwalker tank multiple enemies.


Certain classes with ways to permanently reduce their own aggro (rogues and hunters) can effectively ignore the impact of the aggro ceiling, via use of these abilities.


Yells on aggro: Nobody badduh dan me!


Aggro: Nobody badduh dan me!


Every other aggro reduction talent in the game has a secondary effect.Maybe attach dispel protection to this talent?


Aggro: Good news everyone! I think I have perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth!


Fireball - her primary ability. She chain casts this on her highest aggro target, just like Twin Emperors. It does approximately 5-7k fire damage.


Then mage starts attacking slowly.Mage does 73 damage, but does not gain aggro!


Shield Toss: Throws shield at a target dealing 2000 damage and stuns the target for 6s. Not main aggro.


Shield Stun: Stuns the top of the aggro chart, 3s stun.


Do you know that what have no of aggro is dint?


Divine Gaurdian is a buff that lasts 2 min and heals the target for 10% of their HP and reduces their aggro by a set amount (similar to the functionality of fade).


Strawman - Strong melee with a stun attack called Brain Bash ([url][/url]). Untankable, will randomly change aggro targets and is immune to taunt.


Simply put, for a mob to change aggro to a new target, the new target must have over 10% more threat than the mob's current target.


Postponing new hospitals and roads causes far less aggro than sacking town hall or Whitehall workers(Economist)


Now have the warrior taunt, and do nothing.After the 3 seconds, the warrior will lose aggro.He is now on 0 threat, but does not have the more than 0 required to gain aggro, by the 10% rule.


Shaman MT is dead because of two things: insufficient DR from mail to handle multi-mob pulls, and no AoE aggro talent.


KOS - Killed on Sight. If an Orc goes to a Human Guard, the Guard would try to kill on sight (aggro).


Games against BR aggro basically boil down to getting a Faerie to stick on the board and outracing them.


The behaviour can be described as "temporary aggro, permament threat".


This is manifested by lower ranges of spells, higher mana pools, lower mana costs, less creep aggro and most importantly less gold from creeps vs heroes.


This is only a description of the normal mob targetting. Obviously there are mobs who will attack secondary targets withspecial abilities, ignoring their current threat / aggro.


This power also lowers your target's aggro radius and reduces the likelihood that your target will flee when life points run low.


Eyes of the Beast no longer transfers aggro from the possessed pet to the controlling hunter.


Note that you do not need tons of spell damage in order to hold aggro, 600-800 buffed suffices.


There are some annoying parts of the non-pet ghoul.We want to lower the aggro range (for less accidental pulls) and spawn the ghoul in quicker when dismounting.


First, The aggro of the thought begin to turn into aggressive of activity now, this can see from the work spirit corpus of the variety and write the change of location.


The owl I tamed was doing good at whole aggro without growl.



Don't give me any aggro or I'll call the police.

I had a lot of aggro at the dole office.

The owl I tamed was doing good at whole aggro without growl.