affordably是什么意思   affordably怎么读

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adv. 不太昂贵地





It's affordably priced and they throw in a free flat screen.


First, to educate as many young Californians as affordably as possible.


I can't afford the both of you, but I can afford him.

我可请不起两个人 但还能请得起他

Sir, respectfully, if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat here.

先生 恭敬说一句 你要是给不起小费 那你在这儿也吃不起

I bought you a car because you couldn't afford one, but suddenly you can afford all of this.

我给你买车是因为你买不起 但你一下子就有钱买这些了

Can't afford a room with a view, but you can afford a $6,000 watch.

住不起观景房 却戴得起六千元的表

Sticking these kids in jail when they can't afford bail, they can't afford lawyers, because they made a dumb decision, it doesn't work.

他们只因为一时犯傻 然后付不起保释金 请不起律师 就把他们关进监狱里是解决不了问题的

Yeah, you know, if these people can afford to pay for yoga, they can afford to pay me to rent a scooter.

如果这些家伙负担得起瑜伽课 他们也能付得起滑板车的租金

Speaking on behalf of the mayor's office, we can afford a settlement more than we can afford the 24hour news cycle going for our jugulars.

代表市长办公室 我们可以支付和解金 但承担不起24小时滚动新闻 带来的负面影响

Always seemed to me, as far as conscience goes, the sweet spot is you either be poor enough you can't afford to have one or rich enough you can afford to hire someone to carry the weight.

我一直觉得良心这个东西 它的好处在于 你要么穷到没有良心 要么富到可以 雇别人干丧良心的事

I couldn't afford them if they were real.

如果是真迹的话 我可买不起

Which I can't afford, because of the crack.

不过我是买不起的 我全拿来吸毒了