adenitis是什么意思   adenitis怎么读

英式:[ˌædə'naɪtɪs]    美式:[ˌædə'naɪtɪs]


n. [医]腺炎




1. inflammation of a gland or lymph node

名词 adenitis:

inflammation of a gland or lymph node

adenitis[ ,ædə'naitis ]n.inflammation of a gland or lymph node



Itmay be helpful in providing alternative diagnoses such as omental infarction or mesenteric adenitis.




Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a 1 million-square-mile waterway between Somalia and Yemen.


Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a1 million-square-mile waterway between Somalia and Yemen.


The Navy ship USS Cole was bombed in 2000 by al-Qaida members in a speedboat in the Yemeni port of Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors.


Chinese naval fleet en route to the Gulf of Aden and the waters off Somalia completed its first replenishment at sea when it entered the Indian Ocean Tuesday afternoon.


The 2nd group of Chinese navy escort ships will set sail for the Gulf of Aden Thursday from Zhanjiang to replace a flotilla sent earlier to guard against pirates.


The scattering intensity distribution function of Al 2O 3/C composite microparticle have been calculated by using Aden?s and Kerker?s theory of Mie scattering. The factor affected on scattering intensity distribution is analysied.

Aden和M . Kerker复合微粒子Mie散射理论计算了Al2 O3/C复合微粒子的散射强度分布函数 ,分析了影响散射强度分布的因素

CD44v6,bcl-2,and VEGF play roles in oncog enesis and prog ression of endometrial aden ocarcinoma. Detection of these g ene proteins may be helpful for early dia g nosis ,prog nosis prediction,and t reatment of endometrial carcinoma.


Large Aden gerbil

n. 阿拉伯小沙鼠

Skene's gland adenitis

Skene腺炎, 尿道旁腺炎

infectious adenitis

[医] 传染性腺炎

universal adenitis

[医] 全身淋巴结炎

primitive syphilitic adenitis

[医] 初期梅毒淋巴结炎

adenitis hyperplastica

[医] 增生性淋巴结炎

acute epidemic infection adenitis

[医] 急性流行性淋巴结炎, 传染性单核白细胞增多

acute salivary adenitis

[医] 急性涎腺炎

adenitis tropicalis

[医] 性病性淋巴肉芽肿

chancrous adenitis

[医] 横痃, 下疳性淋巴结炎

Aden fever

[医] 登革热

Will the Global Hawks be working at 55,000 feet for the Navy in sleuthing out pirates in the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and the Red Sea?


“For the future, the things to watch will be naval presence operations, such as the one initiated by the deployment to the Gulf of Aden,” Wortzel said.

“对于未来,看的东西将是海军的行动,如倡导的部署到亚丁湾, ”伍尔泽说。

Pagonis says the UN HCR has been calling for increased action to save lives in the Gulf of Aden and other waters.


A maritime official says Somali pirates have hijacked a Yemeni cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden.


Three vessels have just completed an anti-piracy tour in the Gulf of Aden.


One crewman was found alive after six days adrift in the Gulf of Aden, and one is confirmed dead, said Wicharn Sirichaiekawat, owner of the Ekawat Nava 5.


The UN Security Council last week gave nations a one-year mandate to act inside lawless Somalia to stop the rampant piracy in the Gulf of Aden.


Note: To capture true popularity, our exclusive baby names list combines names that sound the same but have multiple spellings (like Aden, Aiden, and Ayden).


However, a drive to Iran, flying the flag of Hong Kong's food carriers in the Gulf of Aden by Somali pirates hijacked, highlights the difficulty of the fight against piracy.


However, in the beginning of the new year's New Year's Day, there is an Egyptian cargo ship after falling into the Gulf of Aden when the hands of pirates.


The Economic and Commercial Section of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Aden


Three Chinese naval ships are on their way to the Gulf of Aden to join an international fleet fighting piracy in the waters off Somalia.


China is considering sending naval vessels to the Aden Gulf and seas off the Somali coast for convoy.


A country in eastern Africa on the Gulf of Aden,formerly under French control.


a country in eastern Africa on the Gulf of Aden; formerly under French control.


The Ash Shihr, Yemen Port is located on the Gulf of Aden.


Urban Roads in Aden of Republic of Yemen.


Research for Container Terminal Transportation System on Port of Aden, the Republic of Yemen


Yemen (Aden), cinema in


A country of southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula.It was formed when Yemen(or North Yemen)merged with Southern Yemen in May1990.Sana is the capital and Aden the largest city.Population, 8, 959, 000.


A country of southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula. It was formed when Yemen(or North Yemen) merged with Southern Yemen in May1990. Sana is the capital and Aden the largest city. Population,8, 959, 000.


capital and largest city and chief port of Yemen; located on the Gulf of Aden; its strategic location have made it a major trading center of S Arabia since ancient times.


a country of southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula. It was formed when Yemen(or North Yemen) merged with Southern Yemen in May1990. Sana is the capital and Aden the largest city. Population,8,959,000


Aden and The Federation of South Arabia


Aden is a former British protectorate.


Islamic Army of Aden


Maritime Training Centre at Aden;


port of Aden


the Gulf of Aden


“Pirate Alley,” the area of the Gulf of Aden traditionally most prone to pirate activity, is now heavily patrolled by international naval forces.


Gulf of Aden Subregional Training and Response Centre for Combating Oil Pollution;


Aden ulcer

亚丁溃疡, 东方疖

Rising and developing of the Aden Free Zone


while Passepartout, according to custom, sauntered about among the mixed population of Somalis, Banyans, Parsees, Jews, Arabs and Europeans who comprise the twenty-five thousand inhabitants of Aden.


Pirates have launched more than 100 attacks this year in the Gulf of Aden, one of the world's busiest shipping lanes, and are currently holding about a dozen vessels.


It is thirteen hundred and ten miles from Suez to Aden, at the other end of the Red Sea, and she has to take in a fresh coal supply.'


The SAS were in Malaya in the 1940s and Aden in the 1960s.


Socotra Archipelago is 250 kilometres, northwest of Indian ocean, near Aden bay;including 4 islands and 2 rock islands located on the expanding line of Afria angle.


OSPAR convention; Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden;


Draft Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden;


CNFA; Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden;


Learn what health problems are associated with this breed: hip dysplasia, digestive maladies, eye disorders, sebaceous adenitis (a genetic skin disease) and thyroid problems.


Six Somali pirates were captured by sailors of the frigate Karlsruhe in the Gulf of Aden.


The rest of the Aden paraffin are arranged in Hatch No.4 lower hold fore part. Maybe it's omitted in the plan.


A steamer service calling at Port Said, Aden and all points east, ie all other ports further east


a steamer service calling at Port Said,Aden and all points east


BEIJING "AFP" - China warned Somali pirates on Tuesday it was prepared to use force when its navy ships arrive in the Gulf of Aden to combat a wave of piracy that has disrupted international shipping.



南也门 亚丁港

Deployment in the Gulf of Aden extends its navy's reach across the Indian Ocean, whose sea lanes are crucial to trade for one of the world's fastest growing economies.


Indian Ocean: continental shelf of the northern Indian Ocean from the Gulf of Aden to Sri Lanka and Madras, India.

印度洋: 印度洋北部从亚丁湾到斯里兰卡与马德拉斯布,印度的大陆棚。

Xia men to Aden air tickets xia men to Aden special airfares xia men to Aden discount tickets,


for he had been obliged to make long circuits from London to Aden, from Aden to Bombay, from Calcutta to Singapore, and from Singapore to Yokohama.


The IMB says this brings to 95, the number of ships hijacked by pirates this year in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off Somalia.


The International Maritime Bureau says that the latest hijackings both took place in the Gulf of Aden, the narrow waterway between Somalia and Yemen.


Isolation of Mycobacterium bovis from human cases of cervical adenitis in Tanzania: a cause for concern?


ADEN Services combines three main divisions: CATERING - CLEANING - SECURITY


ADEN Services in Asia is a unique service provider with:2,000 employees、80 clients、 Unique hygiene management、 Latest technology( equipment, software)、 Constant innovation in our service development and methods.


Established in China in 1999, ADEN Services is a subsidiary of ADEN Services (Asia) Co., Ltd a leading multi-service provider with offices in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Laos and Taiwan.


Established in China in1999, ADEN Services is a subsidiary of ADEN Services( Asia) Co., Ltd a leading multi-service provider with offices in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Laos and Taiwan.


For years, the death toll has been mounting among Somalis and Ethiopians crossing the Gulf of Aden in rickety smugglers boats.


For years, the death toll has been mounting among Somalis and Ethiopians crossing the Gulf of Aden in rickety smugglers' boats.


Mesenteric adenitis due to Pasteurella multocida
